Pri zavarovanju odgovornosti ima oškodovanec na voljo direktni zahtevek proti zavarovalnici. Vendar zavarovalnica jamči za škodo pod drugačnimi pogoji kot odgovorna oseba (zavarovanec): obseg odškodninske odgovornosti odgovorne osebe je opredeljen z zakonom (in pogodbo, če gre za pogodbeno odgovornost), zavarovalnica pa jamči le v okviru zavarovalne pogodbe - tako vsebinsko (možne so razne omejitve ali izključitve jamstva) kot zneskovno (v okviru zavarovalne vsote, ki pomeni največjo možno obveznost zavarovalnice). Zavarovalna zaščita je drugačna v primeru, če se zavarovanje nanaša na splošno nepogodbeno odgovornost zavarovanca, če se nanaša na odgovornost zavarovanca kot delodajalca, ali v primeru, če zavarovalnica ščiti poslovno (poklicno) sfero zavarovanca. V slednjem primeru je predmet zavarovanja škoda, ki nastane zaradi t.i. poklicne odgovornosti zavarovanca - to je škoda, ki jo zavarovanec zaradi strokovne napake povzroči svoji pogodbeni stranki (izjemoma tudi tretji osebi) pri opravljanju poklicne dejavnosti. Glede obsega zavarovalnega kritja se lahko zavarovalnica in zavarovalec dogovorita v okviru njune pogodbene svobode. Ta je ustrezno manjša, če je zavarovanje obvezno po zakonu, saj morata pogodbeni stranki upoštevati zakonske zahteve o vsebini zavarovanja.
In liability insurance the damaged party can file a direct claim against the Insurer. However, the Insurer guarantees the cover of damage under different conditions than the responsible person (the Insured): the scope of liability for damages of the responsible person is regulated by law (and contract in case of contractual liability), whereas the Insurer guarantees the cover only in the frame of the insurance contract; as regards contents (limitations or exclusions from cover are possible) as well as amounts (in the scope of the sum insured, which represents the highest possible obligation of the Insurer). Insurance cover is different in case the insurance refers to general noncontractual liability of the Insured, if it refers to the liability of the Insured acting as an employer or in case the Insurer protects professional (occupational) sphere of the Insured. In the latter case the subject-matter of insurance is damage, which occurs due to the so-called occupational liability of the Insured; i.e. that is the damage which the Insured inflicts upon its contractual party (or rarely upon the third party) due to a professional mistake during professional life. On the scope of insurance cover, the Insurer and the Policyholder can agree within their contractual freedom, which decreases correspondingly if insurance is mandatory by law due to the fact that contractual parties have to abide by statutory requirements regarding the subject-matter of insurance.
Liability Insurance Contract
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