Sodno varstvo v sporih iz koncesijskih pogodb je razdeljeno med sodišča splošne pristojnosti in upravna sodišča. To je odraz dvojne narave koncesijskih pogodb, pri katerih se prepletajo elementi civilnega (pogodbenega) prava in upravnega prava. Če predmet spora spada na področje upravnega prava, kar se pogosto kaže v tem, da koncedent v zvezi z izvajanjem koncesijske pogodbe izdaja upravne akte ali druge akte oblastnega pomena, je sodno varstvo pravi- loma zagotovljeno pred upravnimi sodišči. Če pa se spor nanaša na vprašanje, ki je urejeno s pravili pogodbenega prava, gre za spor, o katerem odločajo sodišča splošne pristojnosti. Posebna ureditev velja za koncesijske pogodbe, ki spadajo na področje uporabe prava EU. Te so podvržene tudi sodnemu varstvu po pravilih ZPVPJN. Vendar taka razmejitev pristojnosti nujno ne vzdrži, saj zakonska ureditev med javnopravnimi in zasebnopravnimi elementi koncesijske pogodbe pogosto dovolj jasno ne razlikuje, to pa vodi do podajanja zadev med različnimi sodišči in do (nepotrebnega) podaljševanja postopka. O sporih iz koncesijskih pogodb bi tako moralo odločati eno samo sodišče, to je upravno sodišče.
In disputes arising from concession contracts, judicial protection is divided between courts of general jurisdiction and administrative courts. This reflects the dual nature of concession contracts, which incorporate elements of civil (contract) law and administrative law. If the subject matter of the dispute falls within the sphere of administrative law, as is frequently demonstrated by the grantor’s issuance of administrative acts or other acts of authority in connection with the performance of the concession contract, judicial protection is generally provided before administrative courts. However, if the dispute involves a matter governed by the rules of contract law, the dispute falls within the jurisdiction of the courts of general jurisdiction. A special regime applies to concession contracts falling within the scope of EU law, which are also subject to judicial protection under the rules of the ZPVPJN. However, such a delimitation of jurisdiction does not necessarily hold, as the statutory regime frequently fails to distinguish clearly enough between the public law and the private law elements of a concession contract, resulting in cases being brought before different courts and to (unnecessary) prolongation of the proceedings. Disputes arising from concession contracts should therefore be decided by a single court, i.e. the Administrative Court.
Judicial Protection in Concession Contract Disputes
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