Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
451 Akt sveta z dne 26. julija 1995 o Konvenciji na podlagi člena K.3 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencija o Europolu) (95/C 316/01) 31995F1127(01) 26.7.1995 26.7.1995 0 0
452 Akt sveta z dne 26. julija 1995 o pripravi Konvencije o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti (95/C 316/03) 31995F1127(03) 27.11.1995 26.7.1995 0 0
453 Akt sveta z dne 26. julija 1995 o sestavitvi Konvencije o uporabi informacijske tehnologije za carinske namene (95/C 316/02) 31995F1127(02) 27.11.1995 26.7.1995 0 0
454 Skupni ukrep z dne 10. marca 1995 o Europolovi službi za droge, ki ga je sprejel Svet na podlagi člena K.3 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji 31995F0073 20.3.1995 20.3.1995 0 0
455 Akt sveta z dne 10. marca 1995 o pripravi Konvencije o poenostavljenem postopku izročitve med državami članicami Evropske unije (95/C 78/01) 31995F0330(01) 30.3.1995 10.3.1995 0 0
456 Council Resolution of 17 January 1995 on the lawful interception of telecommunications 31996G1104 4.11.1996 17.1.1995 0 0
457 Sklep izvršnega odbora z dne 22. decembra 1994 o potrdilu iz člena 75 za prenašanje prepovedanih drog in psihotropnih substanc (SCH/Com-ex (94)28 Rev.) 41994D0028 22.9.2000 22.12.1994 0 0
458 Entschließung des Rates vom 6. Dezember 1994 über den rechtlichen Schutz der finanziellen Interessen der Gemeinschaften 31994Y1214(01) 14.12.1994 6.12.1994 0 0
459 2010/259/: Sklep Komisije z dne 4. maja 2010 o odobritvi Francoski republiki, da sklene sporazum s Kneževino Monako, da se prenosi sredstev med Francosko republiko in Kneževino Monako obravnavajo kot prenosi sredstev znotraj Francoske republike v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 1781/2006 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta (notificirano pod dokumentarno številko C(2010) 2634) 32010D0259 5.5.2010 / 0 0
460 2010/260/: Sklep Komisije z dne 4. maja 2010 o varnostnem načrtu za delovanje vizumskega informacijskega sistema 32010D0260 5.5.2010 / 25 30
461 Conclusion of Memorandum of Understanding with Romania on its participation in the Customs 2007 Community programme 22003X0917(10) 17.9.2003 / 0 0
462 Conclusion of Memorandum of Understanding with Turkey on its participation in the Customs 2007 Community programme 22003X0917(13) 17.9.2003 / 0 0
463 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Bulgaria on its participation in the Customs 2002 Community programme 22002X0822(01) 22.8.2002 / 0 0
464 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Bulgaria on its participation in the Customs 2007 Community programme 22003X0917(01) 17.9.2003 / 0 0
465 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Cyprus on its participation in the Customs 2002 Community programme 22002X0822(02) 22.8.2002 / 0 0
466 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Cyprus on its participation in the Customs 2007 Community programme 22003X0917(04) 17.9.2003 / 0 0
467 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Estonia on its participation in the Customs 2007 Community programme 22003X0917(03) 17.9.2003 / 0 0
468 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Hungary on its participation in the Customs 2002 Community programme 22002X0822(03) 22.8.2002 / 0 0
469 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Hungary on its participation in the Customs 2007 Community programme 22003X0917(07) 17.9.2003 / 0 0
470 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Latvia on its participation in the Customs 2007 Community Programme 22003X0917(05) 17.9.2003 / 0 0
471 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Lithuania on its participation in the Community Programme Customs 2002 22002X0917(01) 17.9.2002 / 0 0
472 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Lithuania on its participation in the Customs 2007 Community Programme 22003X0917(06) 17.9.2003 / 0 0
473 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Malta on its participation in the Customs 2007 Community programme 22003X0917(08) 17.9.2003 / 0 0
474 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Poland on its participation in the Customs 2002 Community programme 22002X0822(04) 22.8.2002 / 0 0
475 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Poland on its participation in the Customs 2007 Community programme 22003X0917(09) 17.9.2003 / 0 0
476 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Slovakia on its participation in the Customs 2007 Community programme 22003X0917(12) 17.9.2003 / 0 0
477 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Slovenia on its participation in the Customs 2007 Community programme 22003X0917(11) 17.9.2003 / 0 0
478 Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Czech Republic on its participation in the Customs 2007 Community programme 22003X0917(02) 17.9.2003 / 0 0
479 Council Conclusions of 21 December 1999 on the implementation of measures to combat child sex tourism 31999Y1231(01) 31.12.1999 / 0 0
480 Council declaration concerning the priority to be given to third States and non-European Union-related bodies 32000C0413(01) 13.4.2000 / 0 0
481 Council declaration concerning the relations between Europol and third States and non-European Union-related bodies 32000C0413 13.4.2000 / 0 0
482 Declaration by the Hellenic Republic in the meeting of the Joint Committee at Ministerial Level and in the Council (Justice and Home Affairs) on 2 and 3 December 1999 with regard to the proposed Council Decision on the application of the Schengen acquis in Greece 41999X1221 21.12.1999 / 0 0
483 Declaration made pursuant to Article 2 of the Protocol on the interpretation, by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on the establishment of a European Police Office 41997X0327 27.3.1997 / 0 0
484 Declarations to the Council Decision extending Europol's mandate to deal with the serious forms of international crime listed in the Annex to the Europol Convention 32001C1218(01) 18.12.2001 / 0 0
485 Dodatek k Sklepu Sveta 2007/543/ES z dne 23. julija 2007 o pristopu Bolgarije in Romunije h Konvenciji o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencija o Europolu) ( UL L 200, 1.8.2007 ) 32007X1030(01) 30.10.2007 / 0 0
486 Dodatni protokol h Konvenciji Sveta Evrope o preprečevanju terorizma 22018A0622(02) 22.6.2018 / 0 0
487 Dopolnilo k Sklepu Sveta 2007/543/ES z dne 23. julija 2007 o pristopu Bolgarije in Romunije h Konvenciji o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencija o Europolu) ( UL L 200, 1.8.2007 ) 32007X0802(01) 2.8.2007 / 0 0
488 Explanatory report on the Convention of 29 May 2000 on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union (Text approved by the Council on 30 November 2000) 42000Y1229(02) 29.12.2000 / 0 0
489 Final Report on the first evaluation exercise — mutual legal assistance in criminal matters 32001X0801(02) 1.8.2001 / 0 0
490 Informacija v zvezi s pričetkom veljavnosti Sporazuma med Evropsko skupnostjo in Republiko Turčijo o predhodnih sestavinah in kemijskih snoveh, ki se pogosto uporabljajo v nedovoljeni proizvodnji prepovedanih drog ali psihotropnih snovi 22004X0731(01) 31.7.2004 / 0 0
491 Informacija v zvezi z začetkom veljavnosti Sporazuma med Evropsko unijo ter Republiko Islandijo in Kraljevino Norveško o uporabi nekaterih določb Konvencije z dne 29. maja 2000 o medsebojni pomoči v kazenskih zadevah med državami članicami Evropske unije ter njenega Protokola iz leta 2001 22012X1121(01) 21.11.2012 / 1 1
492 Informacije v zvezi s Praktičnim dogovorom o načinu sodelovanja med Eurojust-om in OLAF-om 22008X1209(01) 9.12.2008 / 0 0
493 Information from the Commission - Members of the Management Board of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia 31998Y0218(01) 18.2.1998 / 0 0
494 Information from the Commission - Sherlock Programme: Annual Programme for 1998 31998Y0228(01) 28.2.1998 / 0 0
495 Initiative de la République portugaise, de la République française, du Royaume de Suède et du Royaume de Belgique en vue de l'adoption de la décision du Conseil instituant une Unité provisoire de coopération judiciaire 32000Y0824(06) 24.8.2000 / 0 0
496 Initiative der Republik Österreich zur Annahme des Beschlusses des Rates zur Bekämpfung der Kinderpornographie im Internet 31999Y1216(02) 16.12.1999 / 0 0
497 Initiative of the Kingdom of Sweden with a view to adopting a JHA Council Decision establishing a system of special forensic profiling analysis of synthetic drugs 32001Y0112(01) 12.1.2001 / 0 0
498 Initiative of the Republic of Finland with a view to adopting a Council Decision adjusting the remuneration and allowances applicable to Europol employees 31999Y0923(01) 23.9.1999 / 0 0
499 Izjava glede člena 8(3) Okvirnega Sklepa Sveta 2009/299/PNZ z dne 26. februarja 2009 o spremembi okvirnih sklepov 2002/584/PNZ, 2005/214/PNZ, 2006/783/PNZ, 2008/909/PNZ in 2008/947/PNZ zaradi krepitve procesnih pravic oseb ter spodbujanja uporabe načela vzajemnega priznavanja odločb, izdanih na sojenju v odsotnosti zadevne osebe 32009C0416(01) 16.4.2009 / 0 0
500 Izjava Irske v zvezi z Okvirnim sklepom Sveta 2008/909/PNZ o uporabi načela vzajemnega priznavanja sodb v kazenskih zadevah, s katerimi so izrečene zaporne kazni ali ukrepi, ki vključujejo odvzem prostosti, za namen njihovega izvrševanja v Evropski uniji 32012C0329(01) 29.3.2012 / 0 0