Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
1 Izvedbeni sklep Komisije (EU) 2022/2358 z dne 1. decembra 2022 o francoskem ukrepu določitve omejitve uveljavljanja prometnih pravic zaradi resnih okoljskih problemov v skladu s členom 20 Uredbe (ES) št. 1008/2008 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta (notificirano pod dokumentarno številko C(2022) 8694) (Besedilo v francoskem jeziku je edino verodostojno) (Besedilo velja za EGP) 32022D2358 2.12.2022 2.12.2022 0 0
2 Uredba (EU) 2022/2038 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 19. oktobra 2022 o spremembi Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 95/93 glede začasne razbremenitve od pravil o uporabi slotov na letališčih Unije zaradi epidemioloških razmer ali vojaške agresije (Besedilo velja za EGP) 32022R2038 25.10.2022 26.10.2022 0 0
3 Delegirana uredba Komisije (EU) 2022/255 z dne 15. decembra 2021 o spremembi Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 95/93 glede podaljšanja ukrepov za začasno razbremenitev od pravil uporabe slotov zaradi krize zaradi COVID-19 32022R0255 23.2.2022 24.2.2022 1 3
4 Delegirana uredba Komisije (EU) 2021/1889 z dne 23. julija 2021 o spremembi Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 95/93 glede podaljšanja ukrepov za začasno razbremenitev od pravil uporabe slotov zaradi krize zaradi COVID-19 32021R1889 29.10.2021 30.10.2021 0 0
5 Uredba (EU) 2021/250 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 16. februarja 2021 o spremembi Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 95/93 glede začasne razbremenitve od pravil uporabe slotov na letališčih Unije zaradi krize zaradi COVID-19 (Besedilo velja za EGP) 32021R0250 19.2.2021 20.2.2021 0 0
6 Delegirana uredba Komisije (EU) 2020/1477 z dne 14. oktobra 2020 o spremembi Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 95/93 glede začasnega podaljšanja izrednih ukrepov za obravnavo posledic pandemije COVID-19 (Besedilo velja za EGP) 32020R1477 15.10.2020 16.10.2020 4 6
7 Uredba (EU) 2020/459 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 30. marca 2020 o spremembi Uredbe (EGS) št. 95/93 o skupnih pravilih dodeljevanja slotov na letališčih Skupnosti (Besedilo velja za EGP) 32020R0459 31.3.2020 1.4.2020 0 0
8 Uredba (ES) št. 545/2009 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 18. junija 2009 o spremembi Uredbe (EGS) št. 95/93 o skupnih pravilih dodeljevanja slotov na letališčih Skupnosti 32009R0545 18.6.2009 30.6.2009 24 25
9 2007/332/ES: Odločba Komisije z dne 23. aprila 2007 o uvedbi obveznosti javnih služb na nekaterih progah s Sardinije in na Sardinijo v skladu s členom 4 Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2408/92 o dostopu letalskih prevoznikov Skupnosti do letalskih prog znotraj Skupnosti (notificirano pod dokumentarno številko C(2007) 1712) 32007D0332 23.4.2007 23.4.2007 16 26
10 2006/547/ES: Odločba Komisije z dne 1. avgusta 2006 o začetku preiskave iz člena 4(3) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2408/92 o dostopu letalskih prevoznikov Skupnosti do letalskih prog znotraj Skupnosti (notificirano pod dokumentarno številko C(2006) 3516) 32006D0547 1.8.2006 1.8.2006 31 37
11 Uredba (ES) 793/2004 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 21. aprila 2004 o spremembi Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 95/93 o skupnih pravilih dodeljevanja slotov na letališčih Skupnosti 32004R0793 21.4.2004 30.7.2004 0 0
12 Uredba Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta (ES) št. 1554/2003 z dne 22. julija 2003 o spremembi Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 95/93 o skupnih pravilih dodeljevanja slotov na letališčih Skupnosti 32003R1554 22.7.2003 5.9.2003 0 0
13 2002/746/CE: Décision de la Commission du 5 juillet 2002 dans une procédure ouverte conformément à l'article 81 du traité CE et à l'article 53 de l'accord EEE (COMP/37.730 AuA/Lufthansa) (Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE) [notifiée sous le numéro C(2002) 2502] 32002D0746 10.9.2002 10.9.2002 0 0
14 Uredba (ES) št. 894/2002 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 27. maja 2002 o spremembi Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 95/93 o skupnih pravilih dodeljevanja slotov na letališčih v Skupnosti 32002R0894 27.5.2002 1.6.2002 0 0
15 2001/163/CE: Décision de la Commission du 21 décembre 2000 relative à une procédure d'application du règlement (CEE) n° 2408/92 du Conseil (Affaire TREN/AMA/12/00 — Règles italiennes de répartition du trafic au sein du système aéroportuaire de Milan) (Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE) [notifiée sous le numéro C(2000) 4121] 32001D0163(01) 28.2.2001 28.2.2001 0 0
16 Imposition by France of public service obligations on scheduled air services between Lyons and Ajaccio, Lyons and Bastia, Lyons and Calvi, and Lyons and Figari (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y1019(02) 19.10.2000 29.10.2000 0 0
17 Lifting by France of public service obligations imposed on scheduled air services between Ajaccio and Toulon and between Bastia and Toulon (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y1019(03) 19.10.2000 19.10.2000 0 0
18 98/710/EC: Commission Decision of 16 September 1998 on a procedure relating to the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 (Case VII/AMA/11/98 - Italian traffic distribution rules for the airport system of Milan) (notified under document number C(1998) 2625) (Only the Italian text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance) 31998D0710 12.12.1998 24.9.1998 0 0
19 98/523/EC: Commission Decision of 22 July 1998 on a procedure relating to the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 (Case VII/AMA/10/97 - Access to Karlstad airport) (notified under document number C(1998) 2009) (Only the Swedish text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance) 31998D0523 20.8.1998 23.7.1998 0 0
20 Council Resolution of 17 November 1995 on problems caused by congestion and crisis situations in air traffic in Europe 31995Y1128(01) 28.11.1995 17.11.1995 0 0
21 93/347/EEC: Commission Decision of 28 May 1993 on a procedure relating to the application of Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 (Case VII/AMA/I/93 - Viva Air) (only the French text is authentic) 31993D0347 11.6.1993 28.5.1993 0 0
22 Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 95/93 z dne 18. januarja 1993 o skupnih pravilih dodeljevanja slotov na letališčih Skupnosti 31993R0095 18.1.1993 22.2.1993 0 0
23 92/552/EEC: Commission Decision of 21 October 1992 examining, by virtue of Article 10 (4) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2343/90 the application of Article 10 (3) of the same Regulation to the increase of frequencies on existing services on the route London (Heathrow)- Brussels (Only the English, French and Dutch texts are authentic) 31992D0552 3.12.1992 21.10.1992 0 0
24 Resolution of the Council and the Ministers for Transport, meeting within the Council, of 18 July 1989 on air traffic system capacity problems 41989X0726(01) 26.7.1989 18.7.1989 0 0
25 Amendment by France of public service obligations imposed on scheduled air services between Montpellier and Ajaccio and Montpellier and Bastia (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y0630(02) 30.6.2000 / 0 0
26 Amendment by France of public service obligations in respect of scheduled air services within France (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y0726(01) 26.7.2000 / 0 0
27 Amendment by France of public service obligations in respect of scheduled air services within France (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y1221(03) 21.12.2000 / 0 0
28 Amendment made by Italy to the public service obligations for scheduled air services between Cagliari/Olbia/Alghero and Rome/Milan 32001Y0215(01) 15.2.2001 / 0 0
29 Commission Communication pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) 2408/92 - Modification by the United Kingdom of a public service obligation in respect of a scheduled air service between Glasgow and Barra(Text with EEA relevance) 31999Y1208(02) 8.12.1999 / 0 0
30 Commission Communication pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) 2408/92 - Modification by the United Kingdom of public service obligations in respect of scheduled air services between Glasgow and Campbeltown and Glasgow and Tiree(Text with EEA relevance) 31999Y1208(01) 8.12.1999 / 0 0
31 Commission communication pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 - Amendment by France of the public service obligation for scheduled air services between Strasbourg and Copenhagen (Kastrup/Roskilde) (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y1205(04) 5.12.2000 / 0 0
32 Commission communication pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 - Amendment by France of the public service obligation for scheduled air services between Strasbourg and Lisbon (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y1205(05) 5.12.2000 / 0 0
33 Commission communication pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 - Amendment by France of the public service obligation for scheduled air services between Strasbourg and Milan (Malpensa/Linate/Bergame) (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y1205(07) 5.12.2000 / 0 0
34 Commission communication pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 - Amendment by France of the public service obligation for scheduled air services between Strasbourg and Vienna (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y1205(09) 5.12.2000 / 0 0
35 Commission communication pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 - Imposition by France of a public service obligation on scheduled air services between Strasbourg and Madrid (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y1205(06) 5.12.2000 / 0 0
36 Commission communication pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 - Imposition by France of a public service obligation on scheduled air services between Strasbourg and Rome (Fiumicino/Ciampino) (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y1205(08) 5.12.2000 / 0 0
37 Commission communication pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 - Lifting by France of the public service obligation for scheduled air services between Strasbourg and Dublin (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y1205(03) 5.12.2000 / 0 0
38 Communication from the Commission pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 - Revision by Ireland of the maximum fare imposed in the context of the public service obligations in respect of scheduled air services between Dublin and Kerry, Dublin and Galway, and Dublin and Sligo (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y0317(01) 17.3.2000 / 0 0
39 Communication from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y0309(02) 9.3.2000 / 0 0
40 Communication from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Commission of 24 March 2000 (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y0420(01) 20.4.2000 / 0 0
41 Information from the Commission - Amendment by France of public service obligations for scheduled air services between the French mainland and Corsica 32000Y1129(02) 29.11.2000 / 0 0
42 Information from the Commission - Amendment by France of public service obligations in respect of scheduled air services within France (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y0309(01) 9.3.2000 / 0 0
43 Information from the Commission - Imposition of a public service obligation pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 - Extension and alteration of the public service obligation imposed in respect of the Hof-Bayreuth-Frankfurt am Main route (Text with EEA relevance) 32000Y1205(02) 5.12.2000 / 0 0
44 Information from the Commission - Operation of scheduled air services - Public service obligation for the operation of scheduled air services between Biarritz/Pau and Lyons (Satolas), Biarritz/Pau and Marseilles 32000Y0620(01) 20.6.2000 / 0 0