Namen prispevka sta kratek pregled doktrine spremenjenih okoliščin in analiza zadnjih odločb v zadevah, v katerih so se stranke sklicevale na gospodarsko ali finančno krizo ali spremenjene gospodarske pogoje v zvezi s spremenjenimi okoliščinami. Obravnavana je gospodarska in finančna kriza kot spremenjena okoliščina, obdelani so primeri pogodbenih klavzul, s katerimi se je mogoče izogniti upoštevanju posledic gospodarskih sprememb na trgu, posebej pa tudi spremenjene okoliščine in plačilo bonusov kot dela zaslužka ter slovenska sodna praksa. Problematika je obravnavana historično in primerjalnopravno, pri tem pa so izhodišča za obravnavo spremenjenih okoliščin vedno tri načela, med katerimi je osrednje načelo dolžnosti izpolnitve obveznosti (pacta sunt servanda, 9. člen OZ), dodati pa velja načela prostega urejanja obligacijskih razmerij (3. člen OZ), ekvivalence dajatev (8. člen OZ) ter vestnosti in poštenja (5. člen OZ). Zgodovinsko je zajeto obdobje od rimskega prava do danes, primerjalnopravno pa so obravnavani zlasti nemško, francosko (theorie de l’imprevision), italijansko pravo in common law prek konstruiranih doktrin frustration, impossibility in impracticability. Članek ugotovi, da je moderna praksa zadržana do sklicevanja na gospodarsko krizo kot na spremenjene okoliščine.
The purpose of the article is to present a brief overview of the doctrine of changed circumstances, and to analyse recent decisions in cases where the parties referred to changes in economic conditions as instances of changed circumstances. The article discusses whether the economic and financial crisis may be considered a changed circumstance. Examples of contract clauses designed to avoid the consequences of market changes are presented, and the impact of changed economic circumstances on the payment of bonuses from the aspect of Slovenian case law. The problem is analysed from the historical and comparative viewpoints, starting from the central principle that agreements must be kept (pacta sunt servanda, Article 9 OZ). Additionally, the principles of contractual freedom and autonomy (Article 3 OZ), of equivalence of benefits (Article 8 OZ) and of conscientiousness and honesty (Article 5 OZ) must be taken into account. The historical timeline is followed from the Roman law to the present time, and a comparison is made with the German, French (Theorie de l’imprevision) and Italian law, and with common law doctrines of frustration, impossibility and impracticability. The article concludes that the modern practice has serious reservations about referring to the economic crisis as an example of changed circumstances.
The Impact of Changed Circumstances on Legal Transactions
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