Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
1151 Commission Regulation (EC) No 628/95 of 23 March 1995 fixing the amount of the aid referred to in Council Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 for the private storage of butter and cream 31995R0628 24.3.1995 15.4.1995 0 0
1152 Commission Regulation (EC) No 813/95 of 11 April 1995 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for processing within the Community 31995R0813 12.4.1995 12.4.1995 0 0
1153 Commission Regulation (EC) No 763/95 of 4 April 1995 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 611/95 31995R0763 5.4.1995 5.4.1995 0 0
1154 Commission Regulation (EC) No 611/95 of 21 March 1995 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies and repealing Regulation (EC) No 2785/94 31995R0611 22.3.1995 22.3.1995 0 0
1155 95/75/EC: Commission Decision of 10 March 1995 authorizing Finland to adopt more stringent provisions concerning the presence of Avena fatua in cereal seed (Only the Finnish text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance) 31995D0075 18.3.1995 13.3.1995 0 0
1156 Verordnung (EG) Nr. 517/95 der Kommission vom 8. März 1995 über den Verkauf von im Besitz der portugiesischen Interventionsstelle befindlichen 250000 Tonnen Mais auf dem portugiesischen Markt 31995R0517 9.3.1995 12.3.1995 0 0
1157 Commission Regulation (EC) No 437/95 of 28 February 1995 laying down detailed rules for granting a special refund for exports of poultrymeat sector products to certain third countries 31995R0437 1.3.1995 1.3.1995 0 0
1158 Commission Regulation (EC) No 231/95 of 3 February 1995 on special conditions for the granting of private storage aid for pigmeat 31995R0231 4.2.1995 4.2.1995 0 0
1159 95/17/EC: Commission Decision of 2 February 1995 on the recognition of the producer group for hops in northern France (Only the French text is authentic) 31995D0017 7.2.1995 3.2.1995 0 0
1160 Échange de lettres entre la Communauté économique européenne et la République slovaque relatif à certaines dispositions applicables aux bovins sur pied 21994A1231(31) 31.12.1994 1.2.1995 0 0
1161 Échange de lettres entre la Communauté économique européenne et la République tchèque relatif à certaines dispositions applicables aux bovins sur pied 21994A1231(35) 31.12.1994 1.2.1995 0 0
1162 Sporazum v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Bolgarijo o nekaterih določbah za živo govedo 21994A1231(27) 8.3.1993 1.2.1995 0 0
1163 Sporazumvobliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Romunijo v zvezi z nekaterimi ureditvami za živo govedo 21994A1231(23) 1.2.1993 1.2.1995 0 0
1164 95/486/CE: Décision de la Commission, du 30 novembre 1994, relative aux aides et cotisations obligatoires destinées à la promotion des débouchés des produits de l'aviculture et du petit élevage en Belgique (Les textes en langues française et néerlandaise sont les seuls faisant foi) 31995D0486 21.11.1995 4.1.1995 0 0
1165 Commission Regulation (EC) No 3128/94 of 20 December 1994 amending Regulation (EC) No 3254/93 as regards the specific supply arrangements for certain fruits and vegetables for the benefit of the smaller Aegean islands for 1995 31994R3128 21.12.1994 1.1.1995 0 0
1166 Verordnung (EG) Nr. 672/95 der Kommission vom 29. März 1995 über im Handel mit landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugnissen zwischen der Gemeinschaft der zwölf Mitgliedstaaten und den neuen Mitgliedstaaten Österreich, Finnland und Schweden erforderliche Ein- und Ausfuhrlizenzen sowie Vorausfestsetzungsbescheinigungen 31995R0672 30.3.1995 1.1.1995 0 0
1167 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2921/94 of 30 November 1994 amending Regulation (EC) No 1083/94 on the sale on the Portuguese domestic market of 250 000 tonnes of maize held by the Portuguese intervention agency 31994R2921 1.12.1994 2.12.1994 0 0
1168 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2783/94 of 16 November 1994 on the sale by the procedure laid down in Regulation (EEC) No 2539/84 of bone-in beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for export, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 764/94 31994R2783 17.11.1994 30.11.1994 0 0
1169 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2755/94 of 11 November 1994 on the sale by the procedure laid down in Regulation (EEC) No 2539/84 of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for export to the city of Moscow 31994R2755 12.11.1994 21.11.1994 0 0
1170 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2417/94 of 5 October 1994 opening invitations to tender for the fixing of aid for the private storage of carcases and half-carcases of lamb 31994R2417 6.10.1994 6.10.1994 0 0
1171 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2284/94 of 20 September 1994 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2839/93 on the special sale of intervention butter for export to the Republics of the former Soviet Union 31994R2284 23.9.1994 26.9.1994 0 0
1172 Verordnung (EG) Nr. 2222/94 der Kommission vom 13. September 1994 mit Durchführungsbestimmungen zur Gewährung von Beihilfen für Reisbestände, die sich am 31. März 1993 in Portugal auf Lager befanden 31994R2222 14.9.1994 21.9.1994 0 0
1173 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2179/94 of 6 September 1994 on specific measures for the application of Regulations (EC) No 220/94, (EC) No 1018/94, (EC) No 1066/94, (EC) No 1067/94, (EC) No 1323/94, (EC) No 1491/94 and (EC) No 1508/94, relating to sales of beef held by the intervention agency of the United Kingdom 31994R2179 7.9.1994 10.9.1994 0 0
1174 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2178/94 of 6 September 1994 introducing specific measures relating to the application of Regulation (EC) No 3208/93 on the sale by the procedure laid down in Regulation (EEC) No 2539/84 of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for export after processing 31994R2178 7.9.1994 7.9.1994 0 0
1175 94/813/EG: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 27. Juli 1994 über eine Beihilfe für die französischen Schweinefleischerzeuger - Regulierungskasse ,,Stabiporc" (Nur der französische Text ist verbindlich) 31994D0813 23.12.1994 16.8.1994 0 0
1176 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1902/94 of 27 July 1994 on the sale at a price fixed in advance of unprocessed dried figs from the 1993 harvest to distillation industries 31994R1902 29.7.1994 1.8.1994 0 0
1177 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1752/94 of 18 July 1994 fixing the storage aid for unprocessed dried grapes and dried figs from the 1993/94 marketing year 31994R1752 19.7.1994 22.7.1994 0 0
1178 94/459/EC: Commission Decision of 6 July 1994 amending Decision 89/471/EEC authorizing methods for grading pig carcases in Germany (Only the German text is authentic) 31994D0459 23.7.1994 7.7.1994 0 0
1179 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1549/94 z dne 30. junija 1994 o spremembi Uredb (EGS) št. 388/92, (EGS) št. 1727/92 in (EGS) št. 1728/92 o podrobnih izvedbenih pravilih za posebne ukrepe za oskrbo francoskih čezmorskih departmajev, Azorov, Madeire in Kanarskih otokov z žitnimi proizvodi 31994R1549 1.7.1994 2.7.1994 0 0
1180 94/362/CE: Décision de la Commission du 20 juin 1994 modifiant la décision 87/293/CEE portant autorisation de méthodes de classement des carcasses de porcs en Irlande (Le texte en langue anglaise est le seul faisant foi.) 31994D0362 28.6.1994 1.7.1994 0 0
1181 Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1395/94 der Kommission vom 17. Juni 1994 zur Festsetzung des bei der Einfuhr von Sauerkirschen anzuwendenden Mindestpreises 31994R1395 18.6.1994 19.6.1994 0 0
1182 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1342/94 of 10 June 1994 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2839/93 on the special sale of intervention butter for export to the Republics of the former Soviet Union 31994R1342 11.6.1994 14.6.1994 0 0
1183 Règlement (CE) n° 1281/94 de la Commission, du 2 juin 1994, relatif à l'instauration d'un régime de surveillance des importations de cerises acides fraîches originaires des Républiques de Bosnie-Herzégovine, de Croatie, de Slovénie et du territoire de l'ancienne République yougoslave de Macédoine 31994R1281 3.6.1994 11.6.1994 0 0
1184 Odločba Komisije z dne 8. junija 1994 o dajanju na trg proizvoda, ki vsebuje gensko spremenjeni organizem, semena na herbicid odporne sorte tobaka ITB 1000 OX, v skladu s členom 13 Direktive Sveta 90/220/EGS 31994D0385 9.7.1994 10.6.1994 0 0
1185 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1251/94 of 31 May 1994 laying down detailed rules for the free supply of beef, butter and flour pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) No 598/91 on action for the supply of agricultural products to the people of the USSR 31994R1251 1.6.1994 1.6.1994 0 0
1186 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1156/94 of 20 May 1994 on the sale at a price fixed in advance of unprocessed dried grapes to distillation industries 31994R1156 21.5.1994 21.5.1994 0 0
1187 Règlement (CE) n° 1083/94 de la Commission, du 10 mai 1994, relatif aux ventes sur le marché intérieur portugais de 250 000 tonnes de maïs détenues par l'organisme d'intervention portugais 31994R1083 11.5.1994 14.5.1994 0 0
1188 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1154/94 of 20 May 1994 on the adjustment of certain export refunds fixed in advance in the cereals sector 31994R1154 21.5.1994 5.5.1994 0 0
1189 Commission Regulation (EC) No 956/94 of 28 April 1994 laying down detailed rules for the granting of private storage aid for long-keeping cheeses 31994R0956 29.4.1994 1.5.1994 0 0
1190 Council Regulation (EC) No 777/94 of 29 March 1994 derogating from Regulation (EEC) No 1637/91 as regards the payment of compensation to milk producers for the reduction of reference quantities 31994R0777 8.4.1994 15.4.1994 0 0
1191 Commission Regulation (EC) No 481/94 of 3 March 1994 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in Regulation (EC) No 359/94 31994R0481 4.3.1994 10.3.1994 0 0
1192 Commission Regulation (EC) No 359/94 of 17 February 1994 on the sale by tender of beef held by certain intervention agencies 31994R0359 18.2.1994 18.2.1994 0 0
1193 Commission Regulation (EC) No 258/94 of 3 February 1994 laying down detailed rules for granting a special refund for exports of pigmeat sector products to certain third countries 31994R0258 4.2.1994 14.2.1994 0 0
1194 94/76/EC: Commission Decision of 7 February 1994 approving the criteria for the allocation in Luxembourg of additional reference quantities to the producers referred to in Article 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 3950/92 in the milk and milk products sector (Only the French text is authentic) 31994D0076 8.2.1994 7.2.1994 0 0
1195 Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 122/94 z dne 25. januarja 1994 o določitvi podrobnih pravil za izvajanje Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1601/91 o opredelitvi, opisu in predstavitvi aromatiziranih vin, aromatiziranih pijač na osnovi vina in aromatiziranih mešanih pijač iz vinskih proizvodov 31994R0122 25.1.1994 29.1.1994 0 0
1196 Special report No 1/94 concerning follow up to the Court's Special report No 2/92 and continuation of the Court's audit of major beneficiaries of export refunds accompanied by the replies of the Commission 31994Y0312(01) 12.3.1994 27.1.1994 0 0
1197 Commission Regulation (EC) No 3554/93 of 22 December 1993 on the sale by the procedure laid down in Regulation (EEC) No 2539/84 of boneless beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for export to certain destinations, repealing Regulation (EC) No 3173/93 31993R3554 24.12.1993 5.1.1994 0 0
1198 Commission Regulation (EC) No 346/94 of 16 February 1994 laying down detailed rules for the period 1 January to 30 June 1994 for the application of the import arrangements for fresh, chilled or frozen beef provided for in the Interim Agreements on trade between the Community and Bulgaria and Romania 31994R0346 17.2.1994 1.1.1994 0 0
1199 Commission Regulation (EC) No 3501/93 of 20 December 1993 amending certain Regulations concerned with the common organization of the market in eggs 31993R3501 21.12.1993 1.1.1994 0 0
1200 Commission Regulation (EC) No 3580/93 of 21 December 1993 laying down detailed rules for the application in the pigmeat sector of the Bilateral Agreements on agriculture between the Community, of the one part, and Austria and Finland, of the other part 31993R3580 28.12.1993 1.1.1994 0 0