Dolžnost vračila tistega, za kar je bil nekdo obogaten brez pravne podlage, poleg vračila samega
predmeta obogatitve zajema tudi naravne in civilne plodove. Avtor v prispevku obravnava
nekatera vprašanja, ki se v zvezi s tem zastavljajo v slovenskem pravu. Ugotavlja, da 193. člen
OZ ureja le postroženo odgovornost nepoštenega prejemnika, in meni, da mora tudi pošteni
prejemnik povrniti plodove in obresti, pa tudi (druge) koristi od uporabe. Izhodišče je, da je
treba doseženo korist konkretno izkazati, okoliščine pa lahko utemeljujejo tudi abstraktni
pristop ali (izpodbojno) domnevo o pridobitvi določene koristi. Povrne se le korist, ki sama
po sebi izhaja iz predmeta obogatitve, ne pa tudi tista, ki je rezultat znanj, odločitev ali drugih
okoliščin pridobitelja. Za vrnitvene zahtevke po prenehanju pogodb veljajo nekatere posebnosti,
ki jih narekuje sinalagmatska narava pogodb. Poseben pristop zahtevajo tudi posojilne
in druge pogodbe, pri katerih se odplačno prenaša raba stvari ali pravic. Prispevek se sklene z
obravnavo obrestne mere obogatitvenih obresti.
The obligation of restitution in case of unjustified enrichment does not only refer to the object
of unjustified enrichment, but also to natural and civil fruits of that object. The paper deals
with some of the questions which arise in Slovene law. Art. 183 of the Obligations Code only
regulates the aggravated restitution obligation of a dishonest recipient. The author is of the
opinion that an honest recipient is under the restitution duty, too. In principle, the use value
is to be assessed concretely, but circumstances may call for an abstract approach or an assumption
of benefit in a certain amount. Only the benefit independently arising from the object of
unjustified enrichment is to be compensated, not the benefit which is the result of knowledge,
decisions or other circumstances of the recipient. Some modifications arising from the
reciprocity of claims apply to restitution claims after termination of contract (unwinding of
contracts). Credit contracts and other contracts where the use of goods or rights is exchanged
for money require some adaptations, too. The paper closes with some thoughts on restitution
Interest and Fruits in Restitution Claims
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