Ničnost velja za najstrožjo pravno posledico pomanjkljivosti pri sklenitvi pravnega posla. V splošnem delu obligacijskega prava je vzrok ničnosti določen z generalno klavzulo 86. člena OZ. Pogodba je nična, če nasprotuje ustavi, prisilnim predpisom in moralnim načelom. Poleg generalne klavzule pa številne določbe posebej določajo pravno posledico ničnosti. S tem želi zakon odpraviti dvom o pravni naravi posledice kršitve. Kljub temu pa v slovenskem pravu velja, da je ničnost skrajna sankcija in da se včasih poskuša pogodba ohraniti v veljavi kljub pomanjkljivostim. To omogočata predvsem institut realizacije in delne ničnosti. V veljavni zakonodaji pa se pojavlja vse več posebnih predpisov, ki kategorično določajo ničnost pogodb. Kategorična določitev ničnosti kot pravne posledice pomanjkljivosti onemogoča ohranjanje pogodbe v veljavi. Avtor je do takšne zakonodajne prakse kritičen, saj bi bilo mogoče interes, ki mu sledi, doseči tudi z milejšimi pravnimi posledicami, predvsem izpodbojnostjo pogodb.
Nullity applies to strictest legal consequence of violation at conclusion of contract. In general rules of Law of Contracts the cause of nullity is found out with general clause of Article 86 of the Obligation Code. The contract is null (void), if its content opposes the constitution, strict rules and basic moral principles. Alongside the general clause we can find numerous provisions that especially determine legal consequence of nullity. The object is to eliminate any doubt about the legal nature of consequence of a violation. On the other hand we can also find some special provisions that enable the validity of the contract in spite of violation of some strict rules. Such institutes are especially the impact of the realization and the partial nullity. In last few years a number of public laws contain the special and categorical provision about the nullity of the contract. Categorical designation of nullity objects keeping the validity of contract. Author is critical to such legislative practice. In many cases the public interests concerning the violation could be reached by other legal consequences, especially with challenging the validity of contract.
Nullity of Transactions due to Violations of Mandatory Regulations
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