Slovenska arbitražna praksa je revija s prispevki s področja gospodarske arbitraže. Zbirka obsega arhiv od leta 2012. Izhaja 3 x letno.
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Brezplačna registracijaMarko Djinović, prof. dr. Aleš Galič
Misel »bogastvo preteklosti za izzive sedanjosti« (lat. ubere preterito pro presenti) je idealna popotnica za ta izjemen jubilej, ki vsebuje dve pomembni sporočili. Po eni strani smo lahko upravičeno ponosni na bogastvo, ki smo ga ustvarili v preteklosti, po drugi strani pa v preteklosti ne smemo zastati. Dolgoletna tradicija, uveljavljena blagovna znamka, samostojno in strokovno neodvisno delovanje ter zaupanje uporabnikov, so kapital Stalne arbitraže pri GZS, ki smo ga z našimi predhodniki soustvarili v preteklih devetdesetih letih. Vendar nam prav to nalaga posebno odgovornost, da bomo znali dolgoletno zaupanje upravičiti tudi pri spoprijemanju z izzivi sedanjosti in prihodnosti in da bomo še uspešnejši kot doslej.
Daniel Greineder in Konstantin Christie
Doing business internationally involves many forms of cooperation between different parties, which may loosely be described as joint ventures (“JVs”). This article explores the types of disputes that may arise among joint venture partners and makes some practical proposals for initiating and managing them in international arbitration.
dr. Robert Muharremi
The article addresses legal and policy issues concerning the applicable law in international commercial arbitration. International commercial arbitration contains at least one international element, such as nationality or residence of the parties, which leads to questions about which national law would be applicable to the arbitration. There are at least three different issues in international commercial arbitration, where questions about the applicable law may become relevant. The first question is which law applies to the arbitration agreement, as this will determine if such agreement is valid to serve as a legal basis for arbitration proceedings. The second question is which law will apply to the establishment of the arbitration tribunal, the arbitration proceedings and what role with the national courts play in the arbitration proceedings. The third question related to the question, which law the arbitral tribunal will apply to the substance of the dispute and if the arbitral tribunal is required to apply private international law rules in the absence of a choice of law by the parties.
Dr. Jur. Ihab Amro
This article deals in theory and in practice with the international legal framework regulating both electronic commerce (‘e-commerce’) and online mediation (‘e-mediation’), considering that both online mediation, as part of online dispute resolution techniques (‘ODR’), and e-commerce, as part of the digital economy, are connected in practice. This is attributed to the fact that e-mediation is mainly used for resolution of disputes arising out of, or in connection with, e-commerce transactions. This international legal framework includes both hard laws and soft laws, i.e. the EU Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes of 2013, the Technical Notes on Online Dispute Resolution adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (‘UNCITRAL’) in 2016, and the UNCITRAL Model Laws on both electronic commerce and electronic signatures. This article concludes with findings regarding the main ideas of the topic, along with recommendations that provide practical solutions for facing the new challenges of the digital economy, including the need for amendment of the international legal framework regulating e-commerce, and national laws on mediation, including e-mediation. Apart from that, this article recommends using e-mediation as a mechanism for resolution of disputes resulting from e-commerce transactions between contracting and non-contracting parties.
Boštjan Špec
Zakon o arbitraži določa, da se arbitražni postopek začne z zahtevo stranke, naj se spor predloži arbitraži, če se stranki ne sporazumeta drugače. Šele kasneje, ko je arbitražni senat že imenovan, stranka načeloma vloži tudi tožbo. Enak način poteka postopka določajo tudi Arbitražna pravila Stalne Arbitraže pri Gospodarski Zbornici Slovenije. V praksi se neredko zgodi, da stranke v zahtevi za arbitražo in kasnejši tožbi in v odgovorih nanje (iz previdnosti) podvajajo svoje navedbe in predloge. Dejanska podlaga v zahtevi za arbitražo mora, poleg osnovnih podatkov in postopkovnih vprašanj, izkazovati zgolj obstoj arbitražnega sporazuma glede zatrjevanega spora in opisa okoliščin, iz katerih izvira zahtevek. Namen zahteve za arbitražo in odgovora nanjo se tako kaže predvsem v predhodnem preverjanju pristojnosti arbitraže, kar preprečuje obširno podvajanje navedb strank in omogoča hiter in ekonomičen arbitražni postopek.
dr. Simon Gabriel in dr. Nataša Hadžimanović
The present contribution focuses on the consequences of a party's breach of an arbitration agreement in international arbitration proceedings. The question whether or not monetary compensation can be awarded regularly arises in international arbitration practice and clear answers are rare in legal literature. Monetary compensation for breach of an arbitration agreement in pending arbitration proceedings requires that: (i) the arbitral tribunal has jurisdiction over the arbitration agreement; (ii) substantive parts of the arbitration agreement are affected; and (iii) new substantive claims can still be submitted in the pending proceedings. If the first requirement should not be fulfilled, a party may still be in a position to submit its claims before a state court. If the second requirement should not be fulfilled, a party may be limited to request procedural consequences (such as default), but no substantive relief such as damages. If the third requirement should not be fulfilled, a party may still be in a position to submit its claims in new arbitration proceedings. Against this background, every analysis on the consequences of the breach of an arbitration agreement should focus on the distinction between substantive and procedural parts of the arbitration agreement in the first place. Only substantive obligations may lead to substantive consequences such as monetary compensation. The present contribution proposes a test for this distinction and explains its application for the following three typical scenarios: (i) initiation of state court proceedings instead of arbitration, (ii) non-payment of the required advance on costs; and (iii) breach of confidentiality obligations.
Jakob Šešok
Spori iz konkurenčnega prava prvotno niso veljali za arbitrabilne. Po sprejemu sodb v zadevah Mitsubishi (Vrhovno sodišče ZDA) oziroma Eco Swiss (Sodišče EU) je splošno sprejeto, da so tudi konkurenčno pravne zadeve lahko podvržene arbitražnemu reševanju sporov. Razmerje med arbitražo in konkurenčnim pravom EU odpira štiri pomembna pravna vprašanja, ki so obravnavana v pričujočem prispevku: (i) dolžnost arbitrov, da ex officio uporabijo norme konkurenčnega prava, (ii) avtonomija strank in uporaba kogentnih konkurenčno pravnih norm, (iii) standard presoje, ki ga nacionalna sodišča vršijo pri odločanju o arbitražnih odločbah, ki se nanašajo na konkurenčno pravo, ter (iv) sodelovanje Evropske komisije in arbitraže na področju konkurenčnega prava. Obravnava izpostavljenih vprašanj kaže, da je arbitraža postala učinkovit način za reševanje konkurenčno pravnih sporov. Razvoj arbitražnega prava je prešel v fazo, ko to priznava tudi Evropska komisija. Slednje ne sme biti niti presenečenje niti naključje. Tako EU kot arbitraža v osnovi služita enakemu cilju – spodbujanju svobodne gospodarske pobude in mednarodne trgovine.
Sokol Elmazaj
The purpose of this article is to provide a snapshot of the legal framework of domestic arbitration, recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in Albania.
The Ljubljana Arbitration Centre
LAC’s Secretary General Marko Djinović and senior legal counsel Peter Rižnik will speak on the topic “Arbitrability of Concession Disputes in Slovenia” in Belgrade, 6 October 2017 at the conference marking the 70th Anniversary of the Permanent Arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia.
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