Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
151 Sklep Komisije z dne 10. aprila 1996 o reorganizaciji Skupnega raziskovalnega središča 31996D0282 10.4.1996 10.4.1996 0 0
152 96/171/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 12 January 1996 concerning the plan for the disposal of radioactive waste from the decommissioning of the Windscale advanced gas-cooled reactor located at the UKAEA Windscale site, Cumbria, United Kingdom in accordance with Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty (Only the English text is authentic) 31996A0171 27.2.1996 22.1.1996 0 0
153 Izvedbeni Sporazum med Evropsko skupnostjo za atomsko energijo, ki jo zastopa Komisija Evropskih skupnosti, in Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, ki ga je Vlada Kanade imenovala za izvedbeni urad, o vključevanju Kanade v prispevek Evropske skupnosti za atomsko energijo pri dejavnostih tehničnega projektiranja (EDA) mednarodnega termonuklearnega poskusnega reaktorja (ITER) 21995A0906(02) 6.9.1995 25.7.1995 0 0
154 Sklep Komisije z dne 28. decembra 1995 o sklenitvi Izvedbenega sporazuma med Evropsko skupnostjo za atomsko energijo, ki jo zastopa Komisija Evropskih skupnosti, in podjetjem Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, imenovanim za izvršilnega zastopnika s strani Vlade Kanade, o sodelovanju Kanade pri prispevku Evropske skupnosti za atomsko energijo pri dejavnosti tehničnega projektiranja (EDA) Mednarodnega termonuklearnega poskusnega reaktorja (ITER), s strani Komisije v imenu Skupnosti 31995D0356 28.6.1995 28.6.1995 0 0
155 95/172/Euratom: Opinion of the Commission of 2 May 1995 concerning the plan for the disposal of radioactive waste from the 'TU5' Basic Nuclear Facility at Pierrelatte (France) in accordance with Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty (Only the French text is authentic) 31995A0172 20.5.1995 11.5.1995 0 0
156 94/955/Euratom: Commission Decision of 21 December 1994 relating to a procedure pursuant to Article 83 of the Euratom Treaty (XVII-004 - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) (Only the Spanish text is authentic) 31994D0955 31.12.1994 27.12.1994 0 0
157 94/956/Euratom: Commission Recommendation of 21 December 1994 on the application of Euratom safeguards in Spain (Only the Spanish text is authentic) 31994H0956 31.12.1994 27.12.1994 0 0
158 94/833/Euratom: Opinion of the Commission of 14 December 1994 concerning the plan for the disposal of radioactive waste from the Chooz B nuclear power station (France) in accordance with Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty (Only the French text is authentic) 31994A0833 31.12.1994 21.12.1994 0 0
159 94/747/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 7 November 1994 concerning the plan for the disposal of radioactive waste from the Konrad radioactive waste repository at Salzgitter (Germany) in accordance with Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty (Only the German text is authentic) 31994A0747 18.11.1994 16.11.1994 0 0
160 Accord sous forme d'échanges de lettres entre la Communauté européenne et la Banque européenne pour la reconstruction et le développement concernant la contribution de la Communauté au compte «Sûreté nucléaire» 21994A0803(01) 3.8.1994 27.4.1994 0 0
161 Sklep Sveta z dne 29. marca 1994 o sklenitvi sporazuma v obliki izmenjav pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Evropsko banko za obnovo in razvoj o prispevku Skupnosti za račun Jedrska varnost 31994D0479 29.3.1994 29.3.1994 0 0
162 Sklep Sveta z dne 21. marca 1994 o spremembah Sklepa 77/270/Euratom o pooblastitvi Komisije za dodelitev Euratom posojil zaradi prispevanja k financiranju, ki je potrebno za izboljšanje stopnje varnosti in učinkovitosti nuklearnih elektrarn v nekaterih državah nečlanicah 31994D0179 29.3.1994 21.3.1994 0 0
163 94/174/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 7 March 1994 concerning the plan for the disposal of radioactive waste from the Melox nuclear fuel fabrication plant at the Marcoule nuclear establishment (France) in accordance with Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty (Only the French text is authentic) 31994A0174 24.3.1994 10.3.1994 0 0
164 94/285/Euratom: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 21. Februar 1994 zur Anwendung von Artikel 53 Absatz 2 EAG- Vertrag (Nur der deutsche Text ist verbindlich) 31994D0285 17.5.1994 21.2.1994 0 0
165 Commission Decision of 19 July 1993 on a procedure for the application of the second paragraph of Article 53 of the EAEC Treaty (Only the Portuguese text is authentic) 31993D0428 6.8.1993 19.7.1993 0 0
166 Uredba Sveta (Euratom) št. 1493/93 z dne 8. junija 1993 o pošiljkah radioaktivnih snovi med državami članicami 31993R1493 8.6.1993 9.7.1993 0 0
167 92/537/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 9 November 1992 concerning the plan for the disposal of radioactive waste from the Sizewell B Nuclear Power Station (United Kingdom) in accordance with Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty (Only the English text is authentic) 31992A0537 26.11.1992 12.11.1992 0 0
168 Council Resolution of 18 June 1992 on the technological problems of nuclear safety 31992Y0708(02) 8.7.1992 18.6.1992 0 0
169 92/254/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 14 April 1992 concerning the plan for the disposal of radioactive waste of the 'Quercus' uranium ore processing plant of Enusa in Saelices el Chico (Spain) in accordance with Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty 31992A0254 14.5.1992 14.4.1992 0 0
170 92/236/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 1 April 1992 concerning the plan to release radioactive effluents from the Covra NV radioactive waste processing and storage facility at Sloe (Netherlands), pursuant to Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty 31992A0236 6.5.1992 6.4.1992 0 0
171 92/194/Euratom: Commission Decision of 4 March 1992 relating to a procedure in application of Article 83 of the Euratom Treaty (XVII-002 - UKAEA Dounreay) (Only the English text is authentic) 31992D0194 3.4.1992 3.4.1992 0 0
172 89/476/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 20 July 1989 concerning the Penly nuclear power station, Units 1 and 2 (France) (Only the French text is authentic) 31989A0476 10.8.1989 26.7.1989 0 0
173 89/340/EEC: Council Decision of 3 May 1989 concerning work for third parties performed by the Joint Research Centre relevant to the European Economic Community 31989D0340 25.5.1989 26.5.1989 0 0
174 89/354/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 23 May 1989 concerning the Golfech, units 1 and 2 (France) nuclear power station (Only the French text is authentic) 31989A0354 2.6.1989 25.5.1989 0 0
175 Sporazum o sodelovanju med Evropsko skupnostjo za atomsko energijo in vlado Japonske na področju kontrolirane termonuklearne fuzije 21989A0228(01) 20.2.1989 20.2.1989 0 0
176 Sklep Komisije z dne 10. februarja 1989 o sklenitvi Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Evropsko skupnostjo za atomsko energijo in Vlado Japonske na področju kontrolirane termonuklearne fuzije s strani Komisije za Skupnost in v imenu Skupnosti 31989D0149 10.2.1989 10.2.1989 0 0
177 89/82/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 16 December 1988 concerning the nuclear power-station Trillo I (Spain) (Only the Spanish text is authentic) 31989A0082 3.2.1989 21.12.1988 0 0
178 Council Resolution of 29 June 1988 concerning the activities to be undertaken by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) 31988Y0727(01) 27.7.1988 29.6.1988 0 0
179 88/229/Euratom: Commission Decision of 26 February 1988 concerning the conclusion of an Agreement of participation in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Conceptual Design Activities, by the European Atomic Energy Community, with Japan, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the United States of America, by the Commission for and on behalf of the Community 31988D0229 21.4.1988 26.2.1988 0 0
180 87/297/Euratom: Council Decision of 18 May 1987 approving an amendment of the Statutes (articles of association) of the Joint Undertaking 'Société d'énergie nucléaire franco-belge des Ardennes' (SENA) 31987D0297 9.6.1987 18.5.1987 0 0
181 Konvencija o fizičnem varovanju jedrskega materiala in jedrskih objektov 22008A0208(01) 3.3.1980 8.2.1987 5 18
182 Accord de coopération entre la Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique et le ministère américain de l'énergie dans le domaine de la fusion thermonucléaire contrôlée 21987A0214(01) 14.2.1987 15.12.1986 0 0
183 87/105/Euratom: Commission Decision of 6 November 1986 concerning the conclusion of an Agreement for cooperation in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion between the European Atomic Energy Community and the United States Department of Energy by the Commission for and on behalf of the said Community 31987D0105 14.2.1987 6.11.1986 0 0
184 Sklep Sveta z dne 20. januarja 1986 o odobritvi Komisiji, da sklene Memorandum o soglasju med Evropsko skupnostjo za atomsko energijo in Vlado Kanade o sodelovanju na področju raziskav in razvoja jedrske fuzije 31986D0028 20.1.1986 20.1.1986 0 0
185 84/339/Euratom: Commission Decision of 24 May 1984 amending Decision 71/57/Euratom on the reorganization of the Joint Nuclear Research Centre (JRC) 31984D0339 4.7.1984 5.7.1984 0 0
186 Protokoll zur Änderung des Abkommens über Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Europäischen Atomgemeinschaft und der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft auf dem Gebiet der kontrollierten Kernfusion und der Plasmaphysik 21982A0430(02) 30.4.1982 30.6.1982 0 0
187 82/755/Euratom: Commission Decision of 2 June 1982 amending Decision 71/57/Euratom on the reorganization of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) 31982D0755 16.11.1982 1.6.1982 0 0
188 Sklep Sveta z dne 26. aprila 1982 o odobritvi sklenitve protokolov med Komisijo in Kraljevino Švedsko in Švicarsko konfederacijo, ki spreminjajo sporazuma o sodelovanju na področju kontrolirane termonuklearne fuzije in fizike plazme 31982D0269 30.4.1982 26.4.1982 0 0
189 80/1043/Euratom: Council Decision of 11 November 1980 amending Decision 75/328/Euratom on the establishment of the joint undertaking Schnell-Brüter- Kernkraftwerksgesellschaft mbH (SBK) 31980D1043 18.11.1980 18.11.1980 0 0
190 80/1044/Euratom: Entscheidung des Rates vom 11. November 1980 zur Anpassung der steuerlichen Vergünstigungen für das gemeinsame Unternehmen Schnell-Brüter- Kernkraftwerksgesellschaft mbH (SBK) 31980D1044 18.11.1980 18.11.1980 0 0
191 Entschließung des Rates vom 18. Februar 1980 betreffend Schnelle Brüter 31980Y0229(04) 29.2.1980 18.2.1980 0 0
192 79/1002/Euratom: Décision du Conseil, du 22 novembre 1979, approuvant une modification du contrat de société de l'entreprise commune Schnell-Brüter- Kernkraftwerksgesellschaft mbH (SBK) 31979D1002 4.12.1979 4.12.1979 0 0
193 Sprememba sporazuma z dne 6. oktobra 1959 v obliki izmenjave pisem med evropsko skupnostjo za atomsko energijo (euratom) in vlado kanade o sodelovanju pri miroljubni uporabi jedrske energije 21978A0116(01) 8.3.1978 16.1.1978 0 0
194 75/725/Euratom: Décision du Conseil, du 17 novembre 1975, relative à l'approbation d'une modification du contrat de société de l'entreprise commune Schnell- Brüter-Kernkraftwerksgesellschaft mbH (SBK) 31975D0725 1.12.1975 1.12.1975 0 0
195 Council Resolution of 22 July 1975 on the technological problems of nuclear safety 31975Y0814(01) 14.8.1975 22.7.1975 0 0
196 75/328/Euratom: Council Decision of 20 May 1975 on the establishment of the Joint Undertaking 'Schnell-Brüter- Kernkraftwerksgesellschaft mbH' (SBK) 31975D0328 12.6.1975 12.6.1975 0 0
197 75/329/Euratom: Council Decision of 20 May 1975 on the conferring of advantages on the 'Schnell-Brüter- Kernkraftwerksgesellschaft mbh' (SBK) Joint Undertaking 31975D0329 12.6.1975 12.6.1975 0 0
198 75/241/Euratom: Commission Decision of 25 March 1975 amending the Decision of 13 January 1971 on the reorganization of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) 31975D0241 19.4.1975 25.3.1975 0 0
199 74/296/Euratom: Entscheidung des Rates vom 4. Juni 1974 über die Gewährung von Vergünstigungen an das gemeinsame Unternehmen Hochtemperatur-Kernkraftwerk GmbH (HKG) 31974D0296 20.6.1974 20.6.1974 0 0
200 Council Resolution of 4 June 1974 concerning the supply of enriched uranium of the Community 31974Y0614(01) 14.6.1974 14.6.1974 0 0