Avtor v prispevku obravnava pravice upnikov do poplačila zavarovanih terjatev iz predmeta zavarovanja in način njihove realizacije zunaj sodnega postopka, s posebnim poudarkom na posledicah, ki jih ima na te pravice začetek insolvenčnih postopkov. Način in dopustnost zunajsodnega poplačila zavarovane terjatve sta odvisna od predmeta zavarovanja ter pravne podlage, na podlagi katere je bilo ustanovljeno zavarovanje, zato je v prispevku ločeno obravnavano zunajsodno poplačilo iz premičnin, terjatev, vrednostnih papirjev ter drugih premoženjskih pravic, posebej pa so predstavljena tudi finančna zavarovanja. V primeru začetka stečajnega postopka zoper dolžnika, ki je imetnik predmeta zavarovanja, upnik obdrži svojo pravico do poplačila iz predmeta zavarovanja zunaj tega sodnega postopka, vendar samo pod pogojem, če je bila ločitvena pravica pridobljena do vključno začetka stečajnega postopka. Poznavanje pravnih pravil, ki urejajo nastanek ločitvene pravice in način njene realizacije, je zato ključnega pomena. Na podlagi teh pravic lahko upnik doseže hitrejše poplačilo svoje zavarovane terjatve in se obenem izogne stroškom ter tveganjem v zvezi s prijavljanjem terjatev v postopkih zaradi insolventnosti.
In his contribution the author deals with the rights of creditors to receive payment of secured claims out of the subject-matter of security as well as the manner of their enforcement outside of judiciary proceedings. Particular stress has been made on the consequences which an initiation of insolvency proceedings has on such rights. The manner and admissibility of an out-of-court payment of a secured claim depends upon the subject-matter of the security and legal grounds upon which such security was established. Therefore the contribution deals separately with an out-of-court payment out of movables, claims, securities and other monetary rights. Financial security is also individually dealt with. In the event insolvency proceedings have been initiated against a debtor, the holder of the subject-matter of security, the creditor retains his/her right to receive payment out of the subject matter of security outside of the stated court proceedings solely under condition that the security right has been acquired up to the start of insolvency proceedings. Knowledge of legal rules regulating the creation of the security right and the manner in which it is exercised is therefore crucial. Based upon such rights a creditor can profit of a faster payment of his/her secured claim as well as avoid costs and risks in connection with a registration of such rights in insolvency proceedings.
Enforcing of Exclusion Rights out of Court Proceedings
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