Načelo zakonitosti je temeljno načelo kazenskega prava. Načelo delimo na štiri samostojna načela oziroma zahteve, ki skupaj pomenijo konkretizacijo načela zakonitosti. To so: načelo zapisanosti (nullum crimen sine lege scripta), načelo določenosti (nullum crimen sine lege certa), prepoved retroaktivnosti (nullum crimen sine lege praevia) in prepoved analogije (nullum crimen sine lege stricta). Vsa skupaj so nepovezana celota, znotraj katere se postavljajo zanimiva teoretična vprašanja, pri čemer pa je temeljna dilema, koliko svobode ima sodnik pri razlagi zakonskih določb Kazenskega zakonika in kako lahko te razlaga, da pri tem ne krši načela zakonitosti. V prispevku avtor razvije tudi teoretična pogleda na odnos do kazenskopravnih določb in način njihove razlage – koncept maksimalne določenosti in koncept supremacije teleološke interpretacije, ki po njegovem mnenju pojasnita pogosto zelo raznolike pristope razlage kazenskopravnih norm v Sloveniji.
The principle of legality is a fundamental principle of criminal law. It is divided into four separate principles or requirements, which together represent the concretisation of the principle of legality. These are: the principle of written form (nullum crimen sine lege scripta), the principle of certainty (nullum crimen sine lege certa), the prohibition of retroactivity (nullum crimen sine lege praevia) and the prohibition of analogy (nullum crimen sine lege stricta). Together they represent an unrelated whole, within which interesting theoretical questions are raised, the fundamental dilemma being how much freedom a judge has in interpreting the statutory provisions of the Criminal Code and how he or she can interpret it without violating the principle of legality. The author also develops theoretical views on the relation to criminal law provisions and the way they are interpreted – the concept of maximum certainty and the concept of supremacy of teleological interpretation, which, in the author’s opinion, explain the often very diverse approaches to the interpretation of criminal law norms in Slovenia.
The Principle of Legality in Criminal Law – The Concept of Maximum Certainty and the Concept of Supremacy of the Teleological Interpretation of the Criminal Law Norm
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