Avtor kritično analizira ustavnost in zakonitost odločitev državnih organov, najpomembnejših (na primer Odlok o začasni splošni prepovedi gibanja in zbiranja ljudi na javnih mestih in površinah v Republiki Sloveniji ter prepovedi gibanja izven občin, Odlok o začasni delni omejitvi gibanja ljudi in omejitvi oziroma prepovedi zbiranja ljudi zaradi preprečevanja okužb s SARS-CoV-2 idr.) tudi z vidika nekaterih mednarodnih pravnih dokumentov, ki obravnavajo zadevno problematiko, ter njihov vpliv na temeljne človekove pravice oziroma svoboščine v zvezi z virusom SARS-CoV-2, ki povzroča bolezen covid-19. Neomejeno uživanje nekaterih človekovih pravic lahko pride v kolizijo z interesi celotne družbe ali z enakimi ali podobnimi pravicami drugih ljudi, ki jih je tudi treba varovati. Zato se šteje, da so omejitve (derogacije in fakultativne omejitve) v mednarodnih instrumentih človekovih pravic razumne in upravičene, vendar morajo biti zakonite, legitimne in sorazmerne. Posebna pozornost je namenjena razlagi Evropske konvenciji o človekovih pravic s strani Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice. Glede sprejetih ukrepov, ki odstopajo od človekovih pravic, je opazen izrazito represiven pristop, ki je povzročil dolge časovne intervale suspenzije svobode gibanja. Končno, kršitev začasne omejitve oziroma prepovedi zbiranja (ali gibanja) na javnih mestih in površinah, ki trenutno velja v Republiki Sloveniji, ne more biti kaznivo dejanje iz 177. člena Kazenskega zakonika Republike Slovenije (in tudi ne prekršek).
The author critically analyses the constitutionality and legality of decisions of state bodies, the most important (for example Ordinance on the Temporary Prohibition of the Gathering of People at Public Meetings at Public Events and Other Events in Public Places in the Republic of Slovenia and Prohibition of Movement Outside the Municipalities, Ordinance on the Temporary Partial Restriction of Movement of People and on the Restriction or Prohibition of Gathering of People to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19, etc.) also from the perspective of certain international legal documents dealing with the issue and their impact on fundamental human rights and freedoms in relation to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the disease COVID-19. Enjoying certain human rights without limitations could collide with interests of a society as a whole, or with same or similar rights of others, rights that also need to be protected. This is why existence of limitations (derogation and facultative limitations) in international human rights instruments are considered to be reasonable and justified, but they must be lawful, legitimate and proportionate. Special attention is given to the European Convention on Human Rights in the interpretation of the European Court of Human Rights. With respect to the measures taken that deviate from human rights, an explicitly repressive approach is observable which entailed lengthy time intervals of suspension of the freedom of movement. Finally, the violation of temporary restriction or pro- hibition of the gathering (or movement) of people at public places and areas in the Republic of Slovenia, which is currently in force in Republic of Slovenia cannot constitute the criminal offence under Article 177 of the Criminal Code of Republic of Slovenia (and also not a minor offence).
Constitutionality and Legality of SARS-CoV-2 Virus Measures from the Point of View of Domestic and International Human Rights Law
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