Pravo mora temeljiti na (vsaj) zadostni etični podlagi. Ta podlaga je še posebej pomembna za obstoj in učinkovito delovanje pravne države (vladavine prava). T. i. umetna inteligenca (UI), ki ima vedno pomembnejšo vlogo tudi v pravu, ni človeška in v resnici ni primerljiva s človeško večrazsežnostno avtentično inteligenco. Toda UI nenehno napreduje v razvoju in vedno bolje posnema človeške kognitivne in druge funkcije. Pri tem v marsičem tudi presega obstoječe človeške zmožnosti mišljenja in delovanja. Toda UI niti v sedanjih oblikah niti na njeni zamišljeni najvišji stopnji razvoja, tj. kot povsem avtonomna in samogenerirajoča se splošna inteligenca, ne more doseči lastnosti avtentične človeškosti in človečnosti (humanosti). Ti dve lastnosti sta za obstoj etike in prava ključni. V tem pogledu pomeni poleg (1) etičnih deficitov na različnih družbenih področjih ter (2) totalitarnih režimov največjo grožnjo etiki in pravu
(3) osamosvojena UI, ki se je sposobna obrniti od človeka ali celo proti njemu in ga nadvladati. V prvih dveh primerih je izničena človečnost prava, v zadnjem, za zdaj le namišljenem primeru, pa hkrati tudi njegova človeškost, kar je najslabši možni scenarij, ki ga je treba preprečiti z ohranjanjem avtentičnih etičnih vrednot in vrednot pravne države (vladavine prava).
Law must be based on (at least) a sufficient ethical foundation. This foundation is particularly important for the existence and effective functioning of the rule of law. So-called artificial intelligence (AI), which is playing an increasingly important role in law, is not human and in reality cannot be compared to multidimensional authentic human intelligence. However, AI is constantly evolving and increasingly mimics human cognitive and other functions, often surpassing existing human thinking and acting capabilities. Nevertheless, neither in its current form nor in its envisioned highest stage of development as a fully autonomous and self-generating general intelligence can AI achieve the qualities of authentic humanity and humanness. These two qualities are essential for the existence of both ethics and law. In this regard, besides (i) ethical deficits in various societal domains and (ii) totalitarian regimes, the greatest threat to ethics and law is (iii) a fully autonomous AI that has the potential to turn away from or even against humanity and eventually overwhelm it. In the first two scenarios, the humanity of law is nullified, while in the latter scenario —which is currently only an ima- gination — both humanity and humanness of law are extinguished. This is the worst possible scenario, which must be prevented by preserving authentic ethical values and the values of the rule of law.
The ethics of law and artificial intelligence
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