Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
1 1999/140/EGKS: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 17. Juni 1998 über die Umweltschutzbeihilfe Luxemburgs an ProfilARBED (Bekanntgegeben unter Aktenzeichen K(1998) 1764) (Nur der französische Text ist verbindlich) (Text von Bedeutung für den EWR) 31999D0140 19.2.1999 19.2.1999 0 0
2 Commission Decision No 3699/85/ECSC of 23 December 1985 relating to the suspension of Decision No 3715/83/ECSC fixing minimum prices for certain steel products 31985S3699 28.12.1985 28.12.1985 0 0
3 Commission Decision No 3715/83/ECSC of 23 December 1983 fixing minimum prices for certain steel products 31983S3715 31.12.1983 31.12.1983 0 0
4 Commission Decision No 3633/83/ECSC of 8 December 1983 supplementing Decision No 37-54 on the publication of price lists and conditions of sale applied by undertakings in the steel industry to the sale of special steels 31983S3633 23.12.1983 23.12.1983 0 0
5 Commission Decision No 1834/81/ECSC of 3 July 1981 amending Decision No 30/53 on practices prohibited by Article 60 (1) of the Treaty in the common market for coal and steel 31981S1834 4.7.1981 4.7.1981 0 0
6 Decision No 911/75/ECSC of the Commission of 7 April 1975 on the sale of iron and steel products in the Kingdom of Norway 31975S0911 9.4.1975 9.4.1975 0 0
7 Entscheidung Nr. 3073/73/EGKS der Kommission vom 31. Oktober 1973 über die auf dem Hoheitsgebiet bestimmter EFTA-Staaten getätigten Verkäufe von Eisen- und Stahlerzeugnissen 31973S3073 15.11.1973 15.11.1973 0 0
8 72/440/ECSC: Commission Decision of 22 December 1972 amending Decision No 30-53 of 2 May 1953 on practices prohibited by Article 60 (1) of the Treaty in the common market for coal and steel 31972D0440 30.12.1972 1.1.1973 0 0
9 ECSC High Authority: Decision No 23-63 of 11 December 1963 requiring Community iron and steel undertakings to make returns to the High Authority of the transactions in which they align their quotations on those of undertakings outside the Community 31963D0023 24.12.1963 20.12.1964 0 0
10 ECSC High Authority: Décision No 19-63 of 11 December 1963 amending Décision No 30-53 of 2 May 1953 on practices prohibited by Article 60 (1) of the Treaty in the common market for coal and steel 31963D0019(01) 24.12.1963 20.1.1964 0 0
11 ECSC High Authority: Decision No 30-53 of 2 May 1953 on practices prohibited by Article 60 (1) of the Treaty in the common market for coal and steel 31953D0030 4.5.1953 4.5.1953 0 0