Od nastanka državnega sveta z ustavo leta 1991 so bile izvedene štiri volitve v državni svet, ki jih je vsakič spremljalo pestro sodno in ustavnosodno varstvo volilne pravice. Na vsakih volitvah je sporov več in problemi v zvezi z volitvami so vse bolj v ospredju. Po eni strani to pomeni, da se sistem volitev v državni svet šele počasi gradi, po drugi strani pa nakazuje, da državni zbor kot ustavodajalec in zakonodajalec pri ureditvi volitev v državni svet ne sledi dinamiki spremenjenih gospodarskih in drugih socialnih okoliščin v Sloveniji. Avtorja sta v članku poudarila, da volitve v državni svet sploh niso urejene v Ustavi, ureditev v zakonu pa je pomanjkljiva. Opozorila sta na številne probleme, ki se kažejo v praksi in s katerimi se soočajo državna volilna komisija, sodišča in Ustavno sodišče. Avtorja sta predlagala spremembe zakonodaje, ki bi jih moral sprejeti zakonodajalec za preglednejšo, legitimnejšo in zakonito izvedbo volitev v državni svet. V nasprotnem bodo volilni zapleti pri teh volitvah v prihodnje še večji.
The National Council was established with the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia in 1991. Up to this day there were four elections of the National Council. Each elections to the National Council were followed by legal proceedings and protections of electoral rights at the Constitutional Court. The number of legal proceedings at the National Council’s elections is rising. Authors of the article emphasised, that the elections are not enough defined by the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, the enactment in the legislation is insufficient. Authors of this article stated several problems concerning the elections of the National Council confronted by the State Electoral Commission of the Republic of Slovenia, by courts and by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia. Authors of the article proposed changes to the National Council Act. Changes should be enacted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia because of legal, more legitimate and more clear elections to the National Council. On the contrary there will be even more complications and problems in the future elections of the National Council.
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