Trajnostni razvoj je danes aktualna družbena in pravna tema, dotika pa se mnogo pravnih panog, vključno s civilnim, zlasti pa potrošniškim pravom. Z enim od presečnih mest se ukvarja tudi ta prispevek, in sicer z vprašanjem informiranja potrošnikov o trajnostnosti proizvodov. Z vidika podjetja, ki proizvod prodaja, je takšno informiranje lahko kategorizirano bodisi kot obvezno (v smislu predpogodbenih dolžnosti informiranja) bodisi kot prostovoljno (v smislu oglaševanja). V prvem sklopu prispevek obravnava vprašanje, ali predpogodbene dolžnosti informiranja o trajnostnosti proizvodov že obstajajo v slovenskem pravnem redu, kakšni so primerjalnopravni trendi in kakšne so aktivnosti Evropske unije na tem področju. V drugem sklopu je pozornost namenjena t. i. zelenemu oglaševanju, v okviru tega pa zlasti vprašanjem, kakšne morajo biti informacije, ki jih podjetje posreduje potrošnikom (še posebej pa vprašanju zelenega zavajanja), in na kakšen način lahko oglašuje (na primer problematiki okoljskih znakov). Na koncu prispevek obravnava tudi možne civilnopravne posledice, če podjetje potrošnikom (bodisi v okviru predpogodbenih dolžnosti informiranja bodisi oglaševanja trajnostnosti) posreduje neresnične ali zavajajoče informacije. Pri tem se osredotoča tako na pravna sredstva, ki so na voljo potrošnikom (na primer zmota, prevara, jamčevanje za stvarne napake), kot na pravna sredstva, ki jih imajo konkurenti podjetja (v okviru prava nelojalne konkurence).
Sustainable development is a current social and legal topic these days, touching on many areas of law, including civil law and especially consumer law. One of the intersections addressed in this paper is the issue of consumer information on the sustainability of products. From the perspective of the trader, selling the product, such information can be categorised as either mandatory (in the context of pre-contractual information duties) or voluntary (in the context of advertising). In the first part, this paper addresses the question of whether pre-contractual information duties on the sustainability of products already exist in the Slovenian legal order, what the comparative legal trends are, and what the activities of the European Union are in this area. The second part focuses on green advertising, in particular on what information the trader should provide to consumers (and particularly on the issue of greenwashing) and by what means it can advertise (e.g. on the issue of eco-labels). Finally, the paper considers the possible civil law consequences if a trader provides false or misleading information to consumers (either in the context of pre-contractual information duties or sustainability advertising). In doing so, it focuses both on the legal remedies available to consumers (e.g. mistake, deception, remedies for lack of conformity) and on the remedies available to the trader’s competitors (under unfair competition law).
Informing consumers on the product sustainability: a statutory obligation or an advertising strategy of the trader?
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