Avtorica v prispevku obravnava problematiko nezakonitega odrejanja karanten na mejnem prehodu ob vstopu v Slovenijo, kakor izhaja iz odločbe Upravnega sodišča II U 261/2020-18 z dne 2. 9. 2020. V njej je sodišče navedlo, da gre pri ukrepu karantene za poseg v pravico svobode gibanja in tudi v osebno prostost, zaradi česar bi morala biti posamezniku zagotovljena še posebna ustavna procesna jamstva. Ker je bil ukrep v konkretnem primeru nezakonit, so prizadeti posamezniki izrazili namero zahtevati odškodnino od države za utrpljeno škodo. Avtorica glede na to razmišlja, ali obstaja pravna podlaga za odškodninsko odgovornost države glede na veljavno pravno teorijo in sodno prakso. Sklepno izpostavi ustavnopravno vprašanje, ali bi bila med dejansko izrednimi razmerami COVID-19 primerna pravna razglasitev izrednega stanja, kot ga predvideva Ustava RS, ter v zvezi s tem morebitna derogacija posameznih pravic in svoboščin po 15. členu EKČP.
The author discusses the issue of authorities‘ issuing illegal quarantine decisions to individuals at the border crossing upon entering Slovenia, as follows from the judgement of the Administrative court with the case number II U 261 2020-18 of 2 September 2020. In it, the court said that the quarantine measure interferes with the right to freedom of movement, as well as personal liberty, which means that the individual affected should be provided with special constitutional procedural guarantees. The individuals affected by the illegal measure expressed their intention to seek compensation from the state for the damage suffered. In this light, the author considers whether there is a legal basis for the state‘s liability for damages according to the existing legal theory and case law. In conclusion, the author raises the constitutional question of whether in the de facto state of emergency resulting from COVID-19 epidemic the state should legally declare a state of emergency as provided by the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, and possibly also derogate from certain rights and freedoms according to Article 15 of the ECHR.
Illegally ordered quarantine at the border crossing: the basis for state liability?
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