Študenti pravne fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani so se vnovič odlično odrezali na tekmovanju Price Media Law Moot Court, kjer so na regionalnem delu, ki je potekal v Budimpešti, zmagali. Tekmovanje, ki je zadevalo problematiko akademske svobode in regulacije družabnih omrežij, odpira pomembna vprašanja sploh glede slednjega. Med pravnimi sistemi držav ni konsenza o načinu urejanja odgovornosti družabnih omrežij za vsebino, ki jo objavijo tretje osebe, prav tako pa ni enotnih standardov o tem, kako naj platforme sploh regulirajo svojo vsebino. Države na dejanski ravni to rešujejo z zakoni, na mednarodni ravni pa izhodišča za zaščito uporabnikov ponuja sodna praksa Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice, smernice mednarodnih in nevladnih organizacij ter razmeroma »zadržani« pravni akti Evropske unije. V prihodnosti bo nekatera vprašanja rešil Akt o digitalnih storitvah, številne problematike pa bodo še vedno ostale nerešene ali pa bo njihovo urejanje prepuščeno državam članicam.
Students from the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Law have once again distinguished themselves at the Price Media Law Moot Court competition, winning the regional round held in Budapest. The competition, which focused on nuances of academic freedom and the regulation of social media provi- ders, predominantly emphasises the latter’s challenges. A uniform stance on how to navigate the liability of social media platforms for third-party content is conspicuously absent across national legal frameworks. Furthermore, there is a lack of a consistent standard on content regulation by these platforms. At a national level, such matters are typically addressed through legislation. Internationally, the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, guidelines from international and non-governmental organisations, and the rather circumspect legal measures of the European Union, collectively offer a foundation for user protection. The forthcoming Digital Services Act is poised to address certain facets, yet many complexities will either remain unresolved or be devolved to the discretion of individual Member States.
Regulating Social Media Providers – Where are We and Where are We Headed?
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