Št. |
Naslov |
Celex |
Datum objave |
Datum začetka veljave |
Stran od |
Stran do |
7951 |
75/460/EEC: Council Decision of 22 July 1975 adopting common research programmes and programmes for the coordination of research in the field of animal leucoses, livestock effluents, beef production and plant protein production
31975D0460 |
30.7.1975 |
22.7.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7952 |
75/465/EEC: Council recommendation of 22 July 1975 on wheat unsuitable for making bread
31975H0465 |
7.8.1975 |
22.7.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7953 |
Council Resolution of 22 July 1975 on wheat unsuitable for making bread
31975Y0809(01) |
9.8.1975 |
22.7.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7954 |
Sklep Sveta z dne 15. julija 1975 o sklenitvi Sporazuma med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Republiko Indijo o trsnem sladkorju (75/456/EGS)
31975D0456 |
15.7.1975 |
15.7.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7955 |
75/314/EWG: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 30. April 1975 zur Durchführung der Reform der Agrarstruktur im Königreich Dänemark gemäß Titel II der Richtlinie Nr. 72/161/EWG (Nur der dänische Text ist verbindlich)
31975D0314 |
5.6.1975 |
5.6.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7956 |
75/315/EEC: Commission Decision of 30 April 1975 on the reform of agricultural structures in the Federal Republic of Germany in implementation of Title II of Directive No 72/161/EEC (Only the German text is authentic)
31975D0315 |
5.6.1975 |
5.6.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7957 |
75/316/EEC: Commission Decision of 30 April 1975 on the reform of agricultural structures in the Kingdom of Denmark pursuant to Directive No 72/159/EEC (Only the Danish text is authentic)
31975D0316 |
5.6.1975 |
5.6.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7958 |
Council Directive 75/271/EEC of 28 April 1975 concerning the Community list of less-favoured farming areas within the meaning of Directive No 75/268/EEC (France)
31975L0271 |
19.5.1975 |
30.4.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7959 |
Council Directive 75/273/EEC of 28 April 1975 concerning the Community list of less-favoured farming areas within the meaning of Directive No 75/268/EEC (Italy)
31975L0273 |
19.5.1975 |
30.4.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7960 |
Council Directive 75/274/EEC of 28 April 1975 concerning the Community list of less-favoured farming areas within the meaning of Directive No 75/268/EEC (Luxembourg)
31975L0274 |
19.5.1975 |
30.4.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7961 |
Council Directive 75/275/EEC of 28 April 1975 concerning the Community list of less-favoured farming areas within the meaning of Directive No 75/268/EEC (the Netherlands)
31975L0275 |
19.5.1975 |
30.4.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7962 |
Directive 75/269/CEE du Conseil, du 28 avril 1975, relative à la liste communautaire de zones agricoles défavorisées au sens de la directive 75/268/CEE (Belgique)
31975L0269 |
19.5.1975 |
30.4.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7963 |
Council Resolution of 21 April 1975 concerning new guidelines designed to balance the market in table wines
31975Y0423(01) |
23.4.1975 |
21.4.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7964 |
Regulation (EEC) No 630/75 of the Commission of 12 March 1975 on a standing invitation to tender to determine subsidies on white sugar produced in excess of the maximum quota and in respect of which no export levy is to apply, with the option of delivery to Italy
31975R0630 |
13.3.1975 |
13.3.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7965 |
Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 142/75 z dne 20. januarja 1975 o spremembi Uredbe (EGS) št. 616/72 glede izvoznih prelevmanov za oljčno olje
31975R0142 |
22.1.1975 |
25.1.1975 |
0 |
0 |
7966 |
Uredba (EGS) št. 3103/74 Komisije z dne 10. decembra 1974 o spremembi Uredbe (EGS) št. 1579/74 glede vnaprejšnje določitve uvoznega prelevmana za proizvode, predelane iz žit ali riža
31974R3103 |
11.12.1974 |
14.12.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7967 |
Direktiva Sveta z dne 9. decembra 1974 o spremembi Direktive Sveta 68/193/EGS o trženju materiala za vegetativno razmnoževanje trte (74/648/EGS)
31974L0648 |
28.12.1974 |
12.12.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7968 |
Council Resolution of 20 November 1974 on the management of quantitative cereal supplies intended for the Community
31974Y1128(01) |
28.11.1974 |
20.11.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7969 |
74/531/CEE: Décision de la Commission, du 16 octobre 1974, autorisant le Royaume des Pays-Bas à prendre des dispositions plus strictes en ce qui concerne la présence d'Avena fatua dans les semences de céréales (Le texte en langue néerlandaise est le seul faisant foi.)
31974D0531 |
7.11.1974 |
7.11.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7970 |
74/532/EEC: Commission Decision of 16 October 1974 exempting Ireland from applying to certain species the Council Directives of 14 June 1966 on the marketing of fodder plant seed and of cereal seed and the Council Directive of 30 June 1969 on the marketing of seed of oil and fibre plants (Only the English text is authentic)
31974D0532 |
7.11.1974 |
7.11.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7971 |
Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 2681/74 z dne 21. oktobra 1974 o financiranju izdatkov za dobavo kmetijskih proizvodov v okviru pomoči v hrani s strani Skupnosti
31974R2681 |
25.10.1974 |
28.10.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7972 |
74/491/EEC: Commission Decision of 17 September 1974 exempting the Kingdom of Denmark from applying to certain species the Council Directive of 30 June 1969 on the marketing of seed of oil and fibre plants (Only the Danish text is authentic)
31974D0491 |
3.10.1974 |
3.10.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7973 |
Uredba (EGS) št. 1728/74 Sveta z dne 27. junija 1974 o koordinaciji kmetijskih raziskav
31974R1728 |
27.6.1974 |
25.7.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7974 |
Council Resolution of 22 July 1974 on the veterinary, plant health and animal feedingstuffs sectors
31974Y0806(01) |
6.8.1974 |
22.7.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7975 |
74/360/EEC: Commission Decision of 13 June 1974 exempting the United Kingdom from applying to certain species the Council Directive of 30 June 1969 on the marketing of seed of oil and fibre plants (Only the English text is authentic)
31974D0360 |
19.7.1974 |
19.7.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7976 |
74/361/EEC: Commission Decision of 13 June 1974 exempting the United Kingdom from applying to certain species the Council Directive of 14 June 1966 on the marketing of cereal seed (Only the English text is authentic)
31974D0361 |
19.7.1974 |
19.7.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7977 |
74/362/EWG: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 13. Juni 1974 zur Entbindung des Vereinigten Königreichs von der Verpflichtung, die Richtlinie des Rates vom 14. Juni 1966 über den Verkehr mit Futterpflanzensaatgut hinsichtlich einiger Arten anzuwenden (Nur der englische Text ist verbindlich)
31974D0362 |
19.7.1974 |
19.7.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7978 |
74/390/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 17 July 1974 requesting the Member States, with the exception of the Italian Republic, to take special measures in respect of VAT on consumer sales of beef and veal
31974H0390 |
27.7.1974 |
17.7.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7979 |
74/350/CEE: Décision du Conseil, du 27 juin 1974, modifiant la décision 73/83/CEE concernant l'équivalence des inspections sur pied des cultures productrices de semences, effectuées au Danemark, en Irlande et au Royaume-Uni, et la décision 73/84/CEE concernant l'équivalence des semences produites au Danemark, en Irlande et au Royaume-Uni
31974D0350 |
15.7.1974 |
15.7.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7980 |
Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 1579/74 z dne 24. junija 1974 o postopku izračuna uvoznih prelevmanov za proizvode, predelane iz žit in riža, ter za vnaprejšnjo določitev tega prelevmana za navedene proizvode ter sestavljene krmne mešanice iz žit
31974R1579 |
25.6.1974 |
28.6.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7981 |
74/257/CEE: Décision de la Commission, du 18 avril 1974, concernant la réforme de la structure agricole aux Pays-Bas en application des directives n° 72/159/CEE et 72/160/CEE (Le texte en langue néerlandaise est le seul faisant foi)
31974D0257 |
24.5.1974 |
24.5.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7982 |
74/269/EEC: Commission Decision of 2 May 1974 authorizing certain Member States to make provisions which are more strict concerning the presence of 'Avena fatua' in fodder plant and cereal seed (Only the English and Danish texts are authentic)
31974D0269 |
24.5.1974 |
24.5.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7983 |
Communication from the Commission to the Council on a Council Resolution concerning animal and plant health and animal nutrition
31974Y0605(01) |
5.6.1974 |
6.5.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7984 |
74/5/CEE: Décision de la Commission, du 6 décembre 1973, dispensant le Royaume du Danemark d'appliquer à certaines espèces la directive du Conseil, du 14 juin 1966, concernant la commercialisation des semences de céréales (Le texte en langue danoise est le seul faisant foi.)
31974D0005 |
15.1.1974 |
15.1.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7985 |
Regulation (EEC) No 1409/75 of the Commission of 30 May 1975 laying down detailed rules for the purpose of taking into account certain monetary amounts charged on exports to non-member countries
31975R1409 |
31.5.1975 |
1.1.1974 |
0 |
0 |
7986 |
Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 3539/73 z dne 18. decembra 1973 o stopnji uvoznih dajatev za majhne nekomercialne pošiljke kmetijskih proizvodov in blaga v okviru Uredbe (EGS) št. 1059/69
31973R3539 |
29.12.1973 |
30.12.1973 |
0 |
0 |
7987 |
Council Directive 73/440/EEC of 11 December 1973 on the general provisions for the regional differentiation of certain measures provided for in the Directives of 17 April 1972 on the reform of agriculture
31973L0440 |
27.12.1973 |
13.12.1973 |
0 |
0 |
7988 |
Direktiva Sveta z dne 11. decembra 1973 o spremembi direktiv z dne 14. junija 1966 o trženju semena pese, semena krmnih rastlin, semena žit in semenskega krompirja; direktive z dne 30. junija 1969 o trženju semena oljnic in predivnic; in direktiv z dne 29. septembra 1970 o trženju semen zelenjadnic in o skupnem katalogu sort poljščin (73/438/EGS)
31973L0438 |
27.12.1973 |
13.12.1973 |
0 |
0 |
7989 |
73/357/EEC: Commission Decision of 21 November 1973 supplementing the Commission Decision of 3 April 1968 authorizing certain management measures to be taken within the framework of the common organization of agricultural markets
31973D0357 |
24.11.1973 |
23.11.1973 |
0 |
0 |
7990 |
Council Directive 73/358/EEC of 19 November 1973 amending certain Directives following the enlargement of the Community
31973L0358 |
27.11.1973 |
22.11.1973 |
0 |
0 |
7991 |
73/334/EEC: Commission Decision of 7 November 1973 supplementing the Commission Decision of 3 April 1968 authorizing certain management measures to be taken within the framework of the common organization of agricultural markets
31973D0334 |
8.11.1973 |
8.11.1973 |
0 |
0 |
7992 |
73/298/EEC: Commission Decision of 3 October 1973 supplementing the Commission Decision of 3 April 1968 authorizing certain management measures to be taken within the framework of the common organization of agricultural markets
31973D0298 |
5.10.1973 |
5.10.1973 |
0 |
0 |
7993 |
Regulation (EEC) No 2039/73 of the Commission of 27 July 1973 amending Regulation (EEC) Nos 565/68 and 2261/69 in respect of the non-fixing of additional amounts for slaughtered ducks imported from Poland and Romania
31973R2039 |
28.7.1973 |
31.7.1973 |
0 |
0 |
7994 |
Council Directive of 24 July 1973 extending the time limits for implementation of the Directive of 17 April 1972 on the reform of agricultural structures
31973L0210 |
28.7.1973 |
28.7.1973 |
0 |
0 |
7995 |
73/188/EWG: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 4. Juni 1973 zur Entbindung des Vereinigten Königreichs Großbritannien und Nordirland von der Verpflichtung, die Richtlinie des Rates vom 29. September 1970 über den Verkehr mit Gemüsesaatgut hinsichtlich einiger Arten anzuwenden (Nur der englische Text ist verbindlich)
31973D0188 |
16.7.1973 |
16.7.1973 |
0 |
0 |
7996 |
Regulation (EEC) No 1834/73 of the Commission of 6 July 1973 concerning the denaturing premium certificates for sugar issued under Regulation (EEC) No 1574/72
31973R1834 |
7.7.1973 |
7.7.1973 |
0 |
0 |
7997 |
73/122/EWG: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 7. Mai 1973 zur Entbindung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und des Großherzogtums Luxemburg von der Verpflichtung, die Richtlinie des Rates vom 29. September 1970 über den Verkehr mit Gemüsesaatgut hinsichtlich einiger Arten anzuwenden (Nur der deutsche und französische Text sind verbindlich)
31973D0122 |
2.6.1973 |
2.6.1973 |
0 |
0 |
7998 |
73/123/CEE: Décision de la Commission, du 7 mai 1973, modifiant la décision du 16 octobre 1970 dispensant la République française d'appliquer à certaines espèces la directive du Conseil du 30 juin 1969, concernant la commercialisation des semences de plantes oléagineuses et à fibres (Le texte en langue française est le seul faisant foi.)
31973D0123 |
2.6.1973 |
2.6.1973 |
0 |
0 |
7999 |
Richtlinie 73/131/EWG des Rates vom 15. Mai 1973 zu der Ausrichtungsprämie nach Artikel 10 der Richtlinie vom 17. April 1972 über die Modernisierung der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe
31973L0131 |
9.6.1973 |
18.5.1973 |
0 |
0 |
8000 |
73/53/EWG: Entscheidung der Kommission vom 26. Februar 1973 über von den Mitgliedstaaten anzuwendende Schutzmaßnahmen gegen die vesikuläre Schweinekrankheit
31973D0053 |
30.3.1973 |
30.3.1973 |
0 |
0 |