Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
1 Okvirni sporazum med Evropsko skupnostjo in Evropsko vesoljsko agencijo 22004A0806(03) 25.11.2003 28.5.2004 0 0
2 Sklep Sveta z dne 29. aprila 2004 o sklenitvi Okvirnega sporazuma med Evropsko skupnostjo in Evropsko vesoljsko agencijo 32004D0578 29.4.2004 29.4.2004 0 0
3 Council Resolution of 16 November 2000 on a European space strategy 32000Y1223(01) 23.12.2000 16.11.2000 0 0
4 Council resolution of 2 December 1999 on developing a coherent European space strategy 31999Y1224(01) 24.12.1999 2.12.1999 0 0
5 Council Conclusions of 27 September 1999 on the role of self-regulation in the light of the development of new media services 31999Y1006(02) 6.11.1999 27.9.1999 0 0
6 Council Resolution of 22 June 1998 on the reinforcement of the synergy between the European Space Agency and the European Community 31998Y0717(01) 17.7.1998 22.6.1998 0 0
7 Council Statement of 14 March 1977 on industrial policy in the aeronautical sector 31977Y0319(01) 19.3.1977 14.3.1977 0 0
8 Council Resolution of 4 March 1975 on concerted action and consultation between the Member States on industrial policy in the aeronautical sector 31975Y0313(01) 13.3.1975 4.3.1975 0 0
9 66/556/EEC: Commission Decision of 23 September 1966 on the aid instituted by the Government of the French Republic for the purchase of aircraft (Only the French text is authentic) 31966D0556 12.10.1966 12.10.1966 0 0