Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
1 Sklep Sveta (EU) 2021/1207 z dne 19. julija 2021 o spremembi Odločbe 2003/77/ES o določitvi večletnih finančnih smernic za upravljanje sredstev ESPJ v likvidaciji in po končani likvidaciji za upravljanje sredstev Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo 32021D1207 22.7.2021 11.8.2021 47 53
2 Sklep Sveta (EU) 2021/1208 z dne 19. julija 2021 o spremembi Odločbe 2003/76/ES o določitvi ukrepov za izvajanje Protokola o finančnih posledicah izteka Pogodbe o ESPJ in o Raziskovalnem skladu za premog in jeklo, ki je priložen Pogodbi o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti 32021D1208 19.7.2021 11.8.2021 54 57
3 Sklep Sveta (EU) 2021/1094 z dne 28. junija 2021 o spremembi Odločbe 2008/376/ES o sprejetju Raziskovalnega programa Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo in o večletnih tehničnih smernicah za ta program 32021D1094 5.7.2021 25.7.2021 69 74
4 Sklep Sveta (EU) 2018/599 z dne 16. aprila 2018 o spremembi Odločbe 2003/76/ES o določitvi ukrepov za izvajanje Protokola o finančnih posledicah izteka Pogodbe o ESPJ in o Raziskovalnem skladu za premog in jeklo, ki je priložen k Pogodbi o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti 32018D0599 20.4.2018 10.5.2018 0 0
5 Sklep Sveta (EU) 2017/955 z dne 29. maja 2017 o spremembi Odločbe 2008/376/ES o sprejetju raziskovalnega programa Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo in o večletnih tehničnih smernicah za ta program 32017D0955 7.6.2017 27.6.2017 17 22
6 2008/750/ES: Odločba Sveta z dne 15. septembra 2008 o spremembi Odločbe 2003/77/ES o določitvi večletnih finančnih smernic za upravljanje sredstev ESPJ v likvidaciji in po končani likvidaciji za upravljanje sredstev Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo 32008D0750 15.9.2008 24.9.2008 28 30
7 2008/376/ES: Odločba Sveta z dne 29. aprila 2008 o sprejetju Raziskovalnega programa Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo in o večletnih tehničnih smernicah za ta program 32008D0376 29.4.2008 16.9.2007 7 17
8 Odločba Sveta z dne 1. februarja 2003 o določitvi ukrepov za izvajanje Protokola o finančnih posledicah izteka Pogodbe o ESPJ in o Raziskovalnem skladu za premog in jeklo, ki je priložen k Pogodbi o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti 32003D0076 1.2.2003 6.2.2003 0 0
9 Odločba Sveta z dne 1. februarja 2003 o določitvi večletnih finančnih smernic za upravljanje sredstev ESPJ v likvidaciji in po končani likvidaciji za upravljanje sredstev Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo 32003D0077 5.2.2003 24.7.2002 0 0
10 Sklep predstavnikov vlad držav članic, ki so se sestali v okviru sveta z dne 19. julija 2002 o posledicah prenehanja veljavnosti Pogodbe o Evropski skupnosti za premog in jeklo (ESPJ) na mednarodne sporazume, ki jih je sklenila ESPJ 42002D0595 23.7.2002 24.7.2002 0 0
11 Sklep predstavnikov vlad držav članic, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta z dne 27. februarja 2002 o finančnih posledicah izteka Pogodbe o ESPJ in o Raziskovalnem skladu za premog in jeklo 42002D0234 27.2.2002 24.7.2002 0 0
12 Resolution of the ECSC Consultative Committee on the proposals for Council Decisions concerning the financial consequences of the expiry, in 2002, of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, and especially on the proposed Coal and Steel Research Fund 32001Y0111(03) 11.1.2001 29.11.2000 0 0
13 Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 21 June 1999 concerning the expiry of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community 41999X0707 7.7.1999 21.6.1999 0 0
14 Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 20 July 1998 concerning the expiry of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community 41998X0807 7.8.1998 20.7.1998 0 0
15 ECSC Consultative Committee Resolution on a plan for transferring funds from the ECSC budget to the general budget 31998Y0724(01) 24.7.1998 25.6.1998 0 0
16 Commission Decision No 2984/94/ECSC of 7 December 1994 amending Decision No 3-52 on the amount of and methods for applying the levies provided for in Articles 49 and 50 of the Treaty and amending Decision No 2854/72/ECSC on the possibility afforded to coal undertakings to postpone payment of the levy due 31994S2984 8.12.1994 1.1.1995 0 0
17 Memorandum from the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) Consultative Committee on the future of ECSC financial activities 31994Y0427(01) 27.4.1994 24.3.1994 0 0
18 86/198/ECSC: Commission Recommendation of 13 May 1986 on the establishment of preferential treatment for debts in respect of levies on the production of coal and steel 31986K0198 29.5.1986 14.5.1986 0 0
19 Commission Decision No 3565/83/ECSC of 16 December 1983 amending Decision No 2-52 determining the mode of assessment and collection of the levies provided for in Articles 49 and 50 of the Treaty 31983S3565 17.12.1983 16.12.1983 0 0
20 Commission Decision No 2795/80/ECSC of 31 October 1980 concerning documents which iron and steel undertakings must produce to officials or authorized agents of the Commission collecting information or carrying out checks regarding production and the ECSC levy 31980S2795 31.10.1980 1.11.1980 0 0
21 77/729/ECSC: Council Decision of 21 November 1977 adjusting the portion of administrative expenditure of the European Coal and Steel Community to be covered by levies on the production of coal and steel 31977D0729 30.11.1977 5.12.1977 0 0
22 Commission Decision 2239/76/ECSC of 15 September 1976 amending Decision 2/52 of 23 December 1952 determining the mode of assessment and collection of the levies provided for in Articles 49 and 50 of the Treaty 31976S2239 16.9.1976 1.1.1977 0 0
23 Commission Decision 755/76/ECSC of 31 March 1976 on the temporary postponement of the date of the payment of the steel production levy 31976S0755 2.4.1976 2.4.1976 0 0
24 Decision No 1761/75/ECSC of the Commission of 2 July 1975 amending ECSC Decision No 2/52 of 23 December 1952 determining the mode of assessment and collection of the levies provided for in Articles 49 and 50 of the ECSC Treaty 31975S1761 10.7.1975 1.1.1976 0 0
25 Decision No 2854/72/ECSC of the Commission of 29 December 1972 on the possibility afforded to coal undertakings to postpone payment of the levy due 31972S2854 31.12.1972 1.1.1973 0 0
26 High Authority: Decision No 5-65 of 17 March 1965 on the barring by time of claims in respect of levies provided for in Articles 49 and 50 of the Treaty 31965S0005 22.3.1965 1.4.1965 0 0
27 ECSC High Authority: Decision No 30-54 of 25 June 1954 amending Decision No 2-52 of 23 December 1952 determining the mode of assessment and collection of the levies provided for in Articles 49 and 50 of the Treaty 31954S0030 1.8.1954 1.8.1954 0 0
28 31953D0038 21.7.1953 21.7.1953 0 0
29 31952S0004 30.12.1952 1.1.1953 0 0
30 (Unofficial english translation) Communication from the high Authority concerning the modified text of Decision 2-52, as at present in force, on the mode of assessment and collection and of decision 3-52 on the amounts and operating methods of the levies provided for in article 49 and 50 of the treaty 31959Y0218(02) 18.2.1959 / 0 0
31 Communication de la Haute Autorité relative aux modalités d' assiette de déclaration et de perception du prélèvement 31962Y1106(01) 6.11.1962 / 0 0
32 Consultation donnée par le Conseil, au titre de l' article 50 paragraphe 2 du traité CECA, sur un projet de décision de la Commission modifiant la décision nº2- 52 du 23 décembre 1952, fixant les conditions d' assiette et de perception des prélèvements visés aux articles 49 et 50 du traité 31972Y1212(01) 12.12.1972 / 0 0
33 Information from the Commission - Procedures and conditions for the granting of conversion loans under Article 56 of the ECSC Treaty for investments which create alternative employment opportunities for redundant workers in the coal or steel industries 31987Y0701(01) 1.7.1987 / 0 0
34 Information from the Commission - Reconversion loans granted at reduced interest rates, under Article 56 of the ECSC Treaty, for investments which create alternative employment opportunities in areas affected by a decline in the activities of the coal or steel industries 31979Y0329(02) 29.3.1979 / 0 0
35 Information from the Commission - Reconversion loans granted at reduced interest rates, under Article 56 of the ECSC Treaty, for investments which create alternative employment opportunities in areas affected by a decline in the activities of the coal or steel industries 31977Y0727(01) 27.7.1977 / 0 0
36 Information from the Commission - Reconversion loans granted at reduced rates, under Article 56 of the ECSC Treaty, for investments which create alternative employment opportunities in areas affected by a decline in the activities of the coal and steel industries 31980Y1024(01) 24.10.1980 / 0 0
37 Information from the Commission - Reconversion loans granted at reduced rates, under Article 56 of the ECSC Treaty, for investments which create alternative employment opportunities in areas affected by a decline in the activities of the coal and steel industries 31981Y0313(02) 13.3.1981 / 0 0
38 Information from the Commission - Reconversion loans granted at reduced rates, under Article 56 of the ECSC Treaty, for investments which create alternative employment opportunities in areas affected by a decline in the activities of the coal and steel industries 31980Y0122(04) 22.1.1980 / 0 0
39 Information from the Commission - The granting of industrial loans at reduced interest rates under Article 54 of the ECSC Treaty for safety and hygiene purposes and particularly for the prevention of nuisances 31974Y1125(01) 25.11.1974 / 0 0
40 Opinion given by the Council pursuant to Article 50 (2) of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community on a draft Commission Decision (ECSC) regarding the temporary postponement of the date of payment of the steel production levy 31976A0410(01) 10.4.1976 / 0 0
41 Opinion given on Investment Programme (Article 54 of the ECSC Treaty) 31975Y0312(01) 12.3.1975 / 0 0
42 Reduced interest rate industrial loans which may be granted by the Commission of the European Communities pursuant to Article 54 of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community 31970Y0618(01) 18.6.1970 / 0 0
43 Resolution of the Consultative Committee of the ECSC on the granting of adequate budget appropriations for social and labour market policy support measures 31995Y0217(02) 17.2.1995 / 0 0
44 Resolution of the ECSC Consultative Committee concerning financial aids from the Community for technical steel research projects and steel pilot/demonstration projects under Article 55 (2) (c) of the ECSC Treaty 31990Y0720(01) 20.7.1990 / 0 0
45 Resolution of the ECSC Consultative Committee concerning the proposal to amend the 1988 ECSC budget 31988Y0728(01) 28.7.1988 / 0 0
46 Resolution of the ECSC Consultative Committee on certain aspects of the financial activities of the ECSC Treaty 31994Y0112(01) 12.1.1994 / 0 0
47 Resolution of the ECSC Consultative Committee on Social Research Programmes in Coal-mines and in the Steel Industry 31984Y0428(03) 28.4.1984 / 0 0
48 Resolution of the ECSC Consultative Committee on the implementation of an 11th ECSC social housing programme 31988Y1027(03) 27.10.1988 / 0 0
49 Resolution of the ECSC Consultative Committee on the level of the level of the ECSC levy 31991Y0116(03) 16.1.1991 / 0 0
50 Resolution of the ECSC Consultative Committee on the social aspects of energy and steel policies (adopted unanimously at the 244th session of 20 and 21 September 1984) 31984Y1019(03) 19.10.1984 / 0 0