Avtorica analizira sistemske spremembe slovenskega kazenskega postopkovnega prava od časa, ko je bil sprejet zadnji enovit model kazenskega postopka leta 1967, katerega idejni naslednik je bil prvi slovenski ZKP (1994), pa vse do danes, ko je bil ta zakon že trinajstkrat noveliran. Ugotavlja, da je prišlo do največjih sistemskih sprememb pri vlogi tožilca: ta postaja aktiven usmerjevalec predkazenskega postopka in njegov dominus litis, s tem pa dobiva drugačno vlogo tudi preiskovalni sodnik: vse bolj je garant in vse manj preiskovalec. To kaže tudi na izrazito težnjo po odpravi faze preiskave in uvedbi enovitega predhodnega postopka. Naš zakon, ki je danes še vedno na instrukcijski maksimi utemeljen predstavnik mešanega tipa postopka, je tako pridobival poudarjeno adversarne vsebine. Te so predvsem pravica osumljenca, da je seznanjen s svojimi pravicami že v točki osredotočenosti preiskave, uvedba selekcijskih mehanizmov, kontradiktorno odrejanje omejevalnih ukrepov in preiskovalnih dejanj in posledično očitna aktivacija strank. Vrhunec te aktivacije pa je bila uvedba možnosti, da se postopek konča s priznanjem krivde. Obdolženec in (aktivni) tožilec sta razumljena kot enakopravna, avtonomna sogovornika, ki lahko prispevata k hitri rešitvi spora, sodišče pa ima samo še omejeno kontrolno vlogo.
The author analyses changes to Slovenian criminal procedure between 1994, when the first Slovenian code was adopted on the basis of the last consistent Yugoslavian model (enacted in 1967) to the present day. Thirteen amendments have already been made to the Code since 1994, and the author argues that it is the role of public prosecutor which has changed the most in this period: prosecutors are slowly but surely becoming the dominus litis of pre-trial procedure, thereby pushing the investigating judge ever further towards the role of a pre-trial judge and away from that of an inquisitorial investigator. This trend has been accompanied by a tendency to abolish the phase of judicial investigation completely and to introduce a unitary preliminary phase of criminal procedure led by the prosecutor. The basic principle of Slovenian procedure is still the so-called inquisitorial maxim, which therefore places it among other European inquisitorial systems, but gradually more adversarial solutions are being incorporated. Key examples of this trend are: the solution granting the suspect the right to be acquainted with his rights in the moment when the investigation becomes focused on him/her; in the introduction of selection mechanisms; in the adversarial model of a decision-making process of ordering investigating and coercive measures and consequently in the stronger activation of both parties at an earlier stage. The peak of this trend can be found in the introduction of plea negotiations. Increasingly, we see the adoption of legal solutions which put the defendant and the prosecutor in ever more active roles, making them more autonomous subjects with the power to resolve cases quicker than before, while the court becomes more passive, shrinking to the much more limited role of controlling their agreements.
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