Jasni in nedvoumni ter v skladu z veljavno nomotehniko zasnovani predpisi so eden od temeljev pravne varnosti, s tem pa tudi pravne države. Z vidika načela pravne države nomotehnika kot veda o pripravi predpisov torej ni zgolj obrobnega pomena. Je pomemben element v postopku priprave predpisa, saj same nomotehnične rešitve v praksi pogosto vplivajo tudi na jasnost in nedvoumnost predpisa, njegovo pravno pravilnost in umeščenost v pravni sistem. Nekateri v prispevku opisani primeri normiranja izjem dokazujejo, da lahko neprimerne nomotehnične rešitve povzročijo nejasnost in nepreglednost pravnega reda, po drugi strani pa so lahko sicer nomotehnično ustrezno določene izjeme vsebinsko neprimerne in v končni fazi tudi neskladne z Ustavo. V zvezi z normiranjem izjem je treba tako že v izhodišču preveriti smisel, namen in potrebo po določanju izjem ter izbrati ustrezen način normiranja, zlasti z vidika njihove pravilne umestitve v pravni red, vsebinske ustreznosti in skladnosti z Ustavo.
One of the basics of legal security and also of the rule of law, are semantically clear regulations, designed in accordance with current legal drafting techniques. Nomotechnics, as the science of legal drafting regulations, is an important element in the process of legal drafting. In practice, nomotechnical solutions themselves often affect the clarity and unambiguity of the legal regulation itself, its legal correctness and role in the legal system. That is why nomotechnics is not only of marginal importance in the context of the principle of the rule of law.Some of the cases described in the article prove that inappropriate nomotechnical solutions relating legal drafting of the exemptions can cause ambiguity and opacity of the legal order. On the other hand, otherwise nomotechnically properly defined exceptions can be substantively inappropriate and, in the final stage, inconsistent with the Constitution. In relation to the legal drafting of exceptions, it is first of all necessary to check the meaning, purpose and need for drafting exceptions, and to choose an appropriate method of legal drafting, especially in relation to their proper legal order placement, semantic relevance and compliance with the Constitution.
Legal drafting of exemptions and the rule of law
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