Št. Naslov Celex Datum objave Datum začetka veljave Stran od Stran do
801 Council Resolution of 18 June 1992 on the technological problems of nuclear safety 31992Y0708(02) 8.7.1992 18.6.1992 0 0
802 92/275/Euratom: Council Decision of 29 April 1992 adopting a supplementary research programme to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Atomic Energy Community (1992-1995) 31992D0275 23.5.1992 11.5.1992 0 0
803 92/254/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 14 April 1992 concerning the plan for the disposal of radioactive waste of the 'Quercus' uranium ore processing plant of Enusa in Saelices el Chico (Spain) in accordance with Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty 31992A0254 14.5.1992 14.4.1992 0 0
804 92/236/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 1 April 1992 concerning the plan to release radioactive effluents from the Covra NV radioactive waste processing and storage facility at Sloe (Netherlands), pursuant to Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty 31992A0236 6.5.1992 6.4.1992 0 0
805 92/194/Euratom: Commission Decision of 4 March 1992 relating to a procedure in application of Article 83 of the Euratom Treaty (XVII-002 - UKAEA Dounreay) (Only the English text is authentic) 31992D0194 3.4.1992 3.4.1992 0 0
806 Resolution of the Consulative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community concerning the Commission communication to the Council on a Community strategy to limit carbon dioxyde emissions and to improve energy efficiency (CO2/energy tax) 31992Y0519(01) 19.5.1992 3.4.1992 0 0
807 Evaluation of the management of JET, study annexed to the specific annual report on the 1990 accounts of the Joint Undertaking, accompanied by the reply of the Director of JET, including observations of the Commission of the European Communities 31992Y0217(01) 17.2.1992 7.11.1991 0 0
808 91/141/EGKS: Empfehlung der Kommission vom 31. Januar 1991 über die Kohlestatistiken 31991H0141 20.3.1991 20.3.1991 0 0
809 Direktiva Sveta z dne 4. decembra 1990 o spremembah za izvajanje nekaterih direktiv Skupnosti o statistiki prevoza blaga in statistiki cen za plin in električno energijo v Nemčiji 31990L0653 4.12.1990 12.12.1990 0 0
810 90/413/Euratom: Commission Decision of 1 August 1990 relating to a procedure in application of Article 83 of the Euratom Treaty (XVII-001 - ANF Lingen) (Only the German text is authentic) 31990D0413 8.8.1990 1.8.1990 0 0
811 Sklep Sveta z dne 23. aprila 1990 o spremembah Sklepa 77/271/Euratom o izvajanju Sklepa 77/270/Euratom o pooblastitvi Komisije za dodelitev Euratom posojil za financiranje nuklearnih elektrarn 31990D0212 3.5.1990 23.4.1990 0 0
812 89/476/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 20 July 1989 concerning the Penly nuclear power station, Units 1 and 2 (France) (Only the French text is authentic) 31989A0476 10.8.1989 26.7.1989 0 0
813 89/340/EEC: Council Decision of 3 May 1989 concerning work for third parties performed by the Joint Research Centre relevant to the European Economic Community 31989D0340 25.5.1989 26.5.1989 0 0
814 89/354/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 23 May 1989 concerning the Golfech, units 1 and 2 (France) nuclear power station (Only the French text is authentic) 31989A0354 2.6.1989 25.5.1989 0 0
815 Sporazum o sodelovanju med Evropsko skupnostjo za atomsko energijo in vlado Japonske na področju kontrolirane termonuklearne fuzije 21989A0228(01) 20.2.1989 20.2.1989 0 0
816 Sklep Komisije z dne 10. februarja 1989 o sklenitvi Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Evropsko skupnostjo za atomsko energijo in Vlado Japonske na področju kontrolirane termonuklearne fuzije s strani Komisije za Skupnost in v imenu Skupnosti 31989D0149 10.2.1989 10.2.1989 0 0
817 89/82/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 16 December 1988 concerning the nuclear power-station Trillo I (Spain) (Only the Spanish text is authentic) 31989A0082 3.2.1989 21.12.1988 0 0
818 88/611/EEC: Council Recommendation of 8 November 1988 to promote cooperation between public utilities and auto- producers of electricity 31988H0611 7.12.1988 8.11.1988 0 0
819 Resolution of the ECSC Consultative Committee on the review of Member States' energy policies and of the progress made towards meeting the Community's 1995 energy objectives 31988Y1027(01) 27.10.1988 4.10.1988 0 0
820 Council Resolution of 29 June 1988 concerning the activities to be undertaken by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) 31988Y0727(01) 27.7.1988 29.6.1988 0 0
821 88/229/Euratom: Commission Decision of 26 February 1988 concerning the conclusion of an Agreement of participation in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Conceptual Design Activities, by the European Atomic Energy Community, with Japan, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the United States of America, by the Commission for and on behalf of the Community 31988D0229 21.4.1988 26.2.1988 0 0
822 87/297/Euratom: Council Decision of 18 May 1987 approving an amendment of the Statutes (articles of association) of the Joint Undertaking 'Société d'énergie nucléaire franco-belge des Ardennes' (SENA) 31987D0297 9.6.1987 18.5.1987 0 0
823 Konvencija o fizičnem varovanju jedrskega materiala in jedrskih objektov 22008A0208(01) 3.3.1980 8.2.1987 5 18
824 Accord de coopération entre la Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique et le ministère américain de l'énergie dans le domaine de la fusion thermonucléaire contrôlée 21987A0214(01) 14.2.1987 15.12.1986 0 0
825 Council Resolution of 26 November 1986 on a Community orientation to develop new and renewable energy sources 31986Y1209(01) 9.12.1986 26.11.1986 0 0
826 87/105/Euratom: Commission Decision of 6 November 1986 concerning the conclusion of an Agreement for cooperation in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion between the European Atomic Energy Community and the United States Department of Energy by the Commission for and on behalf of the said Community 31987D0105 14.2.1987 6.11.1986 0 0
827 Council Resolution of 16 September 1986 concerning new Community energy policy objectives for 1995 and convergence of the policies of the Member States 31986Y0925(01) 25.9.1986 16.9.1986 0 0
828 Council Resolution of 15 September 1986 on improving energy efficiency in industrial firms in the Member States 31986Y0924(01) 24.9.1986 15.9.1986 0 0
829 Commission Decision No 2526/86/ECSC of 31 July 1986 amending Decision 72/443/ECSC on alignment of prices for sales of coal in the common market 31986S2526 8.8.1986 8.8.1986 0 0
830 Sklep Sveta z dne 20. januarja 1986 o odobritvi Komisiji, da sklene Memorandum o soglasju med Evropsko skupnostjo za atomsko energijo in Vlado Kanade o sodelovanju na področju raziskav in razvoja jedrske fuzije 31986D0028 20.1.1986 20.1.1986 0 0
831 85/534/EEC: Commission Decision of 25 November 1985 amending Decision 84/510/EEC granting financial assistance within the framework of specific measures of Community interest relating to energy strategy (Only the English text is authentic) 31985D0534 11.12.1985 26.11.1985 0 0
832 85/535/EEC: Commission Decision of 25 November 1985 amending Decision No 84/511/EEC granting financial assistance within the framework of specific measures of Community interest relating to energy strategy (Only the German text is authentic) 31985D0535 11.12.1985 26.11.1985 0 0
833 Sporazum v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo za atomsko energijo (Euratom) in Vlado Kanade, o spremembi Sporazuma med Evropsko skupnostjo za atomsko energijo (Euratom) in Vlado Kanade z dne 6. oktobra 1959 o sodelovanju pri miroljubni uporabi atomske energije (85/C 191/03) 21985A0731(06) 31.7.1985 21.6.1985 0 0
834 Council Resolution of 15 March 1985 on the rational use of energy in the building sector 31985Y0326(01) 26.3.1985 15.3.1985 0 0
835 Council Resolution of 15 January 1985 on the improvement of energy-saving programmes in the Member States 31985Y0122(01) 22.1.1985 15.1.1985 0 0
836 84/510/CEE: Décision de la Commission du 17 octobre 1984 relative à l'octroi d'un concours financier dans le cadre des mesures particulières d'intérêt communautaire relevant de la stratégie énergétique (Le texte en langue anglaise est le seul faisant foi) 31984D0510 27.10.1984 17.10.1984 0 0
837 84/511/EEC: Commission Decision of 17 October 1984 granting financial assistance within the framework of the special energy development programme (Only the German text is authentic) 31984D0511 27.10.1984 17.10.1984 0 0
838 84/454/ECSC: Commission Decision of 6 September 1984 approving aids from the French Republic to the coal-mining industry during 1983 and approving additional aids from the French Republic to the coal-mining industry during 1982 (Only the French text is authentic) 31984D0454 25.9.1984 25.9.1984 0 0
839 84/455/ECSC: Commission Decision of 6 September 1984 approving aids from the Federal Republic of Germany to the coal-mining industry during 1983 (Only the German text is authentic) 31984D0455 25.9.1984 25.9.1984 0 0
840 84/456/EGKS: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 6. September 1984 zur Genehmigung von Beihilfen des Vereinigten Königreichs zugunsten des Steinkohlenbergbaus im Haushaltsjahr 1983/84 (Nur der englische Text ist verbindlich) 31984D0456 25.9.1984 25.9.1984 0 0
841 84/457/ECSC: Commission Decision of 6 September 1984 approving aids from the Kingdom of Belgium to the coal-mining industry during 1983 (Only the French and Dutch texts are authentic) 31984D0457 25.9.1984 25.9.1984 0 0
842 84/339/Euratom: Commission Decision of 24 May 1984 amending Decision 71/57/Euratom on the reorganization of the Joint Nuclear Research Centre (JRC) 31984D0339 4.7.1984 5.7.1984 0 0
843 Council Regulation (EEC) No 1890/84 of 26 June 1984 introducing special measures of Community interest relating to energy strategy 31984R1890 4.7.1984 4.7.1984 0 0
844 Information from the Commission - Revised forecasts for the outlook for the Community coal market in 1983 31983Y1110(03) 10.11.1983 10.11.1983 0 0
845 Information from the Commission - The Community coal market in 1982 and the outlook for 1983 31983Y0606(01) 6.6.1983 6.6.1983 0 0
846 83/250/EEC: Council Recommendation of 24 May 1983 to the Member States concerning the encouragement of investment in the use of solid fuel in industry 31983H0250 31.5.1983 31.5.1983 0 0
847 83/251/EEC: Council Recommendation of 24 May 1983 to the Member States concerning the encouragement of investment in the use of solid fuel in public buildings and in district heating systems 31983H0251 31.5.1983 31.5.1983 0 0
848 83/230/EEC: Council Recommendation of 21 April 1983 on the methods of forming natural gas prices and tariffs in the Community 31983H0230 11.5.1983 27.4.1983 0 0
849 Council Regulation (EEC) No 625/83 of 15 March 1983 establishing specific measures of Community interest relating to energy strategy 31983R0625 19.3.1983 19.3.1983 0 0
850 Protokoll zur Änderung des Abkommens über Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Europäischen Atomgemeinschaft und der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft auf dem Gebiet der kontrollierten Kernfusion und der Plasmaphysik 21982A0430(02) 30.4.1982 30.6.1982 0 0