Prispevek primarno obravnava odškodninsko odgovornost članov organov vodenja ali nadzora,
ki je v temelju zasnovana kot odgovornost v notranjem razmerju. Na splošno velja, da je po
ZGD-1 upnik aktivno procesno legitimiran za uveljavljanje odškodninskega zahtevka družbe do
članov organov vodenja ali nadzora, da bi tako prišel do poplačila terjatve, ki jo ima do družbe.
Glavni pogoj pri tem je, da družba te terjatve upnika ne more poplačati. Če je nad družbo začet
stečajni postopek, terjatve upnik ne more več uveljavljati v svojem imenu in za svoj račun, temveč
le za račun družbe kot stečajnega dolžnika.
Glede na število vpletenih subjektov so zanimivi predvsem odškodninski zahtevki upnikov,
ki izvirajo iz materialnih statusnih preoblikovanjih. ZGD-1 vzpostavlja sistem neposredne
odgovornosti članov organov vodenja ali nadzora prevzete/prenosne družbe pri
združitvah/delitvah, pri čemer pa ni povsem jasno, ali sta režima odškodninske odgovornosti
v razmerju do upnikov izenačena. Prav tako izboljšan je koncept varovanja upnikov odvisnih
družb pri dejanskih in pogodbenih koncernih, ki tudi z vidika odškodninskih zahtevkov ponuja
jasnejše odgovore, zlasti ker ZGD-1 ureja še odrek in pobot zahtevkov.
Posebna odškodninska odgovornost članov organov vodenja ali nadzora, ki nima značilnosti
odgovornosti za nastanek finančnega položaja insolventnosti družbe, temveč ima naravo neposlovne
odškodninske odgovornosti, ko družba postane insolventna, je urejena v ZFPPIPP. Člani
organov poslovodstva oziroma nadzornega sveta so upnikom solidarno odgovorni za škodo, ki
so jo ti imeli, ker v stečajnem postopku niso dosegli polnega plačila, če je bil nad družbo začet
stečajni postopek in če jim je mogoče očitati kršitev obveznosti, ki izraža protipravnost ravnanja.
Tudi v tem primeru je upnik upravičen odškodninski zahtevek uveljavljati v svojem imenu, toda
le za račun družbe kot stečajnega dolžnika. Vloga upnika je torej v stečaju zreducirana na nosilca
procesne legitimacije za sodno uveljavljanje zahtevka, saj iz tega naslova nima materialno pravnih
upravičenj. S tem je dosledno spoštovano načelo enakega obravnavanja upnikov, pri čemer pa veljavna
zakonodaja upnikom omogoča uveljavljanje odškodninske odgovornosti, ko višina škode
še ni v celoti znana. Zakonsko je urejena tudi regresna pravica člana poslovodstva ali nadzornega sveta, da v stečajnem postopku zahteva povrnitev tistega, kar je preveč plačal.
This article primarily deals with damage liability of members of management or supervisory
bodies, which is fundamentally designed as an internal liability. As a general rule under ZGD‑1,
the creditor has the capacity to file the company’s action for damages against members of management
or supervisory bodies in order to collect the claim he has towards the company. The
main condition linked to this option is the inability of the company to repay its obligations towards
the creditor. If bankruptcy procedure is initiated against the company, the creditor can no
longer claim compensation in his own name and for his own account, but only for the account
of the company as the debtor in bankruptcy.
Given the number of stakeholders involved, action for damages by creditors in material reorganisation
of companies are of particular interest. ZGD-1 establishes a system of direct liability
for members of management or supervisory bodies of acquired/transferor companies in mergers
and divisions, whereas it is not entirely clear if the damages liability regimes are balanced in
relation to creditors. The concept of protection of creditors of controlled companies in actual or
contractual group companies has also been improved, offering clearer answers in regard to action
for damages, especially since ZGD-1 now additionally governs waiving and offsetting of claims.
Special damages liability of members of management or supervisory bodies, not having the
characteristics of liability for the occurrence of the company’s financial position of insolvency,
but rather the nature of non-commercial liability for damages at the moment when the company
becomes insolvent, is governed by ZFPPIPP. The members of management or supervisory
boards are jointly and severally liable to creditors for damages incurred due to their failure
to achieve full settlement in bankruptcy procedure if the bankruptcy procedure was initiated
against the company and if they could be accused of a breach of an obligation that reflects unlawful
conduct. In this case, the creditor would also be entitled to file action for damages in his
own name, but only for the account of the company as the debtor in bankruptcy. The creditor’s
role is thus reduced only to the holder of capacity to bring proceedings for the judicial enforcement
of the claim, since he does not hold any substantive rights in this regard. With this, the
principle of equal treatment of creditors is consistently respected, while the current legislation
also allows the creditors to seek damages when the amount of damages is not yet fully known.
The right of recourse of a member of management or supervisory board is also governed by law in order for him to claim back what has been overpaid in the bankruptcy procedure.
Legal Status of Creditors in the Enforcement of Liability of Members
of Management or Supervisory Bodies
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