Sredstva, ki jih gospodarski subjekti potrebujejo za opravljanje svoje poslovne dejavnosti. Poleg tega so bilančno nepremičnine lahko tudi dolgoročne naložbe. Naložbene nepremičnine poslovni subjekti kupujejo z namenom ustvarjanja prihodnjih kapitalskih dobičkov. Posebej so pomembe, ker imajo običajno visoko finančno vrednost glede na druga sredstva v lasti subjekta. Nepremičnine imajo pravno-ekonomsko in širše družboslovno tudi različne definicije. Avtorja to v prispevku prikažeta. Za poslovni subjekt je nabavna vrednost nepremičnine tista, ki se knjiži in vodi v izkazih stanja. Vendar je ta vrednost velikokrat različna od dejanske ali tržne vrednosti. Lahko je višja ali nižja. Če je knjižna vrednost nepremičnine višja od tržne, ima dejansko družba skrito rezervo. Ob realizaciji oziroma prodaji lahko subjekt ustvari večjo vrednost, kot je tista v knjigah, in s tem kapitalski dobiček. V primeru, če so nepremičnine v knjigah vredne več kot na trgu, ima družba skrite izgube. Avtorja postavita dve raziskovalni hipotezi. Prva hipoteza je, da funkcija računovodskega poročanja vključuje - poleg formalnega poročila o knjižni vrednosti - tudi vsebinsko oceno tržne vrednosti nepremičnin kot računovodskih postavk. Le tako lahko dobi poslovodstvo realno podlago za odločanje. Druga hipoteza, ki izhaja iz prve, pa je, da sta tržna in knjižna vrednost nepremičnin, ko sta različni, v izkazih stanja poslovnih subjektov pomembna interna informacija, ki jo je potrebno posebej varovati. Vpogled v te informacije predstavlja riziko tveganja nedovoljene uporabe in s tem posledično verjetnost protipravnega ravnanja poročevalcev in nosilcev odločanja, ki te informacije posedujejo. Avtorja sta v prispevku opredelila pojem nepremičnin, trga nepremičnin in analizira stanje na slovenskem trgu v časovni vrsti treh let od 2013 do 2015. Prispevek sta zaključila z razpravo, v kateri sta hipotezo potrdila in utemeljila s pravno argumentacijo.
A real estate is, as a general rule, (from a legal-economic point of view) a tangible long-term asset that business entities need in order to carry out their business activities. Real estate can also represent an investment that business entities make with the aim of creating future capital gains. Real estate is particularly important as it usually has a high financial value compared to other assets owned by a legal entity. There are various legal-economic and broader social definitions of real estate, which are presented by the authors in the paper.For business entities, the purchase price of a piece of real estate is the price that is recorded and maintained in the financial statement. However, this value is often different from the actual or market value. It can be higher or lower. If the book value of real estate is higher than the market value, the company has a hidden reserve. Upon the sale of real estate, the entity can create value greater than the value in the books and consequently create a capital gain.If, however, the piece of real estate is worth more in the books of account than on the market, the company has a hidden loss. The hypothesis proposed in the paper is that the market and book values of real estate in the financial statement of the given business entity (in cases in which they are different) are particularly important inside information. Insight into such information poses the risk of the inadmissible disclosure of such information and consequently the probability of the unlawful conduct of persons reporting and decision-makers who transmit such information. In the paper, the authors define a concept of real estate and the real estate market and analyse the situation on the Slovenian market in a period of three years, from 2013 to 2015. The paper concludes with a discussion in which the proposed hypothesis is confirmed and substantiated by legal argumentation.
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