Upravljanje migracij v Evropski uniji (EU) je tradicionalno vroč kostanj. To so potrdila tudi dolgotrajna pogajanja za sprejetje Uredbe (EU) 2024/1351 na področju upravljanja azila in migracij v EU, ki med drugim ureja način določanja pristojne države članice za obravnavo prošenj za mednarodno zaščito in vzpostavlja sistem solidarnosti. Uredba kot možnost mirnega reševanja sporov navaja poravnavo, ki predvideva uporabo več sredstev diplomatskega reševanja sporov, pri čemer ne posega v pristojnost Sodišča EU. Čeprav uredba izrecno ne predvideva hierarhije sredstev mirnega reševanja sporov, lahko zaznamo, da daje prednost diplomatskim sredstvom reševanja sporov – najprej med državami samimi, po potrebi ob sodelovanju Komisije. Pri preprečevanju in reševanju sporov ima uporaba novih tehnologij z umetnointeligenčnimi sistemi velik potencial za hitrejšo obdelavo ogromnih količin podatkov in informacij, kar je lahko ključno pri pravočasnem in učinkovitem ukrepanju ter zbliževanju stališč držav, ki so ključna za mirno reševanje sporov, prav tako pa lahko pomembno prispeva- jo k ustrezni implementaciji sprejetih rešitev. Članek obravnava problematiko intersekcijsko z vidika mednarodnega prava, prava EU in relevantnih pravnih vprašanj, povezanih z uporabo umetnointeligenčnih sistemov.
For EU Member States, migration management is a particularly sensitive area, which is confirmed by the lengthy negotiations for the adoption of Regulation (EU) 2024/1351. The latter, among other things, regulates the method for determining the Member State responsible for processing applications for international protection and establishes a system of solidarity. As an option for the peaceful settlement of disputes, the Regulation mentions conciliation, which provides for the use of more diplomatic dispute resolution, without prejudice to the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU. Although the Regulation does not explicitly provide for a hierarchy of means of peaceful dispute resolution, it can be seen that it favours diplomatic means of dispute resolution - first between the countries themselves, with the involvement of the Commission where necessary. In dispute prevention and resolution, the use of new technologies with artificially intelligent systems has great potential to process huge amounts of data and information more quickly, which can be crucial for timely and effective action, convergence of states‘ positions, which is crucial for peaceful settlement of disputes, and can also make a significant contribution to the proper implementation of agreed solutions. The article addresses the issue intersectionally from the perspective of international law, EU law and relevant legal issues related to the use of artificial intelligence systems.
Artificial intelligence and peaceful settlement of disputes under Regulation (EU) 2024/1351 in the field of asylum and migration management in the EU
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