Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
51 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1611/1999 of 22 July 1999 on a sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies for export 31999R1611 23.7.1999 26.7.1999 0 0
52 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1612/1999 of 22 July 1999 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for the production of minced meat 31999R1612 23.7.1999 24.7.1999 0 0
53 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1585/1999 of 20 July 1999 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies 31999R1585 21.7.1999 22.7.1999 0 0
54 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1588/1999 of 20 July 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1289/1999 31999R1588 21.7.1999 21.7.1999 0 0
55 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1589/1999 of 20 July 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1437/1999 31999R1589 21.7.1999 21.7.1999 0 0
56 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1590/1999 of 20 July 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the second invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1222/1999 31999R1590 21.7.1999 21.7.1999 0 0
57 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1451/1999 z dne 1. julija 1999 o spremembah Uredbe (ES) št. 1209/98 o prodaji govejega mesa s strani Združenega kraljestva oboroženim silam po vnaprej določenih cenah 31999R1451 2.7.1999 9.7.1999 0 0
58 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1437/1999 of 30 June 1999 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies 31999R1437 1.7.1999 4.7.1999 0 0
59 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1415/1999 of 29 June 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1221/1999 31999R1415 30.6.1999 30.6.1999 0 0
60 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1416/1999 of 29 June 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the first invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1222/1999 31999R1416 30.6.1999 30.6.1999 0 0
61 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1417/1999 of 29 June 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1233/1999 31999R1417 30.6.1999 30.6.1999 0 0
62 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1289/1999 of 18 June 1999 on a sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies for export 31999R1289 19.6.1999 22.6.1999 0 0
63 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1286/1999 of 18 June 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the second invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 951/1999 31999R1286 19.6.1999 19.6.1999 0 0
64 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1287/1999 of 18 June 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1123/1999 31999R1287 19.6.1999 19.6.1999 0 0
65 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1288/1999 of 18 June 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1096/1999 31999R1288 19.6.1999 19.6.1999 0 0
66 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1221/1999 of 14 June 1999 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and repealing Regulation (EC) No 383/1999 31999R1221 15.6.1999 18.6.1999 0 0
67 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1233/1999 of 15 June 1999 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for the production of minced meat 31999R1233 16.6.1999 17.6.1999 0 0
68 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1123/1999 of 28 May 1999 on a sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies for export 31999R1123 29.5.1999 1.6.1999 0 0
69 Règlement (CE) n° 1096/1999 de la Commission, du 27 mai 1999, relatif à la vente, dans le cadre d'une procédure d'adjudication, de viandes bovines détenues par certains organismes d'intervention 31999R1096 28.5.1999 1.6.1999 0 0
70 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1085/1999 of 26 May 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 837/1999 31999R1085 27.5.1999 27.5.1999 0 0
71 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1086/1999 of 26 May 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 951/1999 31999R1086 27.5.1999 27.5.1999 0 0
72 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1087/1999 of 26 May 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 957/1999 31999R1087 27.5.1999 27.5.1999 0 0
73 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1088/1999 of 26 May 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 959/1999 31999R1088 27.5.1999 27.5.1999 0 0
74 Commission Regulation (EC) No 957/1999 of 6 May 1999 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies 31999R0957 7.5.1999 10.5.1999 0 0
75 Commission Regulation (EC) No 959/1999 of 6 May 1999 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for the production of minced meat 31999R0959 7.5.1999 7.5.1999 0 0
76 Commission Regulation (EC) No 949/1999 of 5 May 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 829/1999 31999R0949 6.5.1999 6.5.1999 0 0
77 Commission Regulation (EC) No 837/1999 of 22 April 1999 on a sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies for export 31999R0837 23.4.1999 26.4.1999 0 0
78 Commission Regulation (EC) No 829/1999 of 21 April 1999 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies 31999R0829 22.4.1999 25.4.1999 0 0
79 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2754/1999 of 22 December 1999 amending Regulation (EC) No 822/1999 on the sale, at prices fixed in advance, of beef held by certain intervention agencies, with a view to its processing in the Community for food-aid purposes 31999R2754 23.12.1999 22.4.1999 0 0
80 Commission Regulation (EC) No 822/1999 of 20 April 1999 on the sale, at prices fixed in advance, of beef held by certain intervention agencies, with a view to its processing in the Community for food-aid purposes 31999R0822 21.4.1999 22.4.1999 0 0
81 Commission Regulation (EC) No 821/1999 of 20 April 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 705/1999 31999R0821 21.4.1999 21.4.1999 0 0
82 Commission Regulation (EC) No 705/1999 of 31 March 1999 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for the production of minced meat 31999R0705 1.4.1999 2.4.1999 0 0
83 Commission Regulation (EC) No 709/1999 of 31 March 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 491/1999 31999R0709 1.4.1999 1.4.1999 0 0
84 Commission Regulation (EC) No 587/1999 of 18 March 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 467/1999 31999R0587 19.3.1999 19.3.1999 0 0
85 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 481/1999 z dne 4. marca 1999 o določitvi splošnih pravil za upravljanje programov promocije za nekatere kmetijske proizvode 31999R0481 5.3.1999 15.3.1999 0 0
86 Commission Regulation (EC) No 491/1999 of 5 March 1999 on a sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies for export 31999R0491 6.3.1999 9.3.1999 0 0
87 Commission Regulation (EC) No 467/1999 of 3 March 1999 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for the production of minced meat 31999R0467 4.3.1999 5.3.1999 0 0
88 Commission Regulation (EC) No 384/1999 of 19 February 1999 on a sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for processing within the Community and repealing Regulation (EC) No 2759/98 31999R0384 20.2.1999 23.2.1999 0 0
89 Commission Regulation (EC) No 358/1999 of 17 February 1999 on a sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies for export to certain third countries 31999R0358 18.2.1999 19.2.1999 0 0
90 Commission Regulation (EC) No 359/1999 of 17 February 1999 on a sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies for export and repealing Regulations (EC) Nos 2145/98 and 2161/98 31999R0359 18.2.1999 19.2.1999 0 0
91 Commission Regulation (EC) No 255/1999 of 3 February 1999 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for the production of minced meat 31999R0255 4.2.1999 5.2.1999 0 0
92 Commission Regulation (EC) No 256/1999 of 3 February 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 123/1999 31999R0256 4.2.1999 4.2.1999 0 0
93 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2721/98 of 16 December 1998 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 2607/98 31998R2721 17.12.1998 17.12.1998 0 0
94 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2606/98 of 3 December 1998 on periodical sales by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies for export 31998R2606 4.12.1998 5.12.1998 0 0
95 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2607/98 of 3 December 1998 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for the production of minced meat 31998R2607 4.12.1998 5.12.1998 0 0
96 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2259/98 of 20 October 1998 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for the production of minced meat 31998R2259 21.10.1998 22.10.1998 0 0
97 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2160/98 of 7 October 1998 on periodical sales by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies for export 31998R2160 8.10.1998 9.10.1998 0 0
98 Sonderbericht Nr. 19/98 über die Finanzierung bestimmter infolge der BSE-Krise getroffener Maßnahmen durch die Gemeinschaft, zusammen mit den Antworten der Kommission (Vorgelegt gemäß Artikel 188c Absatz 4 Unterabsatz 2 des EG-Vertrags) 31998Y1209(01) 9.12.1998 7.10.1998 0 0
99 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1984/98 of 17 September 1998 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for the production of minced meat 31998R1984 18.9.1998 21.9.1998 0 0
100 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1999/98 of 18 September 1998 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1824/98 31998R1999 19.9.1998 19.9.1998 0 0