Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
801 Information from the Commission - Notice concerning anti-dumping measures in force in respect of imports of certain tube or pipe fittings, of iron or steel, originating in Croatia: modification of the name of a company subject to the application of anti-dumping measures 31999Y0918(01) 18.9.1999 / 0 0
802 Notice concerning anti-dumping measures in force in respect of imports into the Community of certain grain oriented electrical sheets originating in Russia: modifications of the name of a company from which an undertaking was accepted 31999Y0910(01) 10.9.1999 / 0 0
803 Notice concerning the continuation of anti-dumping measures in force on imports of ball-bearings with a greatest external diameter exceeding 30 mm, originating in Japan 31990Y0531(04) 31.5.1990 / 0 0
804 Resolution of the ECSC consultative committee on the negotiation of arrangements for 1991 to apply to steel imports from certain non-member countries 31991Y0226(01) 26.2.1991 / 0 0
805 Resolution of the European Coal and Steel Community Consultative Committee on steel imports into the European Union 31996Y0509(02) 9.5.1996 / 0 0
806 Resolution of the European Coal and Steel Community Consultative Committee on the current negotiations with a view to the creation of a European economic area (adopted unanimously at the 292nd Session held on 7 June 1991) 31991Y0726(01) 26.7.1991 / 0 0
807 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 138/2008 z dne 15. februarja 2008 o zaključitvi delnega vmesnega pregleda protidampinških ukrepov, ki se uporabljajo pri uvozu vezanega lesa okoumé s poreklom iz Ljudske republike Kitajske 32008R0138 16.2.2008 / 0 0
808 Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 1736/2004 z dne 4. oktobra 2004 o uvedbi dokončnih protidampinških dajatev na uvoz vrvi iz sintetičnih vlaken s poreklom iz Indije 32004R1736 30.5.2006 / 1 9