Obstoj prostitucije v pretežnem delu vzdržuje povpraševanje po njej. V prostituciji sodelujeta dve osebi, in sicer koristnik prostitucije in izvajalec prostitucije. Razloga za njuno sodelovanje sta različna. Praviloma uporabnik pričakuje ugodje, izvajalec pa korist. Tretje osebe (posrednik, izkoriščevalec) v odnosu do teh dveh oseb ni mogoče povezati s spolnostjo, temveč izključno z zavestnim izkoriščanjem spolnega dejanja. Glede na voljo zakonodajalca v Republiki Sloveniji je zloraba prostitucije in trgovina z ljudmi z namenom izkoriščanja prostitucije kaznivo dejanje. Glede na določila 37. člena Obligacijskega zakonika (OZ) je nedopustno sklepati pogodbe o zlorabi ali izkoriščanju prostitucije. Najbolj znani obliki izkoriščanja prostitucije sta zvodništvo ter izkoriščanje prostitucije v bordelu, ko izkoriščevalec prostitucije prejme plačilo. Glede na vsebino 175. člena Kazenskega zakonika (KZ-1) ter načelo zakonitosti je v Republiki Sloveniji vsakršno sodelovanje tretje osebe z namenom dobiti plačilo zaradi prostitucije izvajalca prostitucije določeno kot kaznivo dejanje. Glede na voljo zakonodajalca vidik izkoriščanja ni vezan na določeno finančno vrednost oziroma delež zaslužka ter tudi ne z namenom varovanja osebne avtonomije (izbire) izvajalca prostitucije. Pri ekonomskem izkoriščanju prostitucije v obliki zvodništva ali posredovanja pri prostituciji ni obvezen, kumulativen, zakonski znak omejevanje osebne svobode izvajalca prostitucije ali kakšna druga sorodna oblika uporabe (pri)sile.
The existence of prostitution is in large part maintained by the demand for it. There are two persons involved in prostitution—the client and the prostitute. The reasons for their cooperation are different. As a rule, the client expects pleasure, the prostitute benefit. Third parties (intermediary, exploiter) in relation to these two persons cannot be connected with sexuality, but exclusively with the conscious exploitation of a sexual act. According to Slovenian legislature, abuse of prostitution and trafficking in human beings for the purpose of exploiting prostitution is a criminal offence. According to the provisions of Article 37 of the Obligations Code it is unlawful to enter into contracts for the abuse or exploitation of prostitution. The most known forms of abuse of prostitution are procuring prostitution and exploitation of prostitution in a brothel, when the exploiter of prostitution receives payment. According to the content of Article 175 of the Criminal Code and the principle of legality, in the Republic of Slovenia any participation of a third person with the purpose of obtaining payment for prostitution of a prostitute is defined as a criminal offence. According to the legislator, the aspect of exploitation is not bound to a certain financial value or to the share of the earnings, nor to the purpose of protecting the personal autonomy (choice) of the prostitute. In economic exploitation of prostitution in the form of procuring prostitution or serving as an agent in prostitution, restricting the personal freedom of the prostitute or any other similar use of duress are not the elements of a criminal offence.
Participation in Prostitution of Another Person »for Exploitative Purposes« and the Principle of Legality in Criminal Law
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