Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
1 Sklep Sveta (EU) 2023/1043 z dne 22. maja 2023 o določitvi stališča, ki se v imenu Evropske unije zastopa v Odboru za trgovino na področju civilnega letalstva glede pristopa Brazilije k Sporazumu o trgovini na področju civilnega letalstva 32023D1043 30.5.2023 22.5.2023 51 52
2 Protokol (2015) o spremembi Priloge k Sporazumu o trgovini na področju civilnega letalstva 22017A0315(01) 15.3.2017 26.5.2017 3 17
3 Sklep Sveta (EU) 2017/446 z dne 3. marca 2017 o sklenitvi v imenu Evropske unije, Protokola (2015) o spremembi Priloge k Sporazumu o trgovini na področju civilnega letalstva 32017D0446 3.3.2017 3.3.2017 1 2
4 91/129/EEC: Council Decision of 28 January 1991 concerning the conclusion of the Protocol for the accession of Venezuela to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 31991D0129 8.3.1991 28.1.1991 0 0
5 90/416/EEC: Council Decision of 23 April 1990 concerning the conclusion of the Protocol for the Accession of Costa Rica to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 31990D0416 14.8.1990 23.4.1990 0 0
6 90/69/EEC: Council Decision of 18 December 1989 concerning the conclusion of the Protocol for the accession of Bolivia to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 31990D0069 21.2.1990 18.12.1989 0 0
7 Protocol amending the GATT Agreement on Government Procurement 21987A1209(01) 9.12.1987 14.2.1988 0 0
8 87/565/EEC: Council Decision of 16 November 1987 concerning the conclusion of the Protocol amending the GATT Agreement on Government Procurement 31987D0565 9.12.1987 16.11.1987 0 0
9 Protocol for the Accession of the Kingdom of Morocco to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 21988A0114(01) 14.1.1988 29.8.1987 0 0
10 88/22/EEC: Council Decision of 15 June 1987 concerning the Conclusion of the Protocol for the Accession of the Kingdom of Morocco to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 31988D0022 14.1.1988 15.6.1987 0 0
11 Protocol for the accession of Mexico to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 21987A0325(01) 25.3.1987 19.3.1987 0 0
12 87/209/EEC: Council Decision of 9 February 1987 on the conclusion of the Protocol of Accession of Mexico to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 31987D0209 25.3.1987 9.2.1987 0 0
13 81/967/EEC: Council Decision of 24 November 1981 concerning the conclusion of the Protocol for the accession of Colombia to the General Agreement on tariffs and trade 31981D0967 9.12.1981 24.11.1981 0 0
14 81/362/ECSC: Decision of the representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community, meeting within the Council, of 28 April 1981 regarding the opening of tariff negotiations under Article XXIV (6) of GATT 41981D0362 23.5.1981 28.4.1981 0 0
15 Genfer Protokoll von 1979 im Anhang zum Allgemeinen Zoll- und Handelsabkommen 21979A0630(01) 17.3.1980 1.1.1981 0 0
16 Multilateral Agreements resulting from the trade negotiations of 1973-1979 (GATT) - Agreement on government procurement - Notes 21979A0412(04) 17.3.1980 1.1.1981 0 0
17 Multilateral Agreements resulting from the trade negotiations of 1973-1979 (GATT) - Agreement on implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on tariffs and trade 21979A0412(09) 17.3.1980 1.1.1981 0 0
18 Protokol k Sporazumu o izvajanju člena VII splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini 21979A1101(01) 1.11.1979 1.1.1981 0 0
19 Accords multilatéraux résultant des négociations commerciales de 1973-1979 (GATT) - Accord relatif au commerce des aéronefs civils 21979A0412(05) 17.3.1980 1.1.1980 0 0
20 Dogovor Glede Govejega Mesa 21979A0412(01) 12.4.1979 1.1.1980 0 0
21 Mednarodni Dogovor o Mlečnih Proizvodih 21979A0412(02) 12.4.1979 1.1.1980 0 0
22 Multilateral Agreements resulting from the trade negotiations of 1973-1979 (GATT) - Agreement on implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on tariffs and trade - Addendum 1 - Addendum 2 21979A0412(07) 17.3.1980 1.1.1980 0 0
23 Multilateral Agreements resulting from the trade negotiations of 1973-1979 (GATT) - Agreement on import licensing procedures 21979A0412(08) 17.3.1980 1.1.1980 0 0
24 Multilateral Agreements resulting from the trade negotiations of 1973-1979 (GATT) - Agreement on interpretation and application of Articles VI, XVI and XXIII of the General Agreement on tariffs and trade 21979A0412(06) 17.3.1980 1.1.1980 0 0
25 Multilateral Agreements resulting from the trade negotiations of 1973-1979 (GATT) - Agreement on technical barriers to trade 21979A0412(03) 17.3.1980 1.1.1980 0 0
26 Protocol supplementary on the Geneva (1979) Protocol to the General Agreement on tariffs and trade 21979A1122(02) 17.3.1980 1.1.1980 0 0
27 80/271/EEC: Council Decision of 10 December 1979 concerning the conclusion of the Multilateral Agreements resulting from the 1973 to 1979 trade negotiations 31980D0271 17.3.1980 10.12.1979 0 0
28 80/272/EEC: Council Decision of 10 December 1979 concerning the conclusion of the Bilateral Agreements resulting from the 1973 to 1979 trade negotiations 31980D0272 17.3.1980 10.12.1979 0 0
29 80/273/EEC: Council Decision of 10 December 1979 concerning the conclusion of the Protocol for the accession of the Republic of the Philippines to the General Agreement on tariffs and trade 31980D0273 17.3.1980 10.12.1979 0 0
30 80/274/ECSC: Decision of the representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community meeting in Council of 10 December 1979 approving the Geneva (1979) Protocol resulting from the 1973 to 1979 trade negotiations 41980D0274 17.3.1980 10.12.1979 0 0
31 Accord avec l'Australie négocié au titre de l'article XXVIII paragraphe 5 du G.A.T.T., signé le 15 juillet 1969 21969A0715(01) 9.3.1970 15.7.1969 0 0
32 /* Geneva (1967) Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, negotiated in Geneva on 30 June 1967 */ 21967A0630(01) 19.12.1968 1.11.1968 0 0
33 Accord relatif à la mise en oeuvre de l'article VI de l'accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce, négocié à Genève le 30 juin 1967 21967A0630(04) 19.12.1968 1.7.1968 0 0
34 /* Agreement with Australia negotiated under Article XXVIII (5) of GATT, signed on 27 March 1968 */ 21968A0327(01) 21.10.1968 27.3.1968 0 0
35 Protocol for the accession of Ireland to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Geneva, 30 June 1967 21967A0630(08) 30.6.1967 22.12.1967 0 0
36 68/0411/EEC: Council Decision of 27 November 1967 concluding multilateral agreements signed as a result of the conference on trade negociations of 1964-1967 31968D0411 19.12.1968 27.11.1967 0 0
37 Accord concernant principalement les produits chimiques, additionnel au protocole de Genève (1967) annexé à l'accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce, négocié à Genève le 30 juin 1967 21967A0630(02) 19.12.1968 / 0 0
38 Communication of the European Economic Community concerning the Agreement on Government Procurement concluded in the framework of the Multilateral Agreements resulting from the 1973 to 1979 trade negotiations 31983Y0315(01) 15.3.1983 / 0 0
39 Obvestilo o začetku veljavnosti Protokola (2015) o spremembi Priloge k Sporazumu o trgovini na področju civilnega letalstva 22017X0523(01) 23.5.2017 / 1 1
40 Protocol for the accession of Bolivia to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 21990A0221(01) 21.2.1990 / 0 0
41 Protocol for the accession of Colombia to the General Agreement on tariffs and trade 21979A1128(01) 9.12.1981 / 0 0
42 Protocol for the accession of Costa Rica to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 21990A0814(01) 14.8.1990 / 0 0
43 Protocol for the accession of the Philippines to the General Agreement on tariffs and trade 21979A1126(01) 17.3.1980 / 0 0