Št. |
Naslov |
Celex |
Datum objave |
Datum začetka veljave |
Stran od |
Stran do |
1751 |
Regulation (EEC) No 144/69 of the Commission of 25 January 1969 supplementing Regulation (EEC) No 103/69 laying down detailed rules for carrying forward part of one year's sugar production to the following marketing year
31969R0144 |
27.1.1969 |
30.1.1969 |
0 |
0 |
1752 |
Uredba (EGS) Št. 1397/68 Komisije z dne 6. septembra 1968 o spremembi Uredbe št. 474/67/EGS o vnaprejšnji določitvi izvoznega nadomestila za riž in lomljeni riž
31968R1397 |
10.9.1968 |
13.9.1968 |
0 |
0 |
1753 |
Regulation (EEC) No 1389/68 of the Commission of 6 September 1968 amending several Regulations on milk and milk products
31968R1389 |
7.9.1968 |
10.9.1968 |
0 |
0 |
1754 |
68/302/EEC: Commission Decision of 24 July 1968 supplementing the Commission Decision of 3 April 1968 authorizing certain management measures to be taken within the framework of the common organisation of agricultural markets
31968D0302 |
26.7.1968 |
25.7.1968 |
0 |
0 |
1755 |
68/273/EEC: Commission Decision of 2 July 1968 supplementing the Commission Decision of 3 April 1968 authorizing certain management measures to be taken within the framework of the common organization of agricultural markets
31968D0273 |
4.7.1968 |
8.7.1968 |
0 |
0 |
1756 |
Uredba (EGS) št. 1265/69 Komisije z dne 1. julija 1969 o metodah za določanje kakovosti sladkorja, ki ga odkupujejo intervencijske agencije
31969R1265 |
4.7.1969 |
1.7.1968 |
0 |
0 |
1757 |
Regulation (EEC) No 990/69 of the Commission of 28 May 1969 on the non-fixing of an additional amount for Austrian egg products
31969R0990 |
31.5.1969 |
3.6.1968 |
0 |
0 |
1758 |
Regulation (EEC) No 565/68 of the Commission of 24 April 1968 on the non-fixing of and additional amounts for slaughtered fowls, ducks and geese imported from Poland
31968R0565 |
8.5.1968 |
11.5.1968 |
0 |
0 |
1759 |
68/183/EEC: Commission Decision of 3 April 1968 authorising certain management measures to be taken within the framework of the common organisation of agricultural markets
31968D0183 |
10.4.1968 |
10.4.1968 |
0 |
0 |
1760 |
Regulation No 765/67/EEC of the Commission of 26 October 1967 on the non-fixing of an additional amount for Australian eggs
31967R0765 |
27.10.1967 |
28.10.1967 |
0 |
0 |
1761 |
Uredba Komisije št. 474/676/EGS z dne 21. avgusta 1967 o vnaprejšnji določitvi izvoznega nadomestila za riž in lomljeni riž
31967R0474 |
24.8.1967 |
1.9.1967 |
0 |
0 |
1762 |
Regulation No 183/66/EEC of the Commission of 18 November 1966 on the non-fixing of an additional amount for South African eggs
31966R0183 |
19.11.1966 |
20.11.1966 |
0 |
0 |
1763 |
31967G0518 |
5.8.1967 |
26.7.1966 |
0 |
0 |
1764 |
Regulation No 54/65/EEC of the Commission of 7 April 1965 on the non-fixing of an additional amount for Polish eggs
31965R0054 |
8.4.1965 |
11.4.1965 |
0 |
0 |
1765 |
31964R0059 |
10.6.1964 |
11.6.1964 |
0 |
0 |
1766 |
EEC Council: Regulation No 7a adding certain products to the list in Annex II to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community
31961R0007 |
30.1.1961 |
31.12.1959 |
0 |
0 |
1767 |
32016R1226R(01) |
14.12.2016 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1768 |
31969H0014 |
24.1.1969 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1769 |
2000/534/EC: Commission Decision of 22 August 2000 laying down the measures required to implement the order of the President of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities of 8 August 2000 in Case T-159/00 R (notified under document number C(2000) 2535)
32000D0534 |
6.9.2000 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1770 |
2000/762/EC: Commission Decision of 15 November 2000 providing for a compulsory beef labelling system in Sweden (notified under document number C(2000) 3297) (Only the Swedish text is authentic)
32000D0762 |
6.12.2000 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1771 |
2000/805/EC: Commission Decision of 11 April 2000 on State aid implemented by France for the pig-farming sector (notified under document number C(2000) 1169) (Only the French text is authentic)
32000D0805 |
22.12.2000 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1772 |
2001/3/EC: Commission Decision of 3 January 2001 laying down specific measures in the beef sector for Denmark and the Netherlands under Regulation (EC) No 2777/2000 (notified under document number C(2000) 4422)
32001D0003 |
4.1.2001 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1773 |
74/358/EEC: Commission Decision of 13 June 1974 exempting Ireland from applying to certain species the Council Directive of 29 September 1970 on the marketing of vegetable seed (Only the English text is authentic)
31974D0358 |
19.7.1974 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1774 |
74/366/EEC: Commission Decision of 13 June 1974 provisionally authorizing the French Republic to prohibit the marketing, in France, of dwarf French bean seed of the variety 'sim' (Only the French text is authentic)
31974D0366 |
19.7.1974 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1775 |
74/367/EEC: Commission Decision of 13 June 1974 provisionally authorizing the French Republic to prohibit the marketing, in France, of dwarf French bean seed of the variety 'Dustor' (Only the French text is authentic)
31974D0367 |
19.7.1974 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1776 |
75/287/EEC: Commission Decision of 18 April 1975 exempting the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from applying the Council Directive of 9 April 1968 on the marketing of material for the vegetative propagation of the vine (Only the English, Danish and Dutch texts are authentic)
31975D0287 |
14.5.1975 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1777 |
75/538/EEC: Commission Decision of 25 July 1975 authorizing the Italian Republic to reduce for Sicily the minimum lengths of certain vine propagation material (Only the Italian text is authentic)
31975D0538 |
9.9.1975 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1778 |
75/752/EEC: Commission Decision of 20 November 1975 exempting the United Kingdom from applying Council Directive No 70/458/EEC to certain vegetable species (Only the English text is authentic)
31975D0752 |
10.12.1975 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1779 |
77/490/EEC: Commission Decision of 24 June 1977 concerning applications for reimbursement in respect of grubbing apple and pear trees pursuant to Regulation (EEC) No 794/76
31977D0490 |
8.8.1977 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1780 |
77/491/EEC: Commission Decision of 24 June 1977 concerning applications for reimbursement in respect of a conversion premium in the wine sector pursuant to Regulation (EEC) No 1163/76
31977D0491 |
8.8.1977 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1781 |
79/324/EEC: Commission Decision of 9 March 1979 concerning applications for reimbursement under Directive 77/391/EEC introducing Community measures for the eradication of brucellosis, tuberculosis and leucosis in cattle
31979D0324 |
29.3.1979 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1782 |
82/467/EEC: Commission Decision of 30 June 1982 authorizing a number of Member States to sell butter at a reduced price in the form of concentrated butter (Only the German, English and French texts are authentic)
31982D0467 |
20.7.1982 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1783 |
82/542/EEC: Commission Decision of 26 July 1982 approving the extended plan for the eradication of bovine tuberculosis presented by the French Republic (Only the French text is authentic)
31982D0542 |
11.8.1982 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1784 |
82/554/EEC: Commission Decision of 28 July 1982 approving the extended plan for the eradication of enzootic bovine leucosis submitted by the Federal Republic of Germany (Only the German text is authentic)
31982D0554 |
13.8.1982 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1785 |
82/555/EEC: Commission Decision of 28 July 1982 approving the extended plan for the eradication of enzootic bovine leucosis submitted by the Kingdom of Denmark (Only the Danish text is authentic)
31982D0555 |
13.8.1982 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1786 |
82/556/EEC: Commission Decision of 29 July 1982 approving the extended plan for the eradication of brucellosis submitted by the French Republic (Only the French text is authentic)
31982D0556 |
13.8.1982 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1787 |
82/793/EEC: Commission Decision of 12 November 1982 approving the extended plan for the eradication of brucellosis in cattle put forward by Belgium (Only the French and Dutch texts are authentic)
31982D0793 |
24.11.1982 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1788 |
92/227/EEC: Commission Decision of 3 April 1992 amending certain decisions authorizing Germany to restrict the marketing of seed of certain varieties of agricultural plant species (Only the German text is authentic)
31992D0227 |
25.4.1992 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1789 |
93/320/EWG: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 6. Mai 1993 zur Änderung der Entscheidung 87/293/EWG zur Zulassung von Verfahren der Einstufung von Schweineschlachtkörpern in Irland (Nur der englische Text ist verbindlich)
31993D0320 |
19.5.1993 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1790 |
98/718/EC: Commission Decision of 4 December 1998 authorising France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom to conduct only two pig surveys per year (notified under document number C(1998) 3790) (Only the English, French, German and Italian texts are authentic)
31998D0718 |
17.12.1998 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1791 |
Codified version of the Council Directive of 26 June 1964 on animal health problems affecting intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine (64/432/EEC)
31975Y0820(01) |
20.8.1975 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1792 |
Comments on the Court of Auditors' report on "Sales of reduced-price butter within the Community"
31982Y0607(02) |
7.6.1982 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1793 |
Commission notice on the arrangements applicable to agricultural products and certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products originating in the African, Caribbean and Pacific States or in the overseas countries and territories
31990Y0301(05) |
1.3.1990 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1794 |
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1251/79 of 26 June 1979 enabling short-term private storage contracts to be concluded for the R II type of table wine
31979R1251 |
27.6.1979 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1795 |
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2037/79 of 18 September 1979 enabling short-term private storage contracts to be concluded for the R I type of table wine
31979R2037 |
19.9.1979 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1796 |
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2594/80 of 9 October 1980 fixing the special levy applicable to New Zealand butter imported into the United Kingdom
31980R2594 |
10.10.1980 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1797 |
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2878/80 of 6 November 1980 repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2786/80 authorizing intervention buying-in of sheepmeat in France
31980R2878 |
7.11.1980 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1798 |
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2962/78 of 15 December 1978 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1391/78 with regard to the identity card arrangements introduced in connection with the system of premiums for the non-marketing of milk
31978R2962 |
16.12.1978 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1799 |
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2998/80 of 20 November 1980 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1379/80 as regards beef products which may be bought in by intervention agencies
31980R2998 |
21.11.1980 |
/ |
0 |
0 |
1800 |
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3017/80 of 21 November 1980 fixing for the United Kingdom the level of the variable slaughter premium for sheep and the amounts to be charged on products leaving that Member State
31980R3017 |
22.11.1980 |
/ |
0 |
0 |