Z zgodovinskim razvojem je kazensko pravo prerastlo razmerje med žrtvijo in storilcem. Kazniva dejanja so postala kršitev temeljnih družbenih vrednot, odziv nanje pa si je pridržala država. Žrtev, ki je nekoč sama odločala o kaznovalnem odzivanju, je tako ostala le še vir informacij za organe postopka. Na slab položaj žrtev kaznivih dejanj so začela opozarjati gibanja za pravice žrtev kaznivih dejanj in spodbudila reforme kazenskih postopkov ter sprejetje mednarodnih pravnih instrumentov. Evropske države je h krepitvi položaja žrtev kaznivih dejanj zavezalo pravo Sveta Evrope in Evropske unije. Avtorica obravnava pravice, ki oškodovancu omogočajo, da v kazenskem postopku (aktivnejše) sodeluje. Tako vključevanje oškodovanca v kazenski postopek in posledično krepitev njegovega položaja navadno spremlja razprava o vplivu reform na temeljna načela kazenskega postopka in tradicionalna procesna razmerja. V slovenski ureditvi se je nedavno prelila v argumentacijo Ustavnega sodišča RS, ki je odločilo, da mora imeti oškodovanec pravico do pritožbe za varstvo svojih procesnih pravic. Dodaten korak v smeri opolnomočenja oškodovanca je napravil slovenski zakonodajalec, ko je razširil njegovo pravico do pritožbe zoper sodbo.
With historical development, the criminal law outgrew the relationship between the victim and the perpetrator. Criminal offences have become violations of fundamental social values and the response to them became reserved for the state. The victim, which once made its own decision about the punitive response, thus remained particularly the source of information for procedural authorities. The poor position of victims of crime was pointed out by movements for the rights of victims of crime, which encouraged reforms of criminal procedures. In Europe, the Council of Europe and the European Union stood up for the strengthening of the position of victims of crime. The author examines rights, which allow the victim to (more actively) participate in the criminal procedure. Such inclusion of the victim into the criminal procedure and consequently strengthening of its position is generally followed by a discussion about the impact of reforms on the fundamental principles of the criminal procedure and the traditional procedural relationships. In the Slovenian regulation it has recently transformed into an argumentation of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, which decided that the victim was entitled to the right to appeal in order to protect its procedural rights. An additional step towards the empowerment of the victim was made by the Slovenian legislator, when it broadened the victim’s right to appeal against the judgement.
From the Overlooked to the Empowered Procedural Subject? A Rebirth of the Victim in the Criminal Procedure
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