Pogodbeni stranki pogosto med pogodbene določbe vključita klavzulo, ki prenehanje pogodbenega razmerja pogojuje z začetkom enega izmed postopkov zaradi (grozeče) insolventnosti (ipso facto klavzula). Regulacija tovrstnih pogodbenih določb je znotraj držav članic Evropske unije postala predmet razprav predvsem s sprejetjem Direktive 2019/1023, ki prepoveduje pogodbene določbe, ki prenehanje pogodbe vežejo na začetek postopka preventivnega prestrukturiranja. Številne države so po vzoru Direktive 2019/1023 za uporabo takšnih določb uvedle številne omejitve. Tudi Slovenija je z uveljavitvijo novele ZFPPIPP-H sprejela nov 24.c člen, ki takšne klavzule pod določenimi pogoji razglaša za nične. Vendar sta tako ureditev ipso facto klavzul, ki jo vsebuje Direktiva 2019/1023, kot tista, ki jo najdemo v ZFPPIPP, zastavljeni precej široko. Ključno vprašanje, ki se ob branju relevantnih določb obeh omenjenih pravnih aktov zastavlja, je domet prepovedi ipso facto klavzul. Prispevek je zato namenjen predstavitvi splošne problematike uporabe in prepovedi ipso facto klavzul, hkrati pa obravnava nekatera odprta vprašanja, ki se zastavljajo ob analizi veljavne ureditve tega področja.
Contracting parties often include a provision in their contract that makes the termination of the contractual relationship contingent upon the initiation of insolvency proceedings (ipso facto clause). The regulation of such contractual provisions within the European Union member states has become a topic of discussion, particularly with the adoption of Directive 2019/1023, which prohibits clauses that link the termination of a contract to the initiation of preventive restructuring proceedings. Many countries, following the example of Directive 2019/1023, have subjected the use of such provisions to numerous restrictions. Under the Slovenian ZFPPIPP-H amendment, Article 24c renders such clauses null and void under specific conditions. However, the regulation of ipso facto clauses, both in Directive 2019/1023 and the ZFPPIPP, is broadly framed, leaving several questions unresolved. A key issue arising from the reading of the relevant provisions of both legal sources is the scope of the prohibition of ipso facto clauses. This article, therefore, aims to outline the broader challenges associated with the use and prohibition of ipso facto clauses, while also addressing several open questions that arise when analyzing the current regulatory framework in this area.
Restriction of ipso facto clauses in financial restructuring proceedings
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