Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
1 Sklep Komisije (EU) 2021/144 z dne 5. februarja 2021 o spremembi Priloge A k Monetarnemu sporazumu med Evropsko unijo in Kneževino Monako 32021D0144 8.2.2021 28.2.2021 25 32
2 Sklep Komisije (EU) 2021/146 z dne 5. februarja 2021 o spremembi Priloge k Monetarnemu sporazumu med Evropsko unijo in Kneževino Andoro 32021D0146 8.2.2021 28.2.2021 0 0
3 Sklep Komisije (EU) 2016/1915 z dne 27. oktobra 2016 o spremembi Sklepa (EU) 2015/2300 o plačilu v eurih, ki ga opravi Združeno kraljestvo za nekatere odhodke, nastale zaradi področne kmetijske zakonodaje (notificirano pod dokumentarno številko C(2016) 6807) 32016D1915 1.11.2016 1.11.2016 13 14
4 Sklep Komisije (EU) 2015/2300 z dne 8. decembra 2015 o plačilu v eurih, ki ga opravi Združeno kraljestvo za nekatere odhodke, nastale zaradi področne kmetijske zakonodaje (notificirano pod dokumentarno število C(2015) 8576) 32015D2300 10.12.2015 9.12.2015 35 37
5 Uredba Komisije (EU) št. 278/2010 z dne 31. marca 2010 o spremembi Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 1276/2008 o nadzoru s fizičnimi pregledi pri izvozu kmetijskih proizvodov, za katere se dobijo izvozna nadomestila ali drugi zneski, in Uredbe (ES) št. 612/2009 o skupnih podrobnih pravilih za uporabo sistema izvoznih nadomestil za kmetijske proizvode 32010R0278 31.3.2010 1.7.2010 15 19
6 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1276/2008 z dne 17. decembra 2008 o nadzoru s fizičnimi pregledi pri izvozu kmetijskih proizvodov, za katere se dobijo izvozna nadomestila ali drugi zneski 32008R1276 17.12.2008 25.12.2008 53 75
7 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 231/2009 z dne 19. marca 2009 o odstopanju od Uredbe (ES) št. 800/1999 glede določitve stopnje nadomestila za sladkor pri dobavi iz členov 36 in 44 navedene uredbe, ki se je izvajala od 1. do 25. septembra 2008 32009R0231 19.3.2009 1.9.2008 13 13
8 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 488/2006 z dne 24. marca 2006 o določitvi menjalnih tečajev, ki se uporabljajo za strukturne ali okoljske ukrepe v letu 2006 32006R0488 25.3.2006 26.3.2006 0 0
9 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 284/2005 z dne 18. februarja 2005 o določitvi odstopanj od Uredbe (ES) št. 800/1999 glede proizvodov v obliki blaga, ki niso zajeti v Prilogi I k Pogodbi in se izvažajo v tretje države, razen v Švico in Lihtenštajn 32005R0284 18.2.2005 1.2.2005 10 11
10 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2083/2003 of 27 November 2003 laying down derogations from Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 as regards products in the form of goods not covered by Annex I to the Treaty exported to third countries other than Malta 32003R2083 28.11.2003 28.11.2003 0 0
11 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1252/2003 z dne 14. julija 2003 o odstopanjih od Uredbe (ES) št. 800/1999 za proizvode v obliki blaga, ki ni zajeto v Prilogi I Pogodbe in se izvaža v tretje države, razen v Češko republiko, Estonijo, Latvijo, Litvo, Madžarsko, Slovaško in Slovenijo 32003R1252 14.7.2003 15.7.2003 0 0
12 Commission Regulation (EC) No 786/2003 of 8 May 2003 adjusting certain compensatory agrimonetary aids granted in the United Kingdom 32003R0786 9.5.2003 19.5.2003 0 0
13 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1971/2002 of 5 November 2002 adjusting certain compensatory agrimonetary aid granted in the United Kingdom and Sweden 32002R1971 6.11.2002 13.11.2002 0 0
14 Commission Regulation (EC) No 840/2002 of 21 May 2002 adjusting certain compensatory agrimonetary aids granted in the United Kingdom and Sweden 32002R0840 22.5.2002 29.5.2002 0 0
15 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 426/2002 z dne 7. marca 2002, o določitvi menjalnih razmerij za nekatere neposredne pomoči ter strukturne ali okoljske ukrepe 32002R0426 8.3.2002 15.3.2002 0 0
16 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1966/2001 of 8 October 2001 fixing the maximum amount of compensatory aid resulting from the exchange rate for the pound sterling applicable on 1 July 2001 32001R1966 9.10.2001 16.10.2001 0 0
17 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1967/2001 of 8 October 2001 adjusting certain compensatory agrimonetary aids granted in Denmark and Sweden 32001R1967 9.10.2001 16.10.2001 0 0
18 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2001 of 1 August 2001 setting the conversion rate applicable to certain direct aids whose operative event is 1 July 2001 32001R1580 2.8.2001 9.8.2001 0 0
19 Commission Regulation (EC) No 651/2001 of 30 March 2001 adjusting certain compensatory agrimonetary aids granted to Denmark and Sweden 32001R0651 31.3.2001 7.4.2001 0 0
20 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 653/2001 z dne 30. marca 2001 o določitvi najvišjega zneska kompenzacijske pomoči, ki je posledica menjalnega tečaja za britanski funt, veljavnega dne 31. decembra 2000 in 1. januarja 2001 32001R0653 31.3.2001 7.4.2001 0 0
21 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 654/2001 z dne 30. marca 2001 o določitvi najvišjega zneska kompenzacijske pomoči zaradi občutne revalorizacije britanskega funta in švedske krone v letu 2000 32001R0654 31.3.2001 7.4.2001 0 0
22 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 408/2001 z dne 28. februarja 2001 o določitvi menjalnega tečaja, ki se uporablja za nekatere neposredne pomoči in ukrepe strukturne ali okoljske narave 32001R0408 1.3.2001 8.3.2001 0 0
23 2001/121/CE: Décision de la Commission du 30 janvier 2001 relative au paiement par le Royaume-Uni de certaines dépenses résultant des actes relatifs à la politique agricole commune en euros et abrogeant la décision 2000/328/CE [notifiée sous le numéro C(2001) 171] 32001D0121 15.2.2001 15.2.2001 0 0
24 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2293/2000 of 16 October 2000 setting the maximum amount of compensatory aid resulting from the conversion rates for the Swedish krona and the pound sterling applicable on 1 August 2000 32000R2293 17.10.2000 24.10.2000 0 0
25 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2109/2000 of 4 October 2000 fixing the conversion rate applicable to certain direct aids having an operative event on 1 September 2000 32000R2109 5.10.2000 12.10.2000 0 0
26 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2098/2000 of 3 October 2000 fixing the conversion rate applicable to certain direct aids having an operative event on 1 August 2000 32000R2098 4.10.2000 11.10.2000 0 0
27 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1612/2000 of 24 July 2000 setting the maximum amount of compensatory aid resulting from the conversion rates for the Swedish krona and the pound sterling applicable on 1 July 2000 32000R1612 25.7.2000 1.8.2000 0 0
28 2000/328/CE: Décision de la Commission du 17 avril 2000 relative au paiement par le Royaume-Uni de certaines dépenses résultant des actes relatifs à la politique agricole commune en euros [notifiée sous le numéro C(2000) 1026] (Le texte en langue anglaise est le seul faisant foi.) 32000D0328 13.5.2000 13.5.2000 0 0
29 Commission Regulation (EC) No 801/2000 of 17 April 2000 fixing the maximum amount of compensatory aid resulting from the exchange rates for the Danish krone, the Swedish krona and the pound sterling applicable on 1 and 2 January 2000 32000R0801 18.4.2000 25.4.2000 0 0
30 Commission Regulation (EC) No 802/2000 of 17 April 2000 fixing the maximum amount of compensatory aid for the revaluation of the pound sterling in 1999 32000R0802 18.4.2000 25.4.2000 0 0
31 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 341/2000 z dne 15. februarja 2000 o določitvi menjalnega tečaja, ki se uporablja za nekatere neposredne pomoči in ukrepe strukturne ali okoljske narave 32000R0341 16.2.2000 23.2.2000 0 0
32 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2206/1999 of 18 October 1999 fixing the maximum compensatory aid resulting from the rates for the conversion of the euro into national currency units and the exchange rates applicable on 1 September 1999 31999R2206 19.10.1999 26.10.1999 0 0
33 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2200/1999 of 15 October 1999 fixing the maximum compensatory aid resulting from the rates for the conversion of the euro into national currency units and the exchange rates applicable on 1 August 1999 31999R2200 16.10.1999 23.10.1999 0 0
34 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2219/1999 of 19 October 1999 fixing the exchange rate applicable to certain direct aids 31999R2219 20.10.1999 1.9.1999 0 0
35 1999/606/EC: Commission Decision of 27 August 1999 concerning a special Community financial contribution towards the eradication of bluetongue in Bulgaria by means of vaccination in the infected regions (notified under document number C(1999) 2835) 31999D0606 8.9.1999 30.8.1999 0 0
36 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1639/1999 of 26 July 1999 fixing the maximum compensatory aid resulting from the rates for the conversion of the euro into national currency units and the exchange rates applicable on 1 July 1999 31999R1639 27.7.1999 3.8.1999 0 0
37 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2218/1999 of 19 October 1999 fixing the exchange rate applicable to certain direct aids 31999R2218 20.10.1999 1.8.1999 0 0
38 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1635/1999 of 26 July 1999 fixing the exchange rate applicable to certain direct aids 31999R1635 27.7.1999 28.7.1999 0 0
39 Commission Regulation (EC) No 807/1999 of 16 April 1999 providing for transitional measures for the financing of inspections and controls in accordance with Directive 85/73/EEC following the introduction of the euro 31999R0807 17.4.1999 24.4.1999 0 0
40 Commission Regulation (EC) No 755/1999 of 12 April 1999 fixing the maximum compensatory aid resulting from the rates for the conversion of the euro into national currency units and the exchange rates applicable on 1 and 3 January 1999 31999R0755 13.4.1999 20.4.1999 0 0
41 Commission Regulation (EC) No 571/1999 of 16 March 1999 amending Regulation (EC) No 1426/98 fixing the maximum amount of compensatory aid for the appreciable revaluation of the pound sterling on 3 May 1998 31999R0571 17.3.1999 24.3.1999 0 0
42 Commission Regulation (EC) No 40/1999 of 8 January 1999 amending Regulations (EC) No 1666/98 and (EC) No 1641/98 opening standing invitations to tender for the export of barley and rye held by the Austrian intervention agency 31999R0040 9.1.1999 12.1.1999 0 0
43 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2810/98 of 22 December 1998 introducing transitional measures relating to agricultural conversion rates fixed in advance before 1 January 1999 31998R2810 24.12.1998 1.1.1999 0 0
44 Règlement (CE) nº 2813/98 de la Commission du 22 décembre 1998 portant modalités d'application relatives aux mesures transitoires pour l'introduction de l'euro dans la politique agricole commune 31998R2813 24.12.1998 1.1.1999 0 0
45 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1891/98 of 3 September 1998 setting the agricultural conversion rates applicable to certain aids in the United Kingdom and Sweden and the resulting maximum amounts of compensatory aid 31998R1891 4.9.1998 11.9.1998 0 0
46 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1613/98 of 24 July 1998 adjusting the agrimonetary compensatory aid granted in Sweden 31998R1613 25.7.1998 1.8.1998 0 0
47 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2181/98 of 9 October 1998 setting the agricultural conversion rates applicable to certain aids in the United Kingdom and Sweden and the resulting maximum amounts of compensatory aid 31998R2181 10.10.1998 1.8.1998 0 0
48 Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1426/98 der Kommission vom 3. Juli 1998 zur Festsetzung des Höchstbetrags der wegen der spürbaren Aufwertung des Pfund Sterling am 3. Mai 1998 zu gewährenden Ausgleichsbeihilfe 31998R1426 4.7.1998 11.7.1998 0 0
49 Commission Regulation (EC) No 487/98 of 27 February 1998 setting the agricultural conversion rates applicable to certain aids in the United Kingdom and the resulting maximum amounts of compensatory aid 31998R0487 28.2.1998 7.3.1998 0 0
50 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2395/97 of 2 December 1997 setting the maximum amounts of aid to compensate for appreciable revaluations of the pound sterling of 5 June and 21 August 1997 31997R2395 3.12.1997 10.12.1997 0 0