Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
501 86/290/EEC: Commission Opinion of 30 May 1986 addressed to the French Government on their draft decree concerning the implementation of various provisions of Council Regulation (EEC) No 543/69 as amended, on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport 31986A0290 5.7.1986 2.6.1986 0 0
502 86/242/EWG: Empfehlung der Kommission vom 25. April 1986 an die Regierung des Großherzogtums Luxemburg zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes über die Aufteilung der Güterbeförderung zwischen Eisenbahn- und Straßenverkehr 31986H0242 19.6.1986 24.4.1986 0 0
503 Resolution of the Council and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, of 20 December 1985 to improve the implementation of the social Regulations in road transport 41985X1231 31.12.1985 20.12.1985 0 0
504 85/394/EEC: Commission Opinion of 17 July 1985 to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg concerning a draft Grand Ducal Regulation implementing Council Directive 82/714/EEC laying down technical requirements for inland waterway vessels 31985A0394 22.8.1985 22.7.1985 0 0
505 85/395/EEC: Commission Opinion of 17 July 1985 to the Federal Republic of Germany concerning a draft Regulation (Binnenschiffs-Untersuchungsordnung) implementing Council Directive 82/714/EEC laying down technical requirements for inland waterway vessels 31985A0395 22.8.1985 22.7.1985 0 0
506 85/396/EEC: Commission Opinion of 17 July 1985 to the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning a draft Royal Decree implementing Council Directive 82/714/EEC laying down technical requirements for inland waterway vessels (Binnenschepenbesluit) 31985A0396 22.8.1985 22.7.1985 0 0
507 Direktiva Sveta z dne 8. julija 1985 o spremembi Direktive 68/297/EGS o standardizaciji predpisov o brezcarinskem vnosu goriva, vsebovanega v rezervoarjih za gorivo gospodarskih motornih vozil 31985L0347 8.7.1985 12.7.1985 0 0
508 85/383/EEC: Commission Decision of 10 July 1985 relating to a proceeding under Article 2 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1017/68 applying rules of competition to transport by rail, road and inland waterway (IV/31.029 - French inland waterway charter traffic: EATE levy) (Only the French text is authentic) 31985D0383 17.8.1985 11.7.1985 0 0
509 Resolution of the Council and of the representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Communities, meeting within the Council, of 19 December 1984 on road safety 41984X1221 21.12.1984 19.12.1984 0 0
510 Sporazum o mednarodnem prevozu potnikov po cesti z občasnimi avtobusnimi prevozi (ASOR) 21982A0526(04) 26.5.1982 1.12.1983 0 0
511 Direktiva Sveta z dne 28. marca 1983 o spremembi Direktive 68/297/EGS o standardizaciji predpisov glede dajatev prostega uvoza goriva, vsebovanega v rezervoarjih za gorivo gospodarskih motornih vozil 31983L0127 28.3.1983 6.4.1983 0 0
512 Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 56/83 z dne 16. decembra 1982 o izvajanju Sporazuma o mednarodnem prevozu potnikov po cesti z občasnimi avtobusnimi prevozi (ASOR) 31983R0056 16.12.1982 1.2.1983 0 0
513 82/595/CEE: Décision de la Commission, du 10 août 1982, portant règlement du différend opposant le grand-duché de Luxembourg et la République française concernant le renouvellement des autorisations de certains services réguliers spécialisés (Le texte en langue française est le seul faisant foi) 31982D0595 19.8.1982 19.8.1982 0 0
514 Sklep Sveta z dne 12. julija 1982 o sklenitvi Sporazuma o mednarodnem prevozu potnikov po cesti z občasnimi avtobusnimi prevozi (ASOR) 31982D0505 12.7.1982 12.7.1982 0 0
515 Council Resolution of 15 December 1981 on Community railway policy 31982Y0622(01) 22.6.1982 15.12.1981 0 0
516 81/790/EEC: Commission Decision of 15 September 1981 authorizing the Italian Republic to exempt from application of Regulation (EEC) No 1463/70 on the introduction of recording equipment in road transport the vehicles referred to in Article 14a (3) (a) of Regulation (EEC) No 543/69 (Only the Italian text is authentic) 31981D0790 10.10.1981 10.10.1981 0 0
517 80/1/EEC: Commission Decision of 7 December 1979 for the resolution of the dispute between the Kingdom of Denmark and the other Member States over the publication of reference tariffs for the cross-frontier carriage of goods by road 31980D0001 8.1.1980 8.1.1980 0 0
518 78/519/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 26 May 1978 to Ireland regarding draft Regulations implementing Council Directive 74/562/EEC on admission to the occupation of road passenger transport operator in national and international transport operations 31978H0519 17.6.1978 29.5.1978 0 0
519 Commission Opinion of 9 March 1978 addressed to the Italian Government on a draft law implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No 1463/70 of 20 July 1970 on the introduction of recording equipment in road transport, as amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1787/73 of 25 June 1973 31978A0311 21.3.1978 13.3.1978 0 0
520 78/133/EEC: Commission Opinion of 6 January 1978 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands pursuant to the consultation arrangements laid down in Article 18 of Regulation (EEC) No 543/69 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport 31978A0133 14.2.1978 12.1.1978 0 0
521 78/96/EEC: Commission Opinion of 23 December 1977 addressed to the Government of the Italian Republic on the draft law implementing Directive 74/562/EEC on admission to the occupation of road passenger transport operator in national and international transport operations 31978A0096 8.2.1978 23.12.1977 0 0
522 78/97/EEC: Commission Opinion of 23 December 1977 addressed to the Government of the Italian Republic on the draft law implementing Directive 74/561/EEC on admission to the occupation of road haulage operator in national and international transport operations 31978A0097 8.2.1978 23.12.1977 0 0
523 78/60/EEC: Commission Opinion of 14 December 1977 addressed to the Government of the French Republic on a draft order implementing Council Directive 76/135/EEC of 20 January 1976 on reciprocal recognition of navigability licences for inland waterway vessels 31978A0060 25.1.1978 21.12.1977 0 0
524 78/61/EEC: Commission opinion of 14 December 1977 addressed to the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on a Regulation implementing Council Directive 76/135/EEC of 20 January 1976 on reciprocal recognition of navigability licences for inland waterway vessels 31978A0061 25.1.1978 21.12.1977 0 0
525 78/62/EEC: Commission Opinion of 14 December 1977 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on draft implementing measures adopted by the Secretary of Transport implementing Council Directive 76/135/EEC of 20 January 1976 on reciprocal recognition of navigability licences for inland waterway vessels 31978A0062 25.1.1978 21.12.1977 0 0
526 78/63/EEC: Commission Opinion of 14 December 1977 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark on its communication relating to the provisions made for the implementation of Council Directive 76/135/EEC of 20 January 1976 on reciprocal recognition of navigability licences for inland waterway vessels 31978A0063 25.1.1978 21.12.1977 0 0
527 78/64/EEC: Commission Opinion of 14 December 1977 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium on a draft royal order implementing Council Directive 76/135/EEC of 20 January 1976 on reciprocal recognition of navigability licences for inland waterway vessels 31978A0064 25.1.1978 21.12.1977 0 0
528 78/72/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 16 December 1977 to the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium on two draft Royal Decrees implementing Directives 74/561/EEC and 74/562/EEC on admission to the occupations of road haulage operator and road passenger transport operator in national and international transport operations 31978H0072 31.1.1978 20.12.1977 0 0
529 77/626/EWG: Stellungnahme der Kommission vom 26. September 1977 an die Regierung des Königreichs der Niederlande zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Änderung des Gesetzes über den Güterkraftverkehr und zum Entwurf einer Verordnung zur Änderung der Verordnung zur Durchführung des Gesetzes über den Güterkraftverkehr 31977A0626 7.10.1977 28.9.1977 0 0
530 Council Resolution of 29 June 1977 on EEC whole vehicle type-approval for passenger cars 31977Y0726(01) 26.7.1977 29.7.1977 0 0
531 77/354/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 6 May 1977 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands regarding a draft law implementing the Council Directive of 12 November 1974 on admission to the occupation of road passenger transport operator in national and international transport operations 31977H0354 17.5.1977 6.5.1977 0 0
532 77/355/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 6 May 1977 addressed to the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning a law and an order implementing certain provisions of Council Directive 74/561/EEC of 12 November 1974 on admission to the occupation of road haulage operator in national and international transport operations 31977H0355 17.5.1977 6.5.1977 0 0
533 77/356/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 6 May 1977 addressed to the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg regarding a draft law implementing Council Directives 74/561/EEC and 74/562/EEC of 12 November 1974 on, respectively, admission to the occupation of road haulage operator and admission to the occupation of road passenger transport operator in national and international transport operations 31977H0356 17.5.1977 6.5.1977 0 0
534 77/357/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 6 May 1977 addressed to the Government of the French Republic concerning two draft decrees implementing Council Directives 74/561/EEC and 74/562/EEC of 12 November 1974 on admission to the occupation of road haulage operator and admission to the occupation of road passenger transport operator in national and international transport operations 31977H0357 17.5.1977 6.5.1977 0 0
535 77/277/CEE: Avis de la Commission, du 1er avril 1977, adressé au gouvernement du Royaume-Uni au sujet d'un projet de décret concernant les routes et les transports routiers en Irlande du Nord [Roads and Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order] 31977A0277 15.4.1977 5.4.1977 0 0
536 77/243/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 16 March 1977 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in respect of a draft law implementing certain provisions of Council Directive 74/561/EEC 31977H0243 25.3.1977 18.3.1977 0 0
537 77/214/EEC: Commission opinion of 4 March 1977 for the Government of Italy on the draft Regulation applying Council Regulation (EEC) No 543/69 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport 31977A0214 12.3.1977 4.3.1977 0 0
538 77/173/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 10 February 1977 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark concerning a draft decree implementing certain provisions of Directive 74/561/EEC 31977H0173 2.3.1977 14.2.1977 0 0
539 76/700/CEE: Avis de la Commission, du 28 juillet 1976, adressé au gouvernement de la République italienne au sujet d'une loi du 5 mai 1976 fixant les nouvelles dispositions applicables aux véhicules utilitaires 31976A0700 27.8.1976 28.7.1976 0 0
540 76/678/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 20 July 1976 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark on certain provisions of a draft law on road passenger transport operations 31976H0678 21.8.1976 20.7.1976 0 0
541 76/609/CEE: Recommandation de la Commission, du 30 juin 1976, adressée au gouvernement de l'Irlande au sujet d'un projet de loi modifiant et complétant le Road Transport Act 1933 ainsi que le Road Transport Act 1971 et comprenant des dispositions relatives à d'autres problèmes liés à ceux traités dans les lois précitées (Le texte en langue anglaise est le seul faisant foi.) 31976H0609 22.7.1976 2.7.1976 0 0
542 76/582/EEC: Commission Opinion of 11 June 1976 addressed to the Danish Government on the Government decree on the introduction of recording equipment in road transport 31976A0582 15.7.1976 17.6.1976 0 0
543 76/490/EEC: Commission Opinion of 11 May 1976 to be sent to the Government of the United Kingdom concerning draft regulations relating to the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 543/69 of 25 March 1969 relating to the harmonization of certain social provisions in the field of road transport 31976A0490 25.5.1976 13.5.1976 0 0
544 76/470/EEC: Commission Opinion of 5 May 1976 addressed to the Italian Government on the implementing measures for Council Regulation (EEC) No 543/69 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport 31976A0470 19.5.1976 7.5.1976 0 0
545 76/456/EEC: Commission Opinion of 28 April 1976 addressed to the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on a draft Regulation amending the Regulation on the approval of road vehicles 31976A0456 13.5.1976 30.4.1976 0 0
546 76/333/EWG: Empfehlung der Kommission vom 16. März 1976 an die Regierung des Königreichs Dänemark zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes über den Personenkraftverkehr 31976H0333 31.3.1976 22.3.1976 0 0
547 76/257/EEC: Commission Opinion of 17 February 1976 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium on two ministerial decrees of 29 October 1975, one governing cross-frontier transport to France and the Netherlands by inland waterway, the other amending the conditions under which vessels engaged in the carriage of goods for own account are freed from the control of the freighting rota offices of the Office régulateur de la Navigation intérieure (Central Office for Inland Waterway Transport) 31976A0257 27.2.1976 19.2.1976 0 0
548 76/152/EEC: Commission Opinion of 20 January 1976 addressed to the Belgian Government on the draft Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 23 April 1971 implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No 1463/70 of 20 July 1970 on the introduction of recording equipment in road transport 31976A0152 30.1.1976 22.1.1976 0 0
549 Europäisches Übereinkommen über die Arbeit des im internationalen Straßenverkehr beschäftigten Fahrpersonals (AETR) - Unterzeichnungsprotokoll 21978A0408(01) 8.4.1978 5.1.1976 0 0
550 75/669/CEE: Avis de la Commission, du 31 octobre 1975, adressé au gouvernement du Royaume de Belgique au sujet d'un projet de loi concernant l'introduction d'une licence pour l'exploitation de bâtiments de navigation intérieure et le financement de l'institut pour le transport par batellerie 31975A0669 11.11.1975 5.11.1975 0 0