Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
101 2002/92/EC: Council Decision of 28 January 2002 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with Romania 32002D0092 14.2.2002 28.1.2002 0 0
102 2002/94/EC: Council Decision of 28 January 2002 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with Slovenia 32002D0094 14.2.2002 28.1.2002 0 0
103 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 2252/2001 z dne 20. novembra 2001 o spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 2222/2000 o finančnih pravilih za uporabo Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1268/1999 o podpori Skupnosti za pred-pristopne ukrepe za kmetijstvo in razvoj podeželja v državah prosilkah Srednje in Vzhodne Evrope v predpristopnem obdobjuBesedilo velja za EGP. 32001R2252 21.11.2001 24.11.2001 0 0
104 2001/820/EC: Commission Decision of 19 November 2001 conferring management of aid on implementing agencies for pre-accession measures in agriculture and rural development in the Republic of Slovenia in the pre-accession period 32001D0820 24.11.2001 19.11.2001 0 0
105 Sklep Komisije z dne 22. junija 2001 o ukrepih informiranja in obveščanja javnosti, ki naj jih izvajajo države prejemnice glede pomoči na podlagi instrumenta predpristopnih strukturnih politik (ISPA) 32001D0503 5.7.2001 8.7.2001 0 0
106 2001/511/EC: Council Decision of 27 June 2001 on further exceptional financial assistance to Kosovo 32001D0511 6.7.2001 27.6.2001 0 0
107 Odločba Komisije z dne 14. maja 2001 o prenosu upravljanja pomoči na izvedbene agencije za predpristopne ukrepe v kmetijstvu in razvoju podeželja v Republiki Bolgariji v predpristopnem obdobju (notificirano pod dokumentarno številko K(2001) 1428) 32001D0380 17.5.2001 17.5.2001 0 0
108 Sklep Sveta z dne 8. marca 2001 o načelih, prednostnih nalogah, vmesnih ciljih in pogojih, ki jih vsebuje Partnerstvo za pristop z Republiko Turčijo 32001D0235 24.3.2001 27.3.2001 0 0
109 Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 390/2001 z dne 26. februarja 2001 o pomoči Turčiji v okviru predpristopne strategije ter zlasti pri vzpostavitvi Partnerstva za pristop 32001R0390 28.2.2001 3.3.2001 0 0
110 Uredba (ES) št. 257/2001 evropskega parlamenta in sveta z dne 22. januarja 2001 o izvajanju ukrepov za pospeševanje gospodarskega in socialnega razvoja v Turčiji 32001R0257 22.1.2001 12.2.2001 0 0
111 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 2222/2000 z dne 7. junija 2000 o finančnih pravilih za uporabo Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1268/99 o podpori Skupnosti za predpristopne ukrepe za kmetijstvo in razvoj podeželja v državah prosilkah Srednje in Vzhodne Evrope v predpristopnem obdobju 32000R2222 7.6.2000 27.10.2000 0 0
112 Rapport spécial n° 18/2000 relatif au programme d'approvisionnement en produits agricoles de la Fédération de Russie, accompagné des réponses de la Commission 32001Y0125(01) 25.1.2001 5.10.2000 0 0
113 2000/474/EC: Council Decision of 17 July 2000 concerning the Community contribution to the International Fund 'Clearance of the Fairway of the Danube' 32000D0474 26.7.2000 26.7.2000 0 0
114 Rapport spécial nº 16/2000 relatif aux procédures de mise en concurrence des marchés de services des programmes Phare et Tacis, accompagné des réponses de la Commission 32000Y1206(01) 6.12.2000 13.7.2000 0 0
115 2000/355/EG: Beschluß des Rates vom 22. Mai 2000 über eine Sonderfinanzhilfe für Montenegro 32000D0355 27.5.2000 22.5.2000 0 0
116 Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 764/2000 z dne 10. aprila 2000 o izvajanju ukrepov za okrepitev carinske unije ES-Turčija 32000R0764 10.4.2000 4.5.2000 0 0
117 2000/248/EC: Council Decision of 20 March 2000 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Republic of Cyprus 32000D0248 29.3.2000 1.4.2000 0 0
118 2000/249/EC: Council Decision of 20 March 2000 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Republic of Malta 32000D0249 29.3.2000 1.4.2000 0 0
119 Odločba Komisije z dne 7. marca 2000 o določitvi okvirnega zneska, ki ga državam upravičenkam dodeli Skupnost iz skupnega zneska pomoči v okviru instrumenta pred-pristopnih strukturnih politik (notificirano pod dokumentarno številko K(2000) 552) 32000D0229 21.3.2000 21.3.2000 0 0
120 Sklep Sveta z dne 20. marca 2000 o spremembi Sklepa 97/787/ES o zagotavljanju izredne finančne pomoči Armeniji in Gruziji, z namenom razširitve na Tadžikistan 32000D0244 28.3.2000 20.3.2000 0 0
121 2000/140/CE: Décision du Conseil, du 14 février 2000, portant attribution d'une aide financière exceptionnelle de la Communauté au Kosovo 32000D0140 19.2.2000 14.2.2000 0 0
122 Sonderbericht Nr. 2/2000 über die Hilfen der Europäischen Union für Bosnien-Herzegowina zur Wiederherstellung des Friedens und des Rechtsstaates, zusammen mit den Antworten der Kommission 32000Y0323(03) 23.3.2000 13.1.2000 0 0
123 1999/850/EC: Council Decision of 6 December 1999 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Republic of Hungary 31999D0850 28.12.1999 29.12.1999 0 0
124 1999/851/EC: Council Decision of 6 December 1999 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Republic of Poland 31999D0851 28.12.1999 29.12.1999 0 0
125 1999/853/EC: Council Decision of 6 December 1999 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Slovak Republic 31999D0853 28.12.1999 29.12.1999 0 0
126 1999/854/EC: Council Decision of 6 December 1999 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Republic of Latvia 31999D0854 28.12.1999 29.12.1999 0 0
127 1999/855/EC: Council Decision of 6 December 1999 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Republic of Estonia 31999D0855 28.12.1999 29.12.1999 0 0
128 1999/856/EC: Council Decision of 6 December 1999 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Republic of Lithuania 31999D0856 28.12.1999 29.12.1999 0 0
129 1999/858/EC: Council Decision of 6 December 1999 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Czech Republic 31999D0858 28.12.1999 29.12.1999 0 0
130 1999/859/EC: Council Decision of 6 December 1999 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Republic of Slovenia 31999D0859 28.12.1999 29.12.1999 0 0
131 Sklep Sveta z dne 6. decembra 1999 o načelih, prednostnih nalogah, vmesnih ciljih in pogojih iz Partnerstva za pristop z Republiko Bolgarijo 31999D0857 28.12.1999 29.12.1999 0 0
132 Sklep Sveta z dne 6. decembra 1999 o načelih, prednostnih nalogah, vmesnih ciljih in pogojih iz Partnerstva za pristop z Romunijo 31999D0852 28.12.1999 29.12.1999 0 0
133 1999/786/CE: Décision du Conseil, du 29 novembre 1999, accordant une garantie de la Communauté à la Banque européenne d'investissement (BEI) en cas de pertes résultant de prêts en faveur de projets pour la reconstruction des régions de la Turquie frappées par le séisme 31999D0786 3.12.1999 29.11.1999 0 0
134 Rapport spécial nº 5/99 sur le programme Phare de coopération transfrontalière (1994 - 1998) accompagné des réponses de la Commission 32000Y0221(01) 21.2.2000 11.11.1999 0 0
135 1999/731/EC: Council Decision of 8 November 1999 providing supplementary macro-financial assistance to Bulgaria 31999D0731 16.11.1999 8.11.1999 0 0
136 1999/732/EC: Council Decision of 8 November 1999 providing supplementary macro-financial assistance to Romania 31999D0732 16.11.1999 8.11.1999 0 0
137 98/729/CE: Décision du Conseil du 14 décembre 1998 modifiant la décision 97/256/CE afin d'étendre la garantie accordée par la Communauté à la Banque européenne d'investissement pour les prêts en faveur de projets en Bosnie-et-Herzégovine 31998D0729 22.12.1998 22.12.1998 0 0
138 Rapport spécial nº 25/98 relatif aux opérations engagées par l'Union européenne dans le domaine de la sûreté nucléaire en Europe centrale et orientale (PECO) et dans les nouveaux États indépendants (NEI) (période 1990- 1997) accompagné des réponses de la Commission (présenté en vertu de l'article 188 C, paragraphe 4, deuxième alinéa, du traité CE) 31999Y0209(01) 9.2.1999 12.11.1998 0 0
139 Special Report No 11/98 concerning the development of the PHARE and TACIS private sector for the 1991 to 1996 period (Programmes in support of SMEs, regional development and the reorganisation of businesses) together with the Commission's replies (submitted pursuant to Article 188 (4) (2) of the EC Treaty) 31998Y1103(01) 3.11.1998 16.9.1998 0 0
140 98/348/CE: Décision du Conseil du 19 mai 1998 concernant l'octroi d'une garantie de la Communauté à la Banque européenne d'investissement en cas de pertes résultant de prêts en faveur de projets réalisés dans l'ancienne République yougoslave de Macédoine et modifiant la décision 97/256/CE accordant une garantie de la Communauté à la Banque européenne d'investissement en cas de pertes résultant de prêts en faveur de projets réalisés à l'extérieur de la Communauté (pays de l'Europe centrale et orientale, pays méditerranéens, pays d'Amérique latine et d'Asie, Afrique du Sud) 31998D0348 29.5.1998 29.5.1998 0 0
141 Sonderbericht Nr. 5/98 über den Wiederaufbau im ehemaligen Jugoslawien (im Zeitraum 1996-1997) zusammen mit den Antworten der Kommission (vorgelegt gemäß Artikel 188 c Absatz 4 Unterabsatz 2 des EG-Vertrags) 31998Y0731(01) 31.7.1998 7.5.1998 0 0
142 98/259/EC: Council Decision of 30 March 1998 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the accession partnership with the Republic of Hungary 31998D0259 23.4.1998 26.4.1998 0 0
143 98/260/EC: Council Decision of 30 March 1998 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the accession partnership with the Republic of Poland 31998D0260 23.4.1998 26.4.1998 0 0
144 98/261/EC: Council Decision of 30 March 1998 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the accession partnership with Romania 31998D0261 23.4.1998 26.4.1998 0 0
145 98/262/EC: Council Decision of 30 March 1998 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the accession partnership with the Slovak Republic 31998D0262 23.4.1998 26.4.1998 0 0
146 98/263/EC: Council Decision of 30 March 1998 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the accession partnership with the Republic of Latvia 31998D0263 23.4.1998 26.4.1998 0 0
147 98/264/EC: Council Decision of 30 March 1998 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the accession partnership with the Republic of Estonia 31998D0264 23.4.1998 26.4.1998 0 0
148 98/265/EC: Council Decision of 30 March 1998 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the accession partnership with the Republic of Lithuania 31998D0265 23.4.1998 26.4.1998 0 0
149 98/266/EC: Council Decision of 30 March 1998 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the accession partnership with the Republic of Bulgaria 31998D0266 23.4.1998 26.4.1998 0 0
150 98/267/EC: Council Decision of 30 March 1998 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and conditions contained in the accession partnership with the Czech Republic 31998D0267 23.4.1998 26.4.1998 0 0