Agencijsko oziroma začasno delo delavcev ureja Direktiva 2008/104/ES o delu prek agencij za zagotavljanje začasnega dela, ki je v Sloveniji implementirana z Zakonom o urejanja trga dela (ZUTD) in z Zakonom o delovnih razmerjih (ZDR-1). Temeljna lastnost te oblike dela je njena začasnost, ki pa se je v Sloveniji po uveljavitvi ZDR-1 v letu 2013 v primerih, v katerih imajo agencijski delavci z agencijo sklenjene pogodbe o zaposlitvi za nedoločen čas, izgubila in se zdi, kot da v takih primerih ni več pomembna. Teorija je na to že dolgo časa opozarjala, najnovejša sodna praksa Sodišča EU pa potrjuje, da je začasnost dela za uporabnika v tej obliki dela obvezna ne glede na (ne)obstoječe ukrepe v zakonodaji in ne glede na trajanje pogodbe o zaposlitvi z agencijo. Prispevek prikazuje, da je mogoče ob upoštevanju okoliščin posameznega primera napolniti pojem začasnosti in da je ne glede na to, da zakon izrecno ne predvideva prehoda delavca k uporabniku v primeru prekoračitve začasnosti, delavcu mogoče priznati delovno razmerje pri uporabniku, če je ta njegov dejanski delodajalec. Avtor tudi priporoča vnovično uvedbo zakonske omejitve trajanja napotitve k uporabniku, ki bi preprečila negotovost glede vprašanja, koliko časa se v posameznem primeru agencijsko delo še lahko šteje za začasno.
Agency work or temporary work of workers is regulated by Directive 2008/104 EC on temporary agency work, which is implemented in Slovenia by the Labour Market Regulation Act and the Employment Relationships Act. The basic feature of this form of work is its temporariness, which has been lost in Slovenia since the entry into force of the new Employment Relationships Act in 2013 in cases where agency workers have concluded employment contracts with the agency for an indefinite period and it looks like in such cases it is no longer important. The theory has long pointed this out, and the latest case law of the CJEU confirms that the temporariness of work for the user in this form of work is mandatory regardless of (non)existing measures in law and regardless of the duration of the employment contract with the agency. The article demonstrates that by taking into account the circumstances of each case, it is possible to fill the notion of temporariness and that despite the fact that the law does not explicitly provide for the transfer of the employee to the user in case of exceeding the temporariness, an employee may be granted an employment relationship with the user undertaking if it is his/her actual employer. The author also recommends the reintroduction of a legal limit on the duration of assignments to the user undertaking, which would avoid uncertainty as to how long the agency work can still be considered temporary in an individual case.
Temporariness of Agency Work as its Constitutive Element
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