Prispevek obravnava temeljna vprašanja in dileme o statusu umetnointeligentnih sistemov v civilnopravnih razmerjih, ki so povezana z njihovimi specifičnimi lastnostmi: avtonomijo ravnanja, (ne)transparentnostjo in sposobnostjo učenja. Posebna pozornost je namenjena problematiziranju odškodninske odgovornosti v primerih z udeležbo umetne inteligence in s tem povezanim predlogom podelitve pravne subjektivitete le-tej. Zaradi pomanjkanja regulacije namreč nastajajo pravne praznine, kar najpogosteje prizadene oškodovance. Skozi prizmo evropske mehke zakonodaje in teorije avtorica kritično razpravlja o primernosti prilagoditve že obstoječih civilnopravnih okvirov in uvedbe novih. Umetnointeligentne sisteme lahko z umestitvijo med pravne subjekte izenačimo z naravnimi ali pravnimi osebami in jim s tem priznamo pravice in naložimo dolžnosti. Alternativno lahko uvedemo nove koncepte, kot je »e-osebnost«, katerih vsebino je mogoče prilagoditi potrebam. Pot do kompenzacije kot enega od ciljev odškodninskega prava pa lahko dosežemo tudi z instituti obveznega zavarovanja in povrnitvenega sklada.
The article addresses the fundamental dilemmas concerning the status of artificially intelligent systems in civil law, considering their specific characteristics: autonomy, (in)transparency and learning ability. Special attention is given to the question of liability for damages in tort cases involving artificial intelligence and the proposal of granting it legal personhood. The victims are those most frequently affected by the legal gaps that the lack of regulation creates. Through the prism of European soft law and legal theory, the author critically discusses the appropriateness of adapting the current civil law framework and introducing new ones. By granting them legal personhood, artificially intelligent systems could be equalized with natural and juridical persons, thus possessing rights and bearing responsibilities. Alternatively, there is a possibility of introducing new concepts, such as »e-personhood« and adapting them to our needs. The goal of compensation, as one of the main purposes of tort law, can also be achieved by using the institutes of compulsory insurance and compensation funds.
Artificial intelligence: Cogito, ergo sum?
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