Pravila o povračilu stroškov, ki so bili opravljeni v tujo korist, so pri nas urejena razpršeno, v
okviru prava neupravičene obogatitve, poslovodstva brez naročila, pogodbenega in stvarnega
prava. Kljub izhodiščno podobnim položajem se pravila med seboj razlikujejo. Nekatera bolj
varujejo interes upnika, da dobi povrnjenih čim več vloženih sredstev, druga pa se nagibajo k
zaščiti dolžnika pred prisilnim financiranjem tujih ekonomskih odločitev. Prispevek se osredotoča
na nekatera odprta vprašanja pri povračilu stroškov v širšem kontekstu in v okviru
prava neupravičene obogatitve. Avtorica zagovarja stališče, da je treba pravila o stroških razlagati
čim bolj enotno, ne glede na to, ali gre za kondikcijske ali verzijske zahtevke. Čeprav
so pravila o stroških v SPZ v nekaterih primerih specialnejša od tistih v OZ, pa se ni mogoče
strinjati, da molče derogirajo pravila o stroških prava neupravičene obogatitve. V prispevku so
predstavljeni tudi pomisleki o uveljavljenem stališču glede 48. člena SPZ, po katerem upnik,
ki je vlagal v tujo nepremičnino, ne more zahtevati povrnitve stroškov vlaganj, temveč le toliko,
kolikor je zaradi vlaganj narasla tržna vrednost nepremičnine.
Rules on reimbursement of expenditures incurred on someone else’s property can be found
in various branches of private law, such as the law of unjustified enrichment, negotiorum gestio,
contract law and property law. Even though these rules to certain extent deal with very
similar situations, they differ from one another in various aspects. While some of them are
more favourable to the creditor in getting his investment back as much as possible, the others
are more inclined toward protecting the debtor against forced financing of foreign economic
decisions. The paper focuses on some open issues concerning reimbursement of costs in a
broader context and under the law of unjustified enrichment. The author takes the view that
the rules on reimbursement of costs should be interpreted as uniformly as possible, regardless
if they stem from performance-based or non-performance-based enrichment claims. Even
though the rules of the owner/possessor model are more specific than the rules on unjustified
enrichment, the author does not share the view that the owner/possessor model silently derogates
the restitutionary rules of the law of unjustified enrichment. The paper also presents
concerns against the established position that a creditor investing in someone else’s land
cannot recover from its owner the value of the costs, but only the increase of market value of
the property which occurred due to such improvements.
Restitution of Improvements on Land of Another
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