Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
1 Uredba Komisije (EU) 2023/1066 z dne 1. junija 2023 o uporabi člena 101(3) Pogodbe o delovanju Evropske unije za nekatere skupine sporazumov o raziskavah in razvoju (Besedilo velja za EGP) 32023R1066 2.6.2023 1.7.2023 9 19
2 Uredba Komisije (EU) 2023/1067 z dne 1. junija 2023 o uporabi člena 101(3) Pogodbe o delovanju Evropske unije za nekatere skupine sporazumov o specializaciji (Besedilo velja za EGP) 32023R1067 2.6.2023 1.7.2023 20 26
3 Uredba Komisije (EU) št. 697/2014 z dne 24. junija 2014 o spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 906/2009 glede njenega obdobja uporabe Besedilo velja za EGP 32014R0697 25.6.2014 25.4.2015 0 0
4 Uredba Komisije (EU) št. 316/2014 z dne 21. marca 2014 o uporabi člena 101(3) Pogodbe o delovanju Evropske unije za skupine sporazumov o prenosu tehnologije Besedilo velja za EGP 32014R0316 21.3.2014 1.5.2014 17 23
5 2003/437/EG: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 11. Dezember 2001 in einem Verfahren nach Artikel 81 EG-Vertrag und Artikel 53 EWR-Abkommen (Sache COMP/E-1/37.027 — Zinkphosphat) (Bekannt gegeben unter Aktenzeichen K(2001) 4237) (Text von Bedeutung für den EWR.) 32003D0437 20.6.2003 20.6.2003 0 0
6 2003/300/CE: Décision de la Commission du 8 octobre 2002 relative à une procédure d'application de l'article 81 du traité CE et de l'article 53 de l'accord EEE (Affaire COMP/C2/38.014 — IFPI "Simulcast") (Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE) [notifiée sous le numéro C(2002) 3639] 32003D0300 30.4.2003 30.4.2003 0 0
7 2001/782/CE: Décision de la Commission du 9 août 2001 relative à une procédure d'application de l'article 81 du traité CE et de l'article 53 de l'accord EEE (Affaire Comp/29.373 — Visa International) (Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE) [notifiée sous le numéro C(2001) 2425] 32001D0782 10.11.2001 10.11.2001 0 0
8 2001/696/EC: Commission Decision of 31 July 2001 relating to a proceeding under Article 81 of the EC Treaty and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement (Case No COMP/37.462 — Identrus) (Text with EEA relevance) (notified under document number C(2001) 1850) 32001D0696 19.9.2001 19.9.2001 0 0
9 2001/146/EG: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 20. September 2000 in einem Verfahren nach Artikel 81 EG-Vertrag (Sache COMP/36.653 — Opel) (Text von Bedeutung für den EWR)(Bekannt gegeben unter Aktenzeichen K(2000) 2707) 32001D0146 28.2.2001 28.2.2001 0 0
10 2000/627/EG: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 16. Mai 2000 in einem Verfahren nach Artikel 81 EG-Vertrag (Sache Nr. IV/34.018 - Far East Trade Tariff Charges and Surcharges Agreement (FETTCSA)) (Bekannt gegeben unter Aktenzeichen K(2000) 1170) (Nur der dänische, englische, französische und deutsche Text sind verbindlich) 32000D0627 20.10.2000 20.10.2000 0 0
11 2000/117/EC: Commission Decision of 26 October 1999 concerning a proceeding pursuant to Article 81 of the EC Treaty Case IV/33.884 - Nederlandse Federative Vereniging voor de Groothandel op Elektrotechnisch Gebied and Technische Unie (FEG and TU) (notified under document number C(1999) 3439) (Only the Dutch text is authentic) 32000D0117 14.2.2000 14.2.2000 0 0
12 1999/781/EG: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 15. September 1999 in einem Verfahren nach Artikel 81 EG-Vertrag (Sache Nr. IV/36.539 - Britisch Interactive Broadcasting/Open) (Bekanntgegeben unter Aktenzeichen K(1999) 2935) (Nur der englische Text ist verbindlich) 31999D0781 6.12.1999 6.12.1999 0 0
13 1999/687/CE: Décision de la Commission, du 8 septembre 1999, relative à une procédure d'application de l'article 81 du traité CE [IV/34.010 Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken (accord GSA de 1991), IV/33.793 Nederlandse Postorderbond, IV/34.234 Verenigde Nederlandse Uitgeversbedrijven et IV/34.888 Nederlandse Organisatie van Tijdschriften Uitgevers/Nederlandse Christelijke Radio Vereniging] [notifiée sous le numéro C(1999) 2056] (Le texte en langue néerlandaise est le seul faisant foi.) 31999D0687 21.10.1999 21.10.1999 0 0
14 1999/574/EC: Commission Decision of 27 July 1999 relating to a proceeding under Article 81 of the EC Treaty and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement (Case IV/36.581 - Télécom Développement) (notified under document number C(1999) 2299) (Text with EEA relevance) (Only the French text is authentic) 31999D0574 18.8.1999 28.7.1999 0 0
15 1999/60/CE: Décision de la Commission du 21 octobre 1998 relative à une procédure d'application de l'article 85 du traité CE (IV/35.691/E-4 - Conduites précalorifugées) [notifiée sous le numéro C(1998) 3117] (Les textes en langues danoise, allemande, anglaise, italienne et finnoise sont les seuls faisant foi.) 31999D0060 30.1.1999 30.1.1999 0 0
16 97/39/CE: Décision de la Commission du 18 décembre 1996 concernant une procédure en vertu de l'article 85 du traité CE et de l'article 53 de l'accord EEE (Affaire IV/35.518 - Iridium) (Le texte en langue anglaise est le seul faisant foi.) (Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE) 31997D0039 18.1.1997 18.12.1996 0 0
17 97/84/EC: Commission Decision of 30 October 1996 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EC Treaty (IV/34.503 - Ferry operators - Currency surcharges) (Only the English, French and Dutch texts are authentic) 31997D0084 29.1.1997 19.11.1996 0 0
18 96/546/EC: Commission Decision of 17 July 1996 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EC Treaty and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement (Case No IV/35.337 - Atlas) (Only the English, French and German texts are authentic) (Text with EEA relevance) 31996D0546 19.9.1996 26.7.1996 0 0
19 96/547/EC: Commission Decision of 17 July 1996 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EC Treaty and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement (Case No IV/35.617 - Phoenix/GlobalOne) (Only the English, French and German texts are authentic) (Text with EEA relevance) 31996D0547 19.9.1996 26.7.1996 0 0
20 95/373/EC: Commission Decision of 31 January 1995 relating to a proceeding under Articles 85 and 86 of the EC Treaty (IV/33.375 - PMI-DSV) (Only the German and French texts are authentic) 31995D0373 19.9.1995 2.2.1995 0 0
21 94/895/EC: Commission Decision of 15 December 1994 relating to a proceeding pursuant to Article 85 of the EC Treaty and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement (IV/34.768 - International Private Satellite Partners) (Only the English and Italian texts are authentic) (Text with EEA relevance) 31994D0895 31.12.1994 19.12.1994 0 0
22 94/594/CE: Décision de la Commission, du 27 juillet 1994, relative à une procédure d'application de l'article 85 du traité CE et de l'article 53 de l'accord EEE (Affaire n° IV/34.518 - ACI) (Les textes en langues anglaise et française sont les seuls faisant foi) 31994D0594 30.8.1994 30.8.1994 0 0
23 93/3/EEC: Commission Decision of 4 December 1992 relating to a proceeding pursuant to Articles 85 of the EEC Treaty IV/32.797 and 32.798 - Lloyd's Underwriters' Association and The Institute of London Underwriters (Only the English text is authentic) 31993D0003 8.1.1993 4.12.1992 0 0
24 91/39/EEC: Commission Decision of 19 December 1990 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/32.595 - d'Ieteren motor oils) (Only the French and Dutch texts are authentic) 31991D0039 26.1.1991 10.1.1991 0 0
25 90/446/EEC: Commission Decision of 27 July 1990 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/32.688 - Konsortium ECR 900) (Only the German, English and Dutch texts are authentic) 31990D0446 22.8.1990 3.8.1990 0 0
26 90/410/EEC: Commission Decision of 13 July 1990 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/32.009 - Elopak/Metal Box - Odin) (Only the English text is authentic) 31990D0410 8.8.1990 18.7.1990 0 0
27 90/33/EEC: Commission Decision of 14 December 1989 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/32.202-APB) (Only the French and Dutch texts are authentic) 31990D0033 23.1.1990 29.12.1989 0 0
28 89/512/EEC: Commission Decision of 19 July 1989 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/31.499 - Dutch banks) (Only the Dutch text is authentic) 31989D0512 30.8.1989 20.7.1989 0 0
29 88/568/EEC: Commission Decision of 24 October 1988 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/32.437/8 - Eurotunnel) (Only the English and French texts are authentic) 31988D0568 17.11.1988 27.10.1988 0 0
30 88/109/EEC: Commission Decision of 18 December 1987 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/31.735 - New potatoes) (Only the French text is authentic) 31988D0109 4.3.1988 22.12.1987 0 0
31 87/408/EEC: Commission Decision of 13 July 1987 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/31.764 - Baltic International Freight Futures Exchange Limited) (Only the English text is authentic) 31987D0408 10.8.1987 14.7.1987 0 0
32 87/44/EEC: Commission Decision of 10 December 1986 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/29.036 - The GAFTA Soya Bean Meal Futures Association) (Only the English text is authentic) 31987D0044 21.1.1987 11.12.1986 0 0
33 87/45/EEC: Commission Decision of 10 December 1986 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/29.688 - The London Grain Futures Market) (Only the English text is authentic) 31987D0045 21.1.1987 11.12.1986 0 0
34 87/46/EEC: Commission Decision of 10 December 1986 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/30.176 - The London Potato Futures Association Limited) (Only the English text is authentic) 31987D0046 21.1.1987 11.12.1986 0 0
35 87/47/EEC: Commission Decision of 10 December 1986 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/31.614 - The London Meat Futures Exchange Limited) (Only the English text is authentic) 31987D0047 21.1.1987 11.12.1986 0 0
36 87/2/EEC: Commission Decision of 4 December 1986 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/30.439 - Petroleum Exchange of London Limited) (Only the English text is authentic) 31987D0002 6.1.1987 5.12.1986 0 0
37 86/507/EEC: Commission Decision of 30 September 1986 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/31.362 - Irish Banks' Standing Committee) (Only the English text is authentic) 31986D0507 18.10.1986 1.10.1986 0 0
38 85/563/EEC: Commission Decision of 13 December 1985 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/27.590 - London Sugar Futures Market Limited) (Only the English text is authentic) 31985D0563 31.12.1985 20.12.1985 0 0
39 85/564/EEC: Commission Decision of 13 December 1985 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/27.591 - London Cocoa Terminal Market Association Limited) (Only the English text is authentic) 31985D0564 31.12.1985 20.12.1985 0 0
40 85/565/EEC: Commission Decision of 13 December 1985 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/27.592 - Coffee Terminal Market Association of London Limited) (Only the English text is authentic) 31985D0565 31.12.1985 20.12.1985 0 0
41 85/566/EEC: Commission Decision of 13 December 1985 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/27.593 - London Rubber Terminal Market Association Limited) (Only the English text is authentic) 31985D0566 31.12.1985 20.12.1985 0 0
42 85/616/EEC: Commission Decision of 16 December 1985 relating to a proceeding pursuant to Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/30.665 - Villeroy & Boch) (Only the French and German texts are authentic) 31985D0616 31.12.1985 16.12.1985 0 0
43 84/233/EEC: Commission Decision of 18 April 1984 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/30.849 IBM personal computer) 31984D0233 4.5.1984 18.4.1984 0 0
44 83/610/EEC: Commission Decision of 5 December 1983 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/30.668 - Murat) (Only the French text is authentic) 31983D0610 10.12.1983 6.12.1983 0 0
45 80/1074/CEE: Décision de la Commission, du 16 octobre 1980, relative à une procédure d'application de l'article 85 du traité CEE (IV/197 - Industrieverband Solnhofener Natursteinplatten eV) (Le texte en langue allemande est le seul faisant foi) 31980D1074 26.11.1980 26.11.1980 0 0
46 80/789/EWG: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 22. Juli 1980 betreffend ein Verfahren nach Artikel 85 des EWG- Vertrags (IV/26.528 - The Distillers Company Ltd./Schiffsausrüster) (Nur der englische Text ist verbindlich) 31980D0789 4.9.1980 4.9.1980 0 0
47 80/489/EEC: Commission Decision of 17 April 1980 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/28.553 - Krups) (Only the German text is authentic) 31980D0489 13.5.1980 13.5.1980 0 0
48 80/183/EEC: Commission Decision of 7 December 1979 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty in case No IV/29.266 and others (Cane Sugar Supply Agreements) (Only the English text is authentic) 31980D0183 15.2.1980 15.2.1980 0 0
49 78/922/EEC: Commission Decision of 23 October 1978 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/1.576 - Zanussi) (Only the Italian text is authentic) 31978D0922 16.11.1978 16.11.1978 0 0
50 78/711/CECA: Décision de la Commission, du 28 juillet 1978, autorisant un accord ayant pour objet une coordination des ventes de ronds à béton et de laminés marchands par des entreprises sidérurgiques italiennes (UCRO) (Le texte en langue italienne est le seul faisant foi) 31978D0711 30.8.1978 30.8.1978 0 0