Analysis of the possibilities of insurance against cyber attacks
Zavarovalništvo se je v Evropi začelo razvijati v 19. in 20. stoletju, ko so nastala prva gospodarska zavarovanja. Sprva so bila to socialna zavarovanja, nato pa so počasi nastajala še druga. Danes poznamo že številna življenjska zavarovanja, avtomobilska zavarovanja, premoženjska zavarovanja itd. Z razvojem tehničnih naprav, računalnikov in brezžičnega omrežja smo izpostavljeni tudi kibernetskim tveganjem, predvsem kraji in šifriranju podatkov, izsiljevanju ter sabotaži zaposlenih, zato v ZDA in Evropi že ponujajo zavarovalne pakete za primere kibernetskega kriminala. Kljub temu da tudi v Sloveniji že prihaja do takih incidentov in škode, povezane z obnovo izgubljenih podatkov, stroški obveščanja strank ter pravnimi stroški, je zavedanje o prisotnosti kibernetskih tveganj še vedno majhno.
V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati ankete, ki smo jo opravili v slovenskem prostoru, kjer smo povprašali zavarovalnice, ali že ponujajo produkte kibernetskega zavarovanja. Namen prispevka je povečati ozaveščenost med zavarovalnicami, njihovimi regulatorji in potencialnimi strankami o produktih kibernetskega zavarovanja.
The insurance industry began to develop in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries, when the first economic insurance, as we know it today, was created as social insurance, and then other insurances were slowly emerging.
Today, we already know all kinds of life insurance, car insurance, property insurance, etc. With the development of technical devices, computers and wireless networks, we are now also exposed to cyber risks, especially theft and encryption of data, extortion and sabotage of employees. Consequently, insurance packages for cybercrime cases are already offered in the US and Europe. Despite the fact that such incidents also occur in Slovenia causing damage related to the restoration of lost data, and costs of informing clients and legal costs, awareness of the presence of cyber risks is still low.
The paper presents the results of a survey conducted in Slovenia where insurance companies were asked whether they already offer cyber insurance products. The purpose of the contribution is to raise awareness among insurance companies, their regulators and potential customers of the possibilities of cyber insurance products
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