Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
1 Council decision of 17 July 2000 designating the representative organisations of producers and workers required to draw up lists of candidates for the representation of producers and workers on the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community 32000D0826(01) 26.8.2000 17.7.2000 0 0
2 2000/99/ECSC: Council Decision of 24 January 2000 amending Decision 76/228/ECSC on the granting of daily subsistence allowances and refunds of travel expenses to members of the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community 32000D0099 4.2.2000 5.2.2000 0 0
3 Council Decision of 1 October 1998 amending the Council Decision of 30 April 1998 designating the representative organisations of producers and workers required to draw up lists of candidates for the representation of producers and workers on the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community 31998D1015(02) 15.10.1998 1.10.1998 0 0
4 Council Decision of 20 July 1998 designating the representative organisations of workers in France required to draw up lists of candidates for the representation of workers on the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community 31998D0807(02) 7.8.1998 20.7.1998 0 0
5 Council Decision of 30 April 1998 designating the representative organisations of producers and workers required to draw up lists of candidates for the representation of producers and workers on the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community 31998D0521(01) 21.5.1998 30.4.1998 0 0
6 Council Decision of 29 March 1996 designating the representative organizations of workers in Spain required to draw up lists of candidates for the representation of workers on the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community 31996D0418(01) 18.4.1996 29.3.1996 0 0
7 Council Decision of 20 February 1995 designating the Austrian, Finnish and Swedish representative organizations required to draw up lists of candidates for the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community 31995Y0228(02) 28.2.1995 20.2.1995 0 0
8 Council Decision of 18 January 1993 designating the representative organizations of producers and workers required to draw up lists of candidates for the representation of producers and workers on the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community 31993Y0203(01) 3.2.1993 18.1.1993 0 0
9 82/753/ECSC: Council Decision of 8 November 1982 designating four representative organizations required to draw up lists of candidates for the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community 31982D0753 13.11.1982 8.11.1982 0 0
10 82/729/EGKS: Beschluß des Rates vom 26. Oktober 1982 über die Bestimmung der maßgebenden Organisationen, denen es obliegt, Listen der Kandidaten für den Beratenden Ausschuß der Europäischen Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl aufzustellen 31982D0729 6.11.1982 26.10.1982 0 0
11 81/83/ECSC: Council Decision of 20 January 1981 designating Greek representative organizations required to draw up lists of candidates for the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community 31981D0083 5.3.1981 20.1.1981 0 0
12 76/601/ECSC: Council Decision of 10 July 1976 designating three representative organizations required to draw up lists of candidates for the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community 31976D0601 20.7.1976 10.7.1976 0 0
13 76/515/ECSC: Council Decision of 1 June 1976 designating representative organizations required to draw up lists of candidates for the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community 31976D0515 9.6.1976 1.6.1976 0 0
14 76/228/ECSC: Council Decision of 16 February 1976 on the granting of daily subsistence allowances and refunds of travel expenses to Members of the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community 31976D0228 20.2.1976 1.1.1976 0 0
15 /* 72/106/ECSC: Council Decision of 31 January 1972 naming the representative organizations responsible for drawing up lists of candidates for the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community */ 31972D0106 21.2.1972 31.1.1972 0 0
16 /* Decision nominating the organization representing procedures and workers called upon to draw up lists of candidates from which the members of the Consultative Committee and the persons who will participate in the Committee's proceedings under special arrangements will be appointed */ 31962D1219 19.12.1962 7.12.1962 0 0
17 31953D0210(06) 10.2.1953 16.1.1953 0 0
18 Information from the Commission - Composition of the ECSC Consultative Committee's bureau and standing subcommittees for the business year 1998-1999 31998Y1212(01) 12.12.1998 / 0 0
19 Information from the Commission - Composition of the ECSC Consultative Committee's Bureau and standing subcommittees for the business year 1999-2000 31999Y1126(01) 26.11.1999 / 0 0
20 Information from the Commission - Composition of the ECSC consultative Committee's Bureau and standing subcommittees for the business year 2000-2001 32001Y0213(01) 13.2.2001 / 0 0
21 Internal Regulations of the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community (1974) 31974Y0322(01) 22.3.1974 / 0 0
22 Internal regulations of the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community (1981) 31981Y1109(01) 9.11.1981 / 0 0
23 Internal Regulations of the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community 1995 (Eighth edition) 31995Y0606(01) 6.6.1995 / 0 0