Slovenski pravni red zapustniku dopušča, da z oporoko razdeli svoje premoženje po svojih željah. Pri sestavljanju oporoke se mora držati zahtev, ki jih predpisuje Zakon o dedovanju, njihovo neupoštevanje pa lahko povzroči neveljavnost oporoke. Slovensko pravo pozna več oblik oporoke. Prva možnost je lastnoročna oporoka, ki jo zapustnik lastnoročno spiše in podpiše. Oporoko lahko napiše tudi tretja oseba, zapustnik pa se le podpiše ob navzočnosti dveh prič in izjavi, da je to njegova volja (pisna oporoka pred pričami). Če tako oporoko sestavlja sodnik, gre za sodno oporoko. Priznana je tudi mednarodna oporoka, posebno vrsto razpolaganja pa pomeni notarska oporoka, ki je prav tako urejena drugje kot preostale oporoke. Za izredne razmere ostaja ustna oporoka, ki ima omejen čas veljave. Nikjer pa ni omenjena elektronska (digitalna) oporoka, čeprav bi bilo glede na skokovit razvoj digitalne tehnologije to vsekakor vredno razmisleka z ekonomskega in praktičnega vidika. Prispevek predstavlja obličnostne zahteve posamezne oblike oporoke s primeri iz sodne prakse, na koncu pa se dotakne tudi elektronske oblike in problematike, povezane z njo.
Slovenian law allows a testator to make a will and in it expressly state how he wants his estate to be divided upon his death. However, to be valid, the will must conform to the requirements of the Slovenian Inheritance Act. The testator’s failure to comply with the requirements will invalidate the will. Slovenian law recognizes several different types of wills. One such type is a holographic will, which is entirely handwritten and signed by the testator. The second type is will when testator must sign the will in front of two simultaneously present witnesses and state at that time that the written document is his last will and testament. Another type is the Court’s will which can be made only in cooperation with the court. Slovenian law also recognizes the validity of an international will, special type is a notarial will which is regulated in Notaries Act. In exceptional circumstances is allowed an oral will where the period of its validity is of very short duration. However, neither the Slovenian Inheritance Act nor the Notaries Act presently recognizes the validity of an electronic (digital) will, despite the facts that given the exponential development of digital technology recognizing such wills makes much sense from both a practical and economic standpoint. This article will discuss the various
forms of wills currently recognized by Slovenian law, as set forth in the Inheritance Act, the Notaries Act and case law. The article also will discuss the use of digital wills and issues related thereto.
The Forms of Wills in Slovenian Law and the Possibility of an Electronic Will
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