Št. |
Naslov |
Celex |
Datum objave |
Datum začetka veljave |
Stran od |
Stran do |
301 |
Special Report No 9/98 concerning the protection of the financial interests of the European Union in the field of VAT on intra-Community trade together with the Commission's replies (Submitted pursuant to Article 188c(4)(2) of the EC Treaty)
31998Y1120(01) |
20.11.1998 |
2.7.1998 |
0 |
0 |
302 |
97/511/EG: Entscheidung des Rates vom 24. Juli 1997 zur Ermächtigung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, mit der Tschechischen Republik ein Abkommen zu schließen, das von Artikel 2 und 3 der Sechsten Richtlinie 77/388/EWG zur Harmonisierung der Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über die Umsatzsteuern abweichende Bestimmungen enthält
31997D0511 |
6.8.1997 |
7.8.1997 |
0 |
0 |
303 |
97/188/CE: Décision du Conseil du 17 mars 1997 autorisant la République fédérale d'Allemagne à conclure deux accords avec la République tchèque contenant des dispositions dérogatoires aux articles 2 et 3 de la sixième directive 77/388/CEE en matière d'harmonisation des législations des États membres relatives aux taxes sur le chiffre d'affaires
31997D0188 |
21.3.1997 |
26.3.1997 |
0 |
0 |
304 |
97/189/EC: Council Decision of 17 March 1997 authorizing the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic to apply a measure derogating from Article 3 of the Sixth Directive 77/388/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes
31997D0189 |
21.3.1997 |
26.3.1997 |
0 |
0 |
305 |
96/402/CE: Décision du Conseil du 25 juin 1996 autorisant la République fédérale d'Allemagne à conclure avec la République de Pologne un accord contenant des dispositions dérogatoires aux articles 2 et 3 de la directive 77/388/CEE du Conseil en matière d'harmonisation des législations des États membres relatives aux taxes sur le chiffre d'affaires
31996D0402 |
4.7.1996 |
9.7.1996 |
0 |
0 |
306 |
Direktiva Sveta 95/60/ES z dne 27. novembra 1995 o davčnem označevanju plinskega olja in kerozina
31995L0060 |
27.11.1995 |
26.12.1995 |
0 |
0 |
307 |
Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 2546/95 z dne 30. oktobra 1995 o spremembi Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 3199/93 o vzajemnem priznavanju postopkov za popolno denaturacijo alkohola za namene oprostitve plačila trošarine
31995R2546 |
30.10.1995 |
31.10.1995 |
0 |
0 |
308 |
95/435/EC: Council Decision of 23 October 1995 authorizing the Federal Republic of Germany to conclude an agreement with the Republic of Poland containing measures derogating from Articles 2 and 3 of the Sixth Directive 77/388/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes
31995D0435 |
27.10.1995 |
27.10.1995 |
0 |
0 |
309 |
95/252/CE: Décision du Conseil, du 29 juin 1995, autorisant le Royaume-Uni à appliquer une mesure dérogatoire aux articles 6 et 17 de la sixième directive TVA 77/388/CEE en matière d'harmonisation des législations des États membres relatives aux taxes sur le chiffre d'affaires
31995D0252 |
11.7.1995 |
11.7.1995 |
0 |
0 |
310 |
95/114/EC: Council Decision of 30 March 1995 authorizing the Federal Republic of Germany and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to apply a measure derogating from Article 3 of the Sixth Directive 77/388/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes
31995D0114 |
8.4.1995 |
8.4.1995 |
0 |
0 |
311 |
95/115/EG: Entscheidung des Rates vom 30. März 1995 zur Ermächtigung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, mit der Republik Polen ein Abkommen mit von Artikel 2 und 3 der Sechsten Richtlinie 77/388/EWG zur Harmonisierung der Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über die Umsatzsteuern abweichenden Vorschriften zu schließen
31995D0115 |
8.4.1995 |
8.4.1995 |
0 |
0 |
312 |
93/609/CE: Décision du Conseil du 22 novembre 1993 autorisant le Royaume-Uni à appliquer une mesure particulière conformément à l'article 22 paragraphe 12 point a) de la sixième directive 77/388/CEE concernant l'harmonisation des législations des États membres relatives aux taxes sur le chiffre d'affaires
31993D0609 |
26.11.1993 |
26.11.1993 |
0 |
0 |
313 |
Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 3199/93 z dne 22. novembra 1993 o vzajemnem priznavanju postopkov za popolno denaturacijo alkohola za namene oprostitve plačila trošarine
31993R3199 |
22.11.1993 |
23.11.1993 |
0 |
0 |
314 |
93/110/EEC: Council Decision of 15 February 1993 authorizing the French Republic to extend the application of a measure derogating from Article 2 of the sixth Directive (77/388/EEC) on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes
31993D0110 |
20.2.1993 |
2.3.1993 |
0 |
0 |
315 |
93/109/EEC: Council Decision of 15 February 1993 authorizing the French Republic to extend the application of a measure derogating from Article 17 (2) of the sixth Directive (77/388/EEC) on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes
31993D0109 |
20.2.1993 |
20.2.1993 |
0 |
0 |
316 |
92/620/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 authorizing the Kingdom of the Netherlands to apply particular measures in accordance with Article 22 (12) (a) and (b) of Directive 77/388/EEC
31992D0620 |
31.12.1992 |
8.1.1993 |
0 |
0 |
317 |
92/614/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 authorizing the Federal Republic of Germany to apply a particular measure in accordance with Article 22 (12) (b) of Directive 77/388/EEC
31992D0614 |
31.12.1992 |
1.1.1993 |
0 |
0 |
318 |
92/615/EWG: Entscheidung des Rates vom 21. Dezember 1992 zur Ermächtigung des Königreichs Dänemark, besondere Maßnahmen gemäß Artikel 22 Absatz 12 Buchstaben a) und b) der Richtlinie 77/388/EWG anzuwenden
31992D0615 |
31.12.1992 |
1.1.1993 |
0 |
0 |
319 |
92/619/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 authorizing the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to apply particular measures in accordance with Article 22 (12) (a) and (b) of Directive 77/388/EEC
31992D0619 |
31.12.1992 |
1.1.1993 |
0 |
0 |
320 |
92/621/CEE: Décision du Conseil, du 21 décembre 1992, autorisant le Royaume-Uni à appliquer une mesure particulière conformément à l'article 22 paragraphe 12 point b) de la directive 77/388/CEE
31992D0621 |
31.12.1992 |
1.1.1993 |
0 |
0 |
321 |
92/616/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 authorizing the Kingdom of Spain to apply a particular measure in accordance with Article 22 (12) (a) of Directive 77/388/EEC
31992D0616 |
31.12.1992 |
31.12.1992 |
0 |
0 |
322 |
92/617/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 authorizing Ireland to apply particular measures in accordance with Article 22 (12) (a) and (b) of Directive 77/388/EEC
31992D0617 |
31.12.1992 |
31.12.1992 |
0 |
0 |
323 |
92/618/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 authorizing the Italian Republic to apply a particular measure in accordance with Article 22 (12) (a) of Directive 77/388/EEC
31992D0618 |
31.12.1992 |
31.12.1992 |
0 |
0 |
324 |
Direktiva Sveta 92/83/EGS z dne 19. oktobra 1992 o uskladitvi strukture trošarin za alkohol in alkoholne pijače
31992L0083 |
19.10.1992 |
10.11.1992 |
0 |
0 |
325 |
Direktiva Sveta 92/84/EGS z dne 19. oktobra 1992 o približevanju trošarinskih stopenj za alkohol in alkoholne pijače
31992L0084 |
19.10.1992 |
10.11.1992 |
0 |
0 |
326 |
92/544/EEC: Council Decision of 23 November 1992 authorizing the French Republic to apply measures derogating from Article 17 and Article 22 (3), (4) and (5) of the Sixth Directive 77/388/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes
31992D0544 |
2.12.1992 |
1.1.1992 |
0 |
0 |
327 |
90/640/CEE: Décision du Conseil, du 3 décembre 1990, autorisant la République fédérale d'Allemagne à appliquer aux troupes soviétiques stationnées sur le territoire de la République fédérale d'Allemagne une dérogation aux articles 14 et 15 de la sixième directive 77/388/CEE en matière d'harmonisation des législations des États membres relatives aux taxes sur le chiffre d'affaires
31990D0640 |
13.12.1990 |
6.12.1990 |
0 |
0 |
328 |
89/683/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1989 authorizing the French Republic to apply a measure derogating from Article 2 of the sixth Directive 77/388/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the member States relating to turnover taxes
31989D0683 |
30.12.1989 |
28.12.1989 |
0 |
0 |
329 |
89/487/EEC: Council Decision of 28 July 1989 authorizing the French Republic to apply a measure derogating from the second subparagraph of Article 17 (6) of the Sixth Directive 77/388/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes
31989D0487 |
16.8.1989 |
1.8.1989 |
0 |
0 |
330 |
89/488/EEC: Council Decision of 28 July 1989 authorizing the French Republic to apply a measure derogating from Article 17 (2) of the Sixth Directive 77/388/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes
31989D0488 |
16.8.1989 |
1.8.1989 |
0 |
0 |
331 |
89/466/EEC: Council Decision of 18 July 1989 authorizing the United Kingdom to apply a measure derogating from Article 11 (A) (1) (b) of the Sixth Directive 77/388/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes
31989D0466 |
3.8.1989 |
24.7.1989 |
0 |
0 |
332 |
89/534/EEC: Council Decision of 24 May 1989 authorizing the United Kingdom to apply, in respect of certain supplies to unregistered resellers, a measure derogating from Article 11 A (1) (a) of the Sixth Directive 77/388/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes
31989D0534 |
29.9.1989 |
22.6.1989 |
0 |
0 |
333 |
Application of Article 27 of the Sixth Council Directive of 17 May 1977 on value added tax (Authorization of a derogation resquested by the Government of the United Kingdom)
31986X1219(01) |
19.12.1986 |
10.12.1986 |
0 |
0 |
334 |
Trinajsta direktiva Sveta 86/560/EGS z dne 17. novembra 1986 o usklajevanju zakonodaje držav članic glede prometnih davkov – Postopki vračila davka na dodano vrednost davčnim zavezancem, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča ali sedeža na ozemlju Skupnosti
31986L0560 |
17.11.1986 |
21.11.1986 |
0 |
0 |
335 |
Twenty-first Council Directive 86/247/EEC of 16 June 1986 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes - Deferment of the introduction of the common system of value-added tax in the Hellenic Republic
31986L0247 |
20.6.1986 |
20.6.1986 |
0 |
0 |
336 |
85/369/EEC: Application of Article 27 of the Sixth Council Directive of 17 May 1977 on value added tax (Authorization of a derogation requested by the United Kingdom to enable certain types of tax evasion to be prevented)
31985X0369 |
31.7.1985 |
13.6.1985 |
0 |
0 |
337 |
84/517/EEC: Council Decision of 23 October 1984 authorizing the French Republic to apply in respect of automatic gaming machines a measure derogating from Article 18 of the Sixth Directive (77/388/EEC) on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes
31984D0517 |
30.10.1984 |
30.10.1984 |
0 |
0 |
338 |
84/468/EEC: Application of Article 27 of the Sixth Council Directive of 17 May 1977 on value added tax (Authorization of a measure derogating from the Directive in the context of a draft agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands)
31984X0468 |
5.10.1984 |
10.9.1984 |
0 |
0 |
339 |
Council Directive 83/651/EEC of 22 December 1983 prolonging the derogation accorded to Ireland relating to the rules governing turnover tax and excise duty applicable in international travel
31983L0651 |
31.12.1983 |
23.12.1983 |
0 |
0 |
340 |
Fifteenth Council Directive 83/648/EEC of 19 December 1983 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes - deferment of the introduction of the common system of value added tax in the Hellenic Republic
31983L0648 |
23.12.1983 |
21.12.1983 |
0 |
0 |
341 |
Direktiva Sveta z dne 28. marca 1983 o spremembi Direktive 68/297/EGS o standardizaciji predpisov glede dajatev prostega uvoza goriva, vsebovanega v rezervoarjih za gorivo gospodarskih motornih vozil
31983L0127 |
28.3.1983 |
6.4.1983 |
0 |
0 |
342 |
Direktiva Sveta z dne 28. marca 1983 o davčnih oprostitvah znotraj Skupnosti za določena prevozna sredstva, začasno uvožena iz ene države članice v drugo
31983L0182 |
28.3.1983 |
31.3.1983 |
0 |
0 |
343 |
83/333/EEC: Application of Article 27 of the Sixth Council Directive of 17 May 1977 on value added tax (Authorization of a derogation under a draft agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and Luxembourg)
31983X0333 |
6.7.1983 |
18.3.1983 |
0 |
0 |
344 |
83/8/EEC: Application of Article 30 of the Sixth Council Directive of 17 May 1977 on value added tax (Authorization of a derogation in the context of a draft Convention between Italy and Austria)
31983X0008 |
19.1.1983 |
24.11.1982 |
0 |
0 |
345 |
83/7/EEC: Application of Article 30 of the Sixth Council Directive of 17 May 1977 on value added tax (Authorization of a derogation in the context of a draft Agreement between Italy and Switzerland)
31983X0007 |
19.1.1983 |
26.10.1982 |
0 |
0 |
346 |
Information from the Commission - Programme for the simplification of value added tax procedures and formalities in intra-Community trade
31981Y0924(10) |
24.9.1981 |
20.5.1981 |
0 |
0 |
347 |
Council Directive 77/82/EEC of 18 January 1977 on a derogation accorded to the Kingdom of Denmark relating to the rules governing turnover tax and excise duty applicable in international travel
31977L0082 |
27.1.1977 |
19.1.1977 |
0 |
0 |
348 |
74/390/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 17 July 1974 requesting the Member States, with the exception of the Italian Republic, to take special measures in respect of VAT on consumer sales of beef and veal
31974H0390 |
27.7.1974 |
17.7.1974 |
0 |
0 |
349 |
31972L0250 |
18.7.1972 |
7.7.1972 |
0 |
0 |
350 |
Vierte Richtlinie 71/401/EWG des Rates vom 20. Dezember 1971 zur Harmonisierung der Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über die Umsatzsteuer - Einführung der Mehrwertsteuer in Italien
31971L0401 |
24.12.1971 |
21.12.1971 |
0 |
0 |