Avtorici obravnavata pravne institute, ki jih ponujata mednarodno investicijsko pravo in splošno mednarodno običajno pravo državam, ki bi želele v postopkih mednarodnih investicijskih arbitraž dokazati zakonitost ukrepov, ki so jih sprejele v času izrednih razmer. Hkrati ponujata aktualno analizo uporabljivosti omenjenih institutov v situaciji, v kateri imajo državni ukrepi, s katerimi se država spopada s pandemijo covid-19, škodljive posledice za investitorja. Pri tem ugotavljata, da so države v svojem pravnem utemeljevanju precej omejene. Mednarodni investicijski sporazumi vsebujejo dva instituta, ki sta jim na voljo v času izrednih razmer, to so splošne izjeme in določbe o nadomestilu za izgube, skladno z mednarodnim običajnim pravom pa se lahko sklicujejo na okoliščine, ki izključujejo protipravnost (na primer na nujo, stisko in višjo silo), vendar je uspeh pri tem precej negotov. Mednarodna arbitražna praksa na področju tujih investicij, ki je doslej obravnavala omenjene institute, je razmeroma neusklajena, pomanjkanje jasnih smernic glede dopustnega ravnanja držav v času izrednih razmer pa se odraža v nestabilnosti pravnega okolja.
The authors discuss legal institutes available under international investment law and general customary international law to states seeking to justify legality of their measures adopted in times of emergency situations in procedures before international investment tribunals. They offer a pertinent analysis of applicability of relevant institutes in a situation in which a state’s measures to address the COVID-19 pandemic result in an adverse consequence for the investor. They conclude that the array of defences available to states is relatively limited. International investment treaties contain two relevant types of applicable clauses, i.e. the general exceptions and the compensation-for-losses clauses, while under customary international law, states may rely on circumstances precluding wrongfulness (e.g. necessity, distress, force majeure), but only with limited prospects of success. The arbitral practice that hitherto dealt with these institutes is relatively inconsistent and the absence of clear guidelines on the permissible state action in emergency situations results in the lack of stability of the legal environment.
Responsibility of States for Interferences with Foreign Investments in Times of Emergency Situations to Protect Public Health
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